[SOLVED] 代写 Java scala socket compiler network security Project 1 – BitBox Something like BitTorrent and DropBox

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Project 1 – BitBox Something like BitTorrent and DropBox

The basic components are the File System Manager that monitors a given directory in the file system on a local machine, for changes to files, etc., and a BitBox Peer that can “relay” these changes to another BitBox Peer on a remote machine.

Unstructured P2P Network
We would like to allow the BitBox Peers to form an unstructured P2P network. By unstructured we mean that the connection pattern has no relevance to the functionality, and is somewhat arbitrary depending on how and when peers come and go.

File System Events
The File System Manager monitors a given directory, called the share directory, recursively, for all changes to directory structure and files. It generates File System Events as it detects changes:
The BitBox Peer is an observer of these events. More documentation about the events can be found in the provided FileSystemManager.java file.

File System API
The File System Manager provides an API for the BitBox Peer to safely interact with files and directories inside the share directory:
• cancelFileLoader(String), createFileLoader(String, String) • checkShortcut(String), checkWriteComplete(String)
• deleteDirectory(String), deleteFile(String, long)
• dirNameExists(String), fileNameExists(String)
• fileNameExists(String, String), generateSyncEvents()
• isSafePathName(String), readFile(String, long, long)
• makeDirectory(String), modifyFileLoader(String, String, long) • writeFile(String, ByteBuffer, long)
The API is fully documented in the FileSystemManager.java file.

All communication will be via persistent TCP connections between the peers.
All messages will be in JSON format, one JSON message per line, i.e. the JSON object is followed by a new line character.
The text encoding for messages will be UTF-8: e.g.
File contents will be transmitted inside JSON using Base64 encoding. Interactions will in the most part be asynchronous request/reply between peers.
new BufferedWriter(new
OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), “UTF8”));

Peer Protocol Messages

High Level Protocol

Detailed Protocol Example

An INVALID_PROTOCOL message is sent to a peer when:
• The peer has sent a message which should not be sent, e.g. a HANDSHAKE_REQUEST after handshaking has already been completed.
• A message does not contain required fields of the required type.
After sending an INVALID_PROTOCOL message to a peer, the connection should be closed immediately.
E.g. if a message is received that does not contain a command field as a string:
{ }
NOTE: your peer should not crash/break due to incorrect messages being received on a connection. You must implement full checking of all messages and attempt to be as robust as possible.
“command”: “INVALID_PROTOCOL”,
“message”: “message must contain a command field as string”

If a peer receives a new connection from another peer but has already reached its maximum number of incoming connections, maximumIncommingConnections, then it responds with a CONNECTION_REFUSED message and closes the connection. The
peers field lists its existing connections. {
“message”: “connection limit reached”
“peers”: [
“host” : “sunrise.cis.unimelb.edu.au”,
“port” : 8111
“host” : “bigdata.cis.unimelb.edu.au”,
“port” : 8500
The peer that tried to connect should do a breadth first search of peers in the peers list, attempt to make a connection to one of them.

A HANDSHAKE_REQUEST message is the first message that a peer will send to another peer upon connecting. It will either receive a CONNECTION_REFUSED or a HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE, in the later case it can proceed to enter the asynchronous part of the peer protocol. The hostPort field gives the address of the peer that is connecting.
“hostPort” : {
“host” : “sunrise.cis.unimelb.edu.au”,
“port” : 8111

A HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE is sent in response to a HANDSHAKE_REQUEST and signals that the peer is ready to go to the asynchronous part of the protocol. The
hostPort field is in this case the name of the peer that was connected to, i.e. the one responding.
The handshake response is the only response that does not contain a status and message field.
“hostPort” : {
“host” : “bigdata.cis.unimelb.edu.au”,
“port” : 8500

A FILE_CREATE_REQUEST is sent to every connected peer when the File System Manager generates a FILE_CREATE event. The fileDescriptor and pathName fields should be as given in the FILE_CREATE event.
“fileDescriptor” : {
“md5” : “074195d72c47315efae797b69393e5e5”,
“lastModified” : 1553417607000,
“fileSize” : 45787
“pathName” : “test.jpg”
The receiving peers should call the File System Manager to determine if the file can be created or not. If possible the File System Manager will get ready to receive the file contents, which needs to be requested from the sending peer in blocks of blockSize.

