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COMP1730/COMP6730 Programming for Scientists
Exceptions and exception handling

* Mid-sem exam total marks are on Wattle. For question please wait for detailed marks.
* Project assignment: Group sign-up until 10th Oct (hard), due by 21st Oct, 11:55pm (hard).
* Labs will be running this week.
* Labs next week: Get help with project assignment and/or previous labs (no new content).
* Feedback survey (by student representatives): https://anu.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/ form/SV_0TVVLsW2l6nJrg1

Lecture outline
* The exception mechanism in python
* Causing exceptions (assert and raise) * Handling exceptions

Reminder: Kinds of errors
* Syntax errors: it’s not python!
* Runtime errors – code is syntactically valid, but you’re asking the python interpreter to do something impossible.
– E.g., apply operation to values of wrong type, call a function that is not defined, etc.
– Causes an exception.
* Semantic/logic errors: code runs without error, but does the wrong thing (for example, returns the wrong answer).

* Exceptions are a control mechanism for handling runtime errors:
– An exception is raised when the error occurs.
– The exception moves up the call chain until it
is caught by a handler.
– If no handler catches the exception, it moves
all the way up to the python interpreter, which prints an error message (and quits, if in script mode).
* python allows the programmer to both raise and catch exceptions.

Exception names
* Exceptions have names:
– TypeError, ValueError
(incorrect type or value for operation)
– NameError, UnboundLocalError,
(variable or function name not defined)
– IndexError (invalid sequence index)
– KeyError (key not in dictionary)
– ZeroDivisionError
– …and others.

* https://docs.python.org/3/library/ exceptions.html#concrete-exceptions for full list of exceptions in python standard library.
* Modules can define new exceptions.

Raising exceptions

* assert condition, “fail message” – Evaluate condition (to type bool)
– If the value is not True, raise an
AssertionError with the (optional) message.
* Assertions are used to check the programmer’s assumptions (including correct use of functions).
* Function’s docstring states assumptions; assertions can check them.

The raise statement
* raise ExceptionName(…)
– Raises the named exception.
– Exception arguments (required or optional)
depend on exception type.
* Can be used to raise any type of runtime error.
* Typically used with programmer-defined exception types.

Reminder: Defensive programming
* Runtime errors are preferrable to semantic errors, because it is immediately clear when and where they occur.
* ⇒ it is better to “fail fast” (raise an exception) than to return a non-sense result.
* Don’t assert more than what is necessary. – For example, don’t restrict types:
def fun(seq):
assert type(seq) == list

is unnecessary if the function works for any sequence type.

Catching exceptions

Exception handling
except ExceptionName:
error-handling suite
* Execute suite.
* If no exception arises, skip error-handling
suite and continue as normal.
* If the named exception arises from executing
suite immediately execute error-
handling suite, then continue as normal. * If any other error occurs, fail as normal.

* An un-caught exeception in a function causes an immediate end to the execution of the function suite; the exception passes to the function’s caller, arising from the function call.
* The exception stops at the first matching except clause encountered in the call chain.

* f(2, -2), f(“ab”, “cd”), f(“ab”, 2): which error handler executes?
def f(x, y):
return g(x, x + y)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0
except TypeError:
return 1
def g(x, y):
return x / y
except TypeError:
return None

When to catch exceptions?
* Never catch an exception unless there is a sensible way to handle it.
* If a function does not raise an exception, it’s return value (or side effect) should be correct.
– Therefore, if you can’t compute a correct value, raise an exception!

Bad practice (delayed error)
def average(seq):
return sum(seq) / len(seq)
except ZeroDivisionError:
print(“empty sequence!”)
avg1 = average(a seq) avg2 = average(b seq) …
if avg1 < avg2:…* Repeat asking for input until valid:number = Nonewhile number is None:try:ans = input(“Enter PIN:”)number = int(ans)except ValueError:print(“That’s not a number!”)number = None* Test if an operation is defined: try:n = len(seq)except TypeError:n = 0 # type doesn’t have length* A way to check if a value is “a sequence”, “iterable”, etc. (recall these are abstract concepts, not actual python types).* Few cases where this is useful.try:suiteexcept ExceptionName: error-handling suitefinally:clean-up suite* After suite finishes (whether it causes an exception or not), execute clean-up suite.* If an except clause is triggered, the error handler is executed before clean-up suite.* If the exception passes to the caller, clean-up suite is still executed before leaving the function.* Ensure file is closed even if an exception occurs:def read file(fname): fo = open(fname)try:for line in fo:# process linefinally:fo.close() # close file Summary* Consider:- What runtime errors can occur in your code? – Which should be caught, and how should theybe handled?- What assumptions should be checked?* Use assert or raise to check violated assumptions.* Never catch an exception unless there is a sensible way to handle it.


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[SOLVED] 代写 html python COMP1730/COMP6730 Programming for Scientists
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