Overview and Rationale
Course Outcomes
ALY6000: Introduction to Analytics Student Assignment Audits Data Analysis
Being able to ask appropriate questions of data is an important part of the work of data analytics. It is also critical to be able to interpret the results of the analysis. This assignment is intended to familiarize you with the Audits data set and to get you thinking about key business questions you can answer from this data.
This assignment is directly linked to the following learning outcomes from the course syllabus:
Visualize data in a compelling way to enable data driven storytelling.
Conduct basic analytic tasks programmatically using the R language*
R is not required for this assignment, but you may choose to use it if you feel confident in your
R skills
There are two Excel sheets with data one concerning Good Working Practice audits (GWP_Audits_Data) and one concerning Computerized System Quality Assurance audits (CSQA_Audits_Data). Please see the accompanying Data Dictionary to understand the fields and values.
Assignment Summary
You may use any software to perform the analyses specified below. Collaboration is encouraged, but you must not submit identical assignments.
The assignment has three parts. In the Appendix of this assignment, you are provided an example of how the questions in Part I should be answered.
Please review the Vertex Data Dictionary document as you review the Excel datasheets.
Part I
In order to understand the data we first need to run some descriptives on the data set. For both the GxP Audits and the CSQA Audits sheets, we want to look at the following variables:
Audit Status
GxP Area
Audit Type
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Audit Method
Proposed Quarter
Start by providing the following for each variable:
1. A table that provides the frequency and percent of each value
2. A graphic representation of the count of each value
3. A graphic representation of the percent of each value
4. What business question do your descriptive analyses answer? Provide a brief
discussion of the findings. If there are any unusual values, discuss them. Are these values out of range? If so, the data cleaning is not complete. Delete the out of range values and run the analysis again. If this is the case for any of the variables, present both the analysis with the out of range values and the analysis with the deleted out of range value.
Please first present your findings for the 2017 GxP Audits data and then the findings for the 2017 CSQA Audits data.
Note: Appendix 1 is only an example and you must complete your own analysis. Part II
For each worksheet, compute the number of days lapsed between:
1. Date of Intake and Date Q Sent. Name that variable Days_Intake_QSent
2. Date Q Sent and Date Q Received. Name that variable Days_QSent_QReceived.
Based on the name of the variables, what do you think that variable means? Does it
apply to all audits? Why?
3. Date On Site Scheduled and Audit Start Date. Name that variable
Days_OnSiteScheduled_AuditStartDate. Does this variable apply to all audits? Why? 4. Audit Start Date and Audit End Date. Name that variable
5. Audit End Date and Date Final Report Due. Name that variable
6. Date Final Report Due and Date of Completion. Name that variable
Then, compute the mean and median for each of the 6 variables you have computed.
Would you recommend merging the sheets 2017 GxP Audits and 2017 CSQA Audits? Why or why not?
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Part III
Exceeds Standards
Meets Standards
Approaching Standards
Below Standards
an innovative and compelling way that tells a story.
visualizes data in a useful way that tells a story.
but visualizations may not be creative, or may have errors.
actuate, but not visually appealing and hinder the story being told.
Data Analysis
based on the data and highlights each mean and median value.
based on the data, including the mean and median values
are correct or does not include mean and median values
values and does not include mean and median values
recommendations supported by coherent and valid reasoning.
recommendations supported by logical reasons
recommendations, but reasoning is obscure or not valid
make sense given the reasons provided or recommendations are not supported by reasons.
Writing and Format
conventions of grammar and spelling and appropriate conventions of style and format that engages the reader
normal conventions of grammar and spelling and has been carefully proofread. Appropriate conventions of style and format are used consistently.
and grammar, and/or other writing conventions. Some transitions are choppy but not difficult to follow.
grammar, and/or other writing conventions that distract the reader. Transitions are choppy and difficult to follow. Limited connection to the topic.
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Accurately visualizes data in Accurately and creatively Visualizes data in a useful way Data visualizations are Correctly calculates all values Correctly calculates all values Calculates values, but not all Does not calculate all required Makes compelling Makes appropriate Makes good Recommendations do not
Assignment follows normal Assignment work follows Minimal errors in spelling, Frequent errors in spelling,
Business Question:
Descriptives Table
Assignment Part I Section a Example
What is the distribution of the status of the 2017 GxP Audits?
Audit Status Frequency
Valid Percent
In Progress
Not In Scope
Audit Status Count
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Audit Status Percentages
The data file includes information on 96 audits in 2017 for GxP areas. It is unclear if the data file includes all the known GxP audits in 2017 or if it only includes a subset.
A large percentage of all GxP Audits (27.1%) are not in scope.
19.8% of audits are closed and 4.2% of audits are completed. It is unclear what the difference between closed and completed audits is. We should perhaps ask the client. Do we really need two distinct values?
18.8% of the audits are in progress, 11.5% are scheduled and 14.6% are pending. For the pending audits, the dates of the audit process have not been established.
4.2% of the audits were canceled. It may be interesting to have a notes field where the reasons for cancelation are noted.
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