[SOLVED] 代写 python COMP1730/COMP6730 Programming for Scientists

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COMP1730/COMP6730 Programming for Scientists

* Homework 3 is due next Monday (26th Aug, 11:55pm).
* Week 6&7 conflict questionnaire is due this Friday (23rd Aug). But do not fill out if you have no conflict.
* Lab this week will be large, working time outside 2 hours lab is required.
* Drop-in consultation: every Monday, 4pm, room 1.17 Hanna Neumann blg.

Lecture outline
* Character encoding & strings
* Indexing, slicing & sequence operations * Iteration over sequences

Characters & strings

* Strings – values of type str in python – are used to store and process text.
* A string is a sequence of characters. – str is a sequence type.
* String literals can be written with
– single quotes, as in ‘hello there’
– double quotes, as in “hello there”
– triple quotes, as in ”’hello there”’

* Beware of copy–pasting code from slides (and other PDF files or web pages).

* Quoting characters other than those enclosing a string can be used inside it:
>>> “it’s true!”
>>> ‘”To be,” said he, …’
* Quoting characters of the same kind can be used inside a string if escaped by backslash ():
>>> ‘it’s true’
>>> “it’s a ”quote””
* Escapes are used also for some non-printing characters:
>>> print(“t1mt38s

Character encoding
* Idea: Every character has a number.
* Baudot code
* 5-bit code, but also sequential (“letter” and “figure” mode).

Unicode, encoding and font
* Unicode defines numbers (“code points”) for >120,000 characters (in a space for >1 million).
Encoding (UTF-8)
Byte(s) Code point
0100 0101 1110 0010 1000 0010
1010 1100

* python 3 uses the unicode character representation for all strings.
* Functions ord and chr map between the character and integer representation:
>>> ord(‘A’)
>>> chr(65 + 4)
>>> chr(32)
>>> chr(8364)
>>> chr(20986)+chr(21475)
>>> ord(‘3’)
* See unicode.org/charts/.

More about sequences

Indexing & length (reminder)
Image from Punch & Enbody
* In python, all sequences are indexed from 0.
* …or from end, starting with -1.
* The index must be an integer.
* The length of a sequence is the number of elements, not the index of the last element.

* len(sequence) returns sequence length.
* Sequence elements are accessed by placing the index in square brackets, [].
>>> s = “Hello World”
>>> s[1]
>>> s[-1]
>>> len(s)
>>> s[11]
IndexError:string index out of range

* Slicing returns a subsequence:
– start is the index of the first element in the
– end is the index of the first element after the
end of the subsequence.
* Slicing works on all built-in sequence types
(list, str, tuple) and returns the same type.
* If start or end are left out, they default to the beginning and end (i.e., after the last element).

* The slice range is “half-open”: start index is included, end index is one after last included element.
>>> s = “Hello World”
>>> s[6:10]
Image from Punch & Enbody

* The end index defaults to the end of the sequence.
>>> s = “Hello World”
>>> s[6:]
Image from Punch & Enbody

* The start index defaults to the beginning of the sequence.
>>> s = “Hello World”
>>> s[:5]
Image from Punch & Enbody

>>> s = “Hello World”
>>> s[9:1]

>>> s[-100:5]
* An empty slice (index range) returns an empty sequence
* Slice indices can go past the start/end of the sequence without raising an error.

Operations on sequences
* Reminder: value types determine the meaning of operators applied to them.
* Concatenation: seq + seq >>> “comp” + “1730”
* Repetition: seq * int >>>”Oi! “*3
* Membership: value in seq
– Note: str in str tests for substring.
* Equality: seq == seq, seq != seq.
* Comparison (same type): seq < seq, seq <= seq, seq > seq, seq >= seq.

Sequence comparisons
* Two sequences are equal if they have the same length and equal elements in every position.
* seq1 < seq2 if- seq1[i] < seq2[i] for some index i andthe elements in each position before i areequal; or- seq1 is a prefix of seq2.* Note: Comparison of NumPy arrays is element-wise and returns an array of bool.String comparisons* Each character corresponds to an integer. – ord(‘ ‘) == 32- ord(‘A’) == 65,…,ord(‘Z’) == 90 – ord(‘a’) == 97,…,ord(‘z’) == 122* Character comparisons are based on this. >>> “the ANU” < “The anu” >>> “the ANU” < “the anu” >>> “nontrivial” < “non trivial”Iteration over sequencesThe for .. in .. statement for name in expression :suite1. Evaluate the expression, to obtain an iterable collection.- If value is not iterable: TypeError. 2. For each element E in the collection:2.1 assign name the value E; 2.2 execute the loop suite.for char in “The quick brown fox”:print(char, “is”, ord(char))vs.s = “The quick brown fox” i=0while i < len(s):char = s[i]print(char, “is”, ord(char)) i=i+1Iteration over sequences* Sequences are an instance of the general concept of an iterable data type.- An iterable type is defined by supporting the iter() function.- python also has data types that are iterable but not indexable (for example, sets and files).* The for .. in .. statement works on any iterable data type.- On sequences, the for loop iterates through the elements in order.String methodsMethods* Methods are only functions with a slightly different call syntax:”Hello World”.find(“o”)instead ofstr.find(“Hello World”, “o”)* python’s built-in types, like str, have many useful methods.- help(str)- docs.python.orgProgramming problem* Find a longest repeated substring in a word: – ‘backpack’ → ‘ack’- ‘singing’ → ‘ing’- ‘independent’ → ‘nde’- ‘philosophically’ → ‘phi’- ‘monotone’ → ‘on’- ‘wherever’ → ‘er’- ‘repeated’ → ‘e’- ‘programming’ → ‘r’ (or ‘g’, ‘m’) – ‘problem’ → ”


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[SOLVED] 代写 python COMP1730/COMP6730 Programming for Scientists
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