[SOLVED] 代写 Java javascript python Purpose

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Analytic scope


Design reflection



For this assignment you are to create your first visualizations dealing with the data you have chosen. These can be STATIC: while you will probably add interactions later, for this assignment you just need to design and implement the visual representations. 这次的作业就只是为你的数据做出你的可视化,不是必须是可以交互的,可以是静态的然后后期加入交互设计。
You must develop at least FOUR visualizations that coherently express data questions that you have around your data set. More are welcomed, of course.  For each visualization, you must define how it fits your analytic questions and justify the design.
Specify the questions you have about your data at both top level and specific scales. (把你对数据列出的问题同时在top level 和非常详细的程度上) A high-level question may be: “What factors are most important in making a camera popular?”(一个high level的问题可以是 哪一些重要的因素使得相机变得更受欢迎) “what kinds of cameras appeal to what kinds of people and why”? (什么样的人喜欢什么样的相机,为什么)These questions define your analytic lens on your data.(这些问题阐述了你对数据的分析层面)   You will be developing a series of visualizations that address specific aspects of these questions. (你需要发展一系列的可视化来解释这些具体的问题)For example, “What is the relation between price and popularity for different types of users?” “What kinds of cameras do different kinds of users buy?”(比如,价格和不同的消费者之间的关系,不同的消费者会买什么样的相机)
Finally, identify the audience for the visualization (who and why)(最后,分析出可视化的目标群众,是谁和为什么)
Your project will require several visualizations. This is the first visualization design and implementation. This will represent only a part of the visualizations you build in total for your final project, but it should be your first cut at a useful data tool.(你的这个作业需要数多个可视化设计和植入,这只是你要做的第一个部分的可视化和植入,这个只能代表你最后final作业的一部分,但是这个应该是你的第一个切入点) You must: (你必须)
•show multiple dimensions (显示多个维度)
•use the appropriate visual features mapped to the right dimensions in the right hierarchy (把适当的视觉特征用在正确的维度上并且有一个正确的架构)
•use the appropriate visualization type for the questions (对不同的问题要用合适并且正确的可视化类型)
•be structured to answer at least one of the research questions you have for your project.(要有构架,而且要回答至少一个你的project的调研问题)

For each visualization you create:(每一个创造的可视化信息)
•identify the data dimensions you are using (标明数据的维度)
•define your visual feature – data mapping (解释你的视觉特征)
•Visualization idiom chosen and why (可视化的选择和原因)
•: explain how the visualization addresses a particular question or questions and justify the particular design decisions (解释你的可视化的设计是如何解释一个问题的)
Note that if you have tried visualizations that are less effective, you may keep them in your notebook and reflect on why they don’t work. While these are not part of your “Counted” visualizations, the reflection will be useful as you go through the iterative design process,and we will see your process.
You will write this in your Observable notebooks.  You are also welcome to write this in external code such as Python or Javascript if you prefer but we must be able to run it, so the requirement is on you to provide either a link to the executable with a report or a zip file.
You may use libraries from another source, but YOU MUST ATTRIBUTE YOUR SOURCES. I expect you to write your own code for much of this, but part of modern development is the intelligent discovery and re-use of existing resources. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO DESCRIBE WHAT THOSE RESOURCES ARE DOING, however.

While this is a paired assignment, there is no need to combine your notebooks. Decide who does what in your assignment, select the same dataset, and then hand in both notebooks, as you will be able to combine them into your project later. For example, if person 1 does 2 visualizations and person 2 does 1 more complex visualization, hand in both notebooks.  We can review them both. MAKE SURE WE KNOW WHO YOUR PARTNER IS.


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[SOLVED] 代写 Java javascript python Purpose
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