The FILE_CREATE_RESPONSE is sent in response to a FILE_CREATE_REQUEST. It has all of the same parameters plus, as for all response messages, a message and status field. The status field is true if the request was successful and false otherwise. The
message is mostly for debugging purposes. {
“fileDescriptor” : {
“md5” : “074195d72c47315efae797b69393e5e5”,
“lastModified” : 1553417607000,
“fileSize” : 45787
“pathName” : “test.jpg”,
“message” : “file loader ready”,
“status” : true
Other response messages, when failing, can include e.g. “unsafe pathname given”, “there was a problem creating the file”, and “pathname already exists”.

The peer that received a FILE_CREATE_REQUEST, having called the File System Manager and successfully established a file loader will need to request the bytes of the file from the sender, using a FILE_BYTES_REQUEST message. Up to at most blockSize bytes (using field length in the request message) at a time will be requested, meaning for larger files there will be several request messages.
“command”: “FILE_BYTES_REQUEST”,
“fileDescriptor” : {
“md5” : “b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184”,
“lastModified” : 1553417607000,
“fileSize” : 6
“pathName” : “hello.txt”,
“position” : 0,
“length” : 6
A peer that receives this message needs to call the File System Manager to read the requested bytes and package them into a response message.

The FILE_BYTES_RESPONSE contains, among other things, the bytes encoded in Base64 format, in the content field. These bytes need to be written to the file on the receiving peer.
“fileDescriptor” : {
“md5” : “b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184”,
“lastModified” : 1553417607000,
“fileSize” : 6
“pathName” : “hello.txt”,
“position” : 0,
“length” : 6,
“content” : “aGVsbG8K”
“message” : “successful read”,
“status” : true
Other response messages, when failing, can include e.g. “unsuccessful read”.

A FILE_DELETE_REQUEST is sent to every peer when the File System Manager
generates a FILE_DELETE event. {
“fileDescriptor” : {
“md5” : “074195d72c47315efae797b69393e5e5”,
“lastModified” : 1553417607000,
“fileSize” : 45787
“pathName” : “test.jpg”
The receiving servers should call the File System Manager to determine if the file can be deleted or not.

In this example of a FILE_DELETE_RESPONSE, the peer is responding to say that it
could not delete the file because it did not exist.
“fileDescriptor” : {
“md5” : “074195d72c47315efae797b69393e5e5”,
“lastModified” : 1553417607000,
“fileSize” : 45787
“pathName” : “test.jpg”,
“message” : “pathname does not exist”,
“status” : false
Other response messages, when failing, e.g. can include “unsafe pathname given” and “there was a problem deleting the file”. Successful message can be “file deleted”.

The FILE_MODIFY_REQUEST is used to modify an existing file and will be sent to all peers when the File System Manager emits a FILE_MODIFY event. Transmitting the modification involves the same mechanism as transmitting the contents for a created file.
“fileDescriptor” : {
“md5” : “d35eab5dd9cb8b0d467c7e742c9b8c4c”,
“lastModified” : 1553417617000,
“fileSize” : 46787
“pathName” : “test.jpg”

The FILE_MODIFY_RESPONSE merely indicates that the file modification request was successful. Subsequent messages to obtain file bytes, exactly the same as file creation, may or may not be needed.
“fileDescriptor” : {
“md5” : “074195d72c47315efae797b69393e5e5”,
“lastModified” : 1553417607000,
“fileSize” : 45787
“pathName” : “test.jpg”,
“message” : “file loader ready”,
“status” : true
Other response messages, when failing, e.g. can include “unsafe pathname given”, “file already exists with matching content” (i.e. matching to what the modification would have produced), “there was a problem modifying the file”, “pathname does not exist”.

A simple request to create a directory. The File System Manager will always emit events in an order that does not break causality in terms of creation/deletion events of directories and files. So in this example, the directory dir/subdir will already exist.
{ }
“pathName” : “dir/subdir/etc”

If the directory already exists, still the response status would be false to indicate that it could not be created, otherwise it would be true.
Other response messages include “directory created” when successful and “unsafe pathname given”, “there was a problem creating the directory” and “pathname already exists” when failing.
“pathName” : “dir/subdir/etc”,
“message” : “pathname already exists”,
“status” : false

A simple request to delete a directory. In this case the directory being deleted is etc“1 which is inside dir/subdir“`.
{ }
“pathName” : “dir/subdir/etc”

Other response messages include “unsafe pathname given”, “there was a problem deleting the directory” and “pathname does not exist” when failing.
“pathName” : “dir/subdir/etc”,
“message” : “directory deleted”,
“status” : true

Other requirements
• Periodic Synchronization
◦ Every syncInterval seconds, the BitBox Peer should call generateSyncEvents()
to do a general synchronization with all neighboring peers.
• Asynchronous protocol
◦ Events should not be blocked by other events, e.g. a large file transfer should not prevent other events from being processed until the end of the transfer.

