[SOLVED] 代写 R graph statistic Go University of Toronto Mississauga

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University of Toronto Mississauga
STA302 – Fall 2019 Assignment # 2
Due Date: Thursday, October 24th 2019, during lecture.
Last Name / Surname (please print): First Name (please print):
Student Number:
Instructor: Al Nosedal TA: Julian Branganza
• Answer each of the questions.
• Please, attach a printed version of your code and plots to your assignment. Failure to provide a printed copy of R code and graphs may result in receiving no marks.
• Recall that missed assignments earn a mark of zero; no exceptions.
Medical certificates and/or other valid documentation are not accepted.
• Late submissions will not be accepted. A hard copy of the assignment should be handed during lecture on the due date – email submissions are not accepted.
Mark Earned
STA302 – Fall 2019: Assignment # 2 Page 1 of 3

Problem 1. (0 marks; ZERO MARKS) Please do the following:
a) Get assignment 2, part 1.
Step 0. Create folder sta302.
Step 1. Go to Quercus and download file STA302H5-C.swc
Step 2. Save STA302H5-C.swc and place it in the folder you created previously (sta302).
b) Install swirl and our course.
Step 0. Launch R
Step 1. Install swirl. Just type:
Step 2. Set sta302 as your working directory.
Step 3. Load library swirl. Just type:
library(“swirl”) Step 4. Type:
Step 5. Double-click on STA302H5-C.swc file.
c) Cover assignment 2, part 1. Step 1. Type:
swirl( )
Step 2. Choose our course (that is, STA302H5-C) Step 3. Choose a lesson (Assignment 2, in this case)
STA302 – Fall 2019: Assignment # 2
Page 2 of 3

Problem 2. (10 marks) The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an organization comprised of thirty six countries. To belong, a country must support the principles of representative democracy and a free market economy. How have these countries grown in the decade from 1988 to 1998-2000?
The GDP per capita for 24 of the OECD members (both in year 2000 dollars) is available at
oecd_gdp_url = “https://mcs.utm.utoronto.ca/~nosedal/data/oecd-gdp.txt” Consider the model
E(y) = β0 + β1×1,
where y = 1998-2000 GDP/Capita and x1 = 1988 GDP/Capita.
Use R to answer each of the following questions. You have to show all your work to get full credit. Answers, even if correct, with no justifications will not receive any marks.
a) Using R, fit the model E(y) = β0 + β1×1. Is x1 a statistically useful predictor of y? Test using α = 0.05.
Don’t forget to provide a printed version of your code and/or plots.
b) Using R, comment on the assumption of constant error variance. Does it appear to be satisfied?
Don’t forget to provide a printed version of your code and/or plots.
c) Are there any influential points in the data? If so, identify them (using R). Don’t forget to provide a printed version of your code and/or plots.
d) Using R, construct a Normal probability plot of the residuals corresponding to model E(y) = β0 + β1×1. Does the assumption of Normal errors appear to be reasonably satis- fied? Explain. Use: 2 d) your last name as the main title for your plot(s). (In my case it would be: 2 d) Nosedal).
Don’t forget to provide a printed version of your code and/or plots.
STA302 – Fall 2019: Assignment # 2 Page 3 of 3


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[SOLVED] 代写 R graph statistic Go University of Toronto Mississauga
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