[SOLVED] 代写 R html database statistic Introduction

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Part A:
Marks [15 marks] [50 marks]
FIT5141 – Assignment 3 – Semester 2 2019 Due Date Sunday 11:55pm Sunday 27th Oct Data Analysis and Decision Support
This assignment is due by 11:55pm Sunday 27th Oct. It is worth 50% of the marks for your final assessment in this unit. A penalty of 10% (of the 20 Marks) per day, including each day of a weekend, will apply for late submission.
This is an individual assignment and must be entirely your own work. Please note the section on plagiarism, cheating and collusion in this document.
This assignment builds on the work done in assignments 1 and 2. Specifically, you will develop and implement a quantitative analysis that will aim to answer the business question that you have formulated.
It will have two parts: A: the implementation, and B: the report.
Part A: The implementation will be in MongoDB, R, and Tableau.
Marks: [35 marks]
Part B: Additionally, a report must be written about the implementation and results of analyses.
In this part, you need to implement an analysis of the dataset you selected to answer your business question. The implementation of the analysis needs to have the following components:
• Data stored in MongoDB
• Data analysis done in R
• Optimisation and/or forecasting in R or in an Excel spreadsheet
• Results of analysis must include ALL of the following:
o TablesproducedbyR
o ChartsproducedbyR,and o ChartsproducedbyTableau
§ In order to produce charts using Tableau you will need export any of the data to be plotted into a “.csv” file and then opened with Tableau
• The results must be comprehensive enough that are report can be produced according to the outline of the report for part B below.
• The overriding requirement of any business data analysis is whether it is sufficiently complete to be used as the basis for decision-making. Hence:
o You must answer the question in a way that leads to decisions that could be implemented in practice by the business or organization that may have requested the analysis.
Assignment 3 FIT5141 Semester 2, 2019 1

Part B:
o The answer does not have to be correct (we are not testing you on that.), but has to relate logically to a subsequent decision made by someone based on the analysis. This should be written up in the report in part B below.
This report will describe to the reader what the analysis was, why it was done, and what decisions its results could lead to. The report should be structured along the lines below that set out the minimum required sections (section names can be modified as the student deems appropriate but must be logical and relevant) with each section including coverage as itemized below.
Minimal Report outline:
• Introduction
• Description of the Dataset
o Dealingwithdataformatissues(e.g.texttonumericalordateissues)
o Dealingwithmissingdataandadditionorremovaloffields.
• The analysis and why it was done (the business question)
This must include:
o Analysisoverview o Summarystatistics
• Methodology
This section should describe why and how the analysis was performed including:
o Therationalforselectingtheparticularcalculationsperformed, o Thejustificationsforthedatasub-settingchoices,
o Thejustificationsforthetypeofstatisticsreported
o Anexplanationoftheforecastingoroptimisationperformed
o Thejustificationsforthetypesofchartsproduced
• Conclusion
A summary of how the results of the analysis answer the question. Should include:
o Discussionofhowtheanalysissupportedtheanswertothequestion
o Questionsthatcouldn’tbeansweredandwhatcouldbedoneinfuturetoanswerthem
o The possible decisions that could be made by the organization as a consequence of the
answers received.
• [Optional] Appendix: Technical specifics and other data that does not fit naturally in the main
The assignment will be marked on:
• Completeness and seamlessness of implementation
• Relevance of analysis to proposed business question
• Appropriateness of analysis to answering the question.
• Innovativeness of analysis and implementation
• Sophistication of analysis (a complete analysis would involve effective data analytics and
statistics, forecasting and optimisation)
• Completeness of report
• Overall quality of report
Students will be interviewed for 15-20 minutes to confirm the work is their own and during which they will be required to demonstrate:
• How the analysis worked (from connecting to database to generating tables and charts)
• How the Tableau charts were generated
• Answer questions about the R code used to demonstrate it was their own code.
Assignment 3 FIT5141 Semester 2, 2019 2

Additional Guidelines
The report part of the assignment should be up to 1500 words
Recommended font for the report body is Times New Roman, 12 point, single line spacing.
Please consult the lecturer if you have any enquiries about any of the aforesaid points or requirements.
Submission Requirements
This assignment is due to be submitted by 11:55pm 21st October 2018.
PLEASE NOTE: submission of the report component of the assignment assignment requires only a single submission to Moodle through a Turnitin link.
Turnitin is a plagiarism detection system that is very effective in discovering and proving plagiarism and collusion. Submission can be made through the following.
Your submission to Turnitin is your report in an MSWord file or PDF file that must be named with your student id number followed by _A1. For example, if your student id number is 12345678, then the file you submit should be named 12345678_A1.doc .
Cover Sheet: You must include a cover sheet with you name, student ID as a minimum. Marks will be deducted for any non-compliance with any these submission requirements.
Plagiarism, cheating and collusion
Students should consult University materials on this matter at:
The following excerpt is from the aforementioned url:
Plagiarism and cheating are regarded as very serious offences. In cases where cheating has been confirmed, students have been severely penalised, from losing all marks for an assignment, to facing disciplinary action at the Faculty level. While we would wish that all our students adhere to sound ethical conduct and honesty, I will ask you to acquaint yourself with the University Plagiarism policy and procedure (http://www.policy.monash.edu/policy-bank/academic/education/conduct/plagiarism- procedures.html) which applies to students detected plagiarising
It is your responsibility to make yourself familiar with the contents of these documents.
Assignment 3 FIT5141 Semester 2, 2019 3


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[SOLVED] 代写 R html database statistic Introduction
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