# Project 3. MIPS Pipelined Simulator
Skeleton developed by CMU,
modified for KAIST CS311 purpose by THKIM, BKKIM and SHJEON.
## Instructions
There are three files you may modify: `util.h`, `run.h`, and `run.c`.
### 1. util.h
We have setup the basic CPU_State that is sufficient to implement the project.
However, you may decide to add more variables, and modify/remove any misleading variables.
### 2. run.h
You may add any additional functions that will be called by your implementation of `process_instruction()`.
In fact, we encourage you to split your implementation of `process_instruction()` into many other helping functions.
You may decide to have functions for each stages of the pipeline.
Function(s) to handle flushes (adding bubbles into the pipeline), etc.
### 3. run.c
**Implement** the following function:
void process_instruction()
The `process_instruction()` function is used by the `cycle()` function to simulate a `cycle` of the pipelined simulator.
Each `cycle()` the pipeline will advance to the next instruction (if there are no stalls/hazards, etc.).
Your internal register, memory, and pipeline register state should be updated according to the instruction
that is being executed at each stage.
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