Animal Farm
For this lab, we are going to make a few parts of the database for a social media website for animals. You will create a the first of these data modules, the module to handle animal listings.
Seperating concerns into different modules:
Database connection in one module
Collections defined in another
Data manipulation in another
Practicing the usage ofasync / awaitfor asynchronous code
Continuing our exercises of linking these modules together as needed
Packages you will use:
You will use themongodb(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.package to hook into MongoDB
Youmayuse thelecture 4 code(Links to an external site.)Links to an external a guide.
You must save all dependencies you use to your package.json file
How to handle bad data
async function divideAsync(numerator, denominator) {
if (typeof numerator !== number) throw new Error(Numerator needs to be a number);
if (typeof denominator !== number) throw new Error(Denominator needs to be a number);
if (denominator === 0) throw new Error(Cannot divide by 0!);
return numerator / denominator; }
async function main() {
const six = await divideAsync(12, 2);
try {
const getAnError = await divideAsync(foo, 2);
} catch(e) {
console.log(Got an error!);
Would log:
6 Numerator needs to be a number
Folder Structure
You will use the following folder structure for the data module.You will need other files to handle the connection to the database as well.
./ ../data ../data/animals.js ../index.js
Database Structure
You will use a database with the following structure:
The database will be calledFirstName_LastName_lab4
The collection you use will be calledanimals
The schema for animals is as followed:
{ _id: ,
name: ,
animalType: }
The_idfield will be automatically generated by MongoDB, so you do not need to provide it.
An example of this, for Mortimer the Giraffe:
{ _id: 507f1f77bcf86cd799439011,
name: Mortimer,
animalType: Giraffe }
And for Howl the Worm:
{ _id: 5324fbb60f664dc38e540408cfb0d64a,
name: Howl,
animalType: Worm }
And for Blub Blub the Otter:
{ _id: 5324fbb60f664dc38e540408cfb0d64a,
name: Blub Blub,
animalType: Otter }
And finally, Jerry the Giraffe.
{ _id: 5b0b614d46a8445083b965b88005e4cc,
name: Jerry,
animalType: Giraffe }
In animals.js, you will create and export five methods:
Remember, you must export methods named precisely as specified. The async keyword denotes that this is an async method.
async create(name, animalType);
This async function will resolve to the newly created animal object, withallof the properties listed above. For example:
const animals = require(./animals);
async function main() {
const mortimer = await animals.create(Mortimer, Giraffe);
Would output:
{ _id: 507f1f77bcf86cd799439011,
name: Mortimer,
animalType: Giraffe }
This animal will be stored in theanimalscollection.
If the animal cannot be created, the method should throw.
async getAll();
This function will resolve to an array of all animals in the collection.
const animals = require(./animals);
async function main() {
const allMyAnimals = await animals.getAll();
console.log(allMyAnimals); }
Would log all the animals in the database.
async get(id);
When given an id, this function will resolve to an animal from the database.
If no id is provided, the method should throw.
If the no animal exists with that id, the method should throw.
For example, you would use this method as:
const animals = require(./animals);
async function main() {
const blubBlub = await animals.get(5324fbb60f664dc38e540408cfb0d64a);
const noMatch = await animals.get(BADID);
console.log(noMatch) }
Would log Blub Blub the Otter, and then would error out.
async remove(id)
This function will remove the animal from the database.
If no id is provided, the method should throw.
If the animal cannot be removed (does not exist), the method should throw.
If you are able to successfuly delete the animal, then this method will return the following structure:
deleted: true,
data: {
_id: 5324fbb60f664dc38e540408cfb0d64a,
name: Blub Blub,
animalType: Otter
This method would be used as followed:
const animals = require(./animals);
async function main() {
const removeBlubBlub = await animals.remove(5324fbb60f664dc38e540408cfb0d64a);
Would log the data of Blub Blub before Blub Blub goes Bye-Bye:
deleted: true,
data: { _
id: 5324fbb60f664dc38e540408cfb0d64a,
name: Blub Blub,
animalType: Otter
async rename(id, newName)
This function will update the name of an animal currently in the database.
If no id is provided, the method should throw.
If the animal cannot be updated (does not exist), the method should throw.
If the update succeeds, resolve to the animal as it is after it is updated.
const animals = require(./animals);
async function main() {
const bubba = await animals. rename(5324fbb60f664dc38e540408cfb0d64a, Bubba);
Would log our newly named Otter, Bubba:
_id: 5324fbb60f664dc38e540408cfb0d64a,
name: Bubba,
animalType: Otter
For your index.js file, you will:
Create an animal namedSashawith the type ofDog
Log the newly created animal
Create an animal namedLucy, with the type ofDog
Query all animals, and log them all
Create an animal namedDuke, with a type ofWalrus
Log the newly created Duke
Rename Sasha toSashita
Log the newly namedSashita
Query all animals, and log them all
General Requirements
Youmust not submityour node_modules folder
Youmust rememberto save your dependencies to your package.json folder
You must do basic error checking in each function
Check for arguments existing and of proper type.
Throw if anything is out of bounds (ie, trying to perform an incalculable math operation or accessing data that does not exist)
If a function should return a promise, you should mark the method as anasyncfunction and return the value. Any promises you use inside of that, you shouldawaitto get their result values. If the promise should throw, then you should throw inside of that promise in order to return a rejected promise automatically. Thrown exceptions will bubble up from any awaited call that throws as well, unless they are caught in the async method.
Youmust rememberto update your package.json file to setindex.jsas your starting script!
Youmustsubmit a zip file named in the following
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