Running the BitBox Peer
The BitBox Peer must be run according to the following:
java -cp bitbox.jar unimelb.bitbox.Peer
All of the required libraries must be included (packaged) into the
must read its configuration from a file called
working directory which follows Java’s simple properties file format:
. The peer in the current
advertisedName = localhost
path = test
port = 8111
peers = localhost:8112,localhost:8113
maximumIncommingConnections = 10
blockSize = 1048576
syncInterval = 60
path is the directory for the File System Monitor to share, port is the port number that the peer will bind to, advertisedName is the name that the peer will send when handshaking, is a list of other peers the peer will attempt to connect to when starting up, is the maximum number of incoming connections that the peer will allow (after which it refuses), is the largest number of bytes that will be requested in a file bytes request, and is the number of seconds between calling generateSyncEvents().

Technical aspects
• NOTE: be extremely careful when developing on your laptop/computer that contains important data. Incorrect or buggy implementations, or slips of the keyboard when testing, can lead to data loss, including the loss of your development effort. This wont be accepted as a reason for extension to the deadline.
• Requires Java 1.8.
• Your program must compile using the maven compiler, to produce a bitbox.jar in the target directory.
• Make sure to use a JSON parser/formatter to generate correct JSON messages. A
Document class has been provided for you to use, that can be very convenient.
• Use the Base64 Java library for encoding/decoding file content.
• Everyone should implement the same protocol, which means that BitBox peers from different groups should interoperate fine.

Your Report
• Use 10pt font, double column, 1 inch margin all around.
• On the first page, clearly show your group’s name and the names of all members in the group. Clearly show the login names with university emails as well. The members of the group MUST match the information entered into LMS.
• The report is aimed at addressing a number of questions discussed next. Have one section for in the report for each.
• Figures in the report, including examples of messages and protocol interaction, and any pseudo-code (that you may or may not use), are not counted as part of the word length guidelines.

Write roughly 125 words to briefly describe in your own words:
• what the project was about
• what were the technical challenges that you faced building the system • what outcomes did you achieve

Fault detection/tolerance/recovery
Consider the system’s ability, or lack thereof, to recover from faults, such as IO exceptions, both locally at a peer and globally as a distributed file system. In roughly 375 words:
• identify sources of faults that can have the greatest impact on the system, i.e. to disrupt it from working as intended
• describe how the system attempts to detect/tolerate/recover from these faults, if at all
• suggest revisions to the protocol that may overcome these problems

There are a number of aspects of the system that present a scalability challenge. In roughly 375 words:
• identify aspects of the system that present problems for scalability ◦ be specific with why it is not scalable
• suggest revisions to the protocol that may overcome these problems

The system is designed to allow peer connections, essentially from untrusted third parties. This poses significant security problems since it is unclear whether those third party peers will operate as expected.
In roughly 375 words describe:
• discuss the security issues surrounding the reading and writing of files/directories to a file system in this kind of P2P system,
• how does the current system, including considering the File System Manager implementation and the protocol specification, address these security problems?
• what more could be done to address any outstanding security problems in this regard

Other Distributed System
Choose a third distributed system challenge that relates to the system and write roughly 375 words explaining how it relates, how the system currently addresses the challenge (if it does at all), and how you might change the system to improve it with respect to the challenge.

You need to submit the following via LMS:
• Your report in PDF format only.
• Your bitbox.jar
• Your source files in a .ZIP or .TAR archive only, that can be compiled using maven.
Submissions will be due at the end of Week 8 (does not count the Easter holiday non- teaching period) via a group submission and more details will be posted on LMS nearer to the deadline.


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[SOLVED] 代写 Java scala socket compiler network security Project 1 – BitBox Something like BitTorrent and DropBox
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