[SOLVED] 代写 R game graph statistic 1. Background

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1. Background
The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) is a national survey uniquely dedicated to learning how people find, use, and understand health information (http://hints.cancer.gov/Default.aspx). An information sheet about the study is available on the Blackboard site (HINTS_Fact_Sheet.pdf). We will use the data for some simple statistical analysis.
You will be using the HINTS 4 (Cycle 2) data to answer the assignment questions. This data set and accompanying codebook were updated in 2017. A random sample of size 1500 was taken in order to simplify data handling. The data are available on Blackboard in R binary .Rdata format (A3_2019sem2_hints4_cycle2_sample1500.RData). You will need to download and save the data file onto your computer and then LOAD it into Rcmdr (Data => Load dataset…)
The codebook for these data is available on the Blackboard site in the file
HINTS_4_Cycle_2_Codebook_09062017.pdf. Do NOT print the codebook.
Note that data have not been recoded nor changed in any way but simply read into R by first reading in the SPSS format data saved as a text (.csv) file. This will mean the R automatically made some variables factors if there was only a small number of values. The variable names match those in the codebook. You may find it easier to remove variables that you don’t need to make data handing and using the analysis menus more manageable.
Finally, you may see reference to analysis using sample weights. While this is common in complex surveys, statistical analyses should not be weighted for this assignment.
Assignment 3 Questions The answers to questions 1-3 must include
• what data you used (inclusion / exclusion)
• and selection of appropriate statistical measures and why,
• an appropriate presentation of the data in a graph and / or table,

• statements about assumption testing, and
• an appropriate conclusion based on a statistical test, with
justification in text.
Report the p-value to 2 or 3 decimal places (p=0.02, p<0.001, p=0.008 for example) and other values to 1 or 2 decimal places or whole numbers if appropriate. There will be penalties for going over specified word and page limits.Analysis questions using HINTS dataThese analyses require using several variables from the HINTS4 Cycle 2 data set and assessing some relationships between these variables. In particular, you will be testing the relationships between BMI and variables measuring screen time and income ranges, both as continuous variables or as categorical variables. Since the variables of interest are provided as either continuous or categorical then the other variable type will need to be constructed.Variable names are in brackets and their details may be found in the codebook.1. Consider body mass index BMI (BMI) as a continuous variable. Use hours of watching television or playing computer games (AverageDailyTVGames) in hours per day as a continuous variable to predict BMI. Comment on the similarity or otherwise of the relationship between men and women. Gender is (GenderC)2. We Consider BMI (BMI) as a continuous variable. Is BMI related to annual income (IncomeRanges_IMP) when income is considered to be 4categories (“$0 to $34,999”, “$35,000 to $99,999”, “$100,000 to $199,999” and “$200,000 and above”)? Comment on the similarity or otherwise of the relationship between men and women. 3. For both men and women, underweight is BMI < 18.5; healthy weight is BMI >=
18.5 to <25; overweight is BMI > = 25 to <30; obese is BMI > = 30. Construct a
categorical variable with these categories from the continuous variable BMI
(BMI). Analyse the relationship between the BMI categorical variable and Income
variable with four categories used in Question 2. Interpret your findings.
Maximum 5 pages to answer Questions 1-3.


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[SOLVED] 代写 R game graph statistic 1. Background
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