[SOLVED] 代写 html matlab Download pre-compiled executable binary file: xbeach.exe

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Download pre-compiled executable binary file: xbeach.exe
(1) Navigate to the page of “Download” https://oss.deltares.nl/web/xbeach/download;
(2) In the second part of “Download pre-compiled executable’, click the “Source code”, and you will navigate to https://oss.deltares.nl/web/xbeach/source-code-and-exe.
(3) In the part of “Daily builds”, select the corresponding version of the executable binary file, you can choose “XBeach rev. 5588 win32 (trunk version)” for 32-bit windows or “XBeach rev. 5588 x64 (trunk version)” for 64-bit windows. Click “XBeach rev. 5588 x64 (trunk version)” and save the corresponding zip file “xbeach_5588_x64_trunk.zip”.
In the compacted zip file, there is a binary file “xbeach.exe” which will be used for computations.

Download Matlab Toolbox
The XBeach Matlab Toolbox can help to set-up a XBeach model, generating parameter and grid files. And it is also helpful to check and visualize the results.
The Matlab Toolbox is available through the OpenEarthTools repository or can be downloaded as stand-alone toolbox which is much more convenient though some its functionality is limited.

(1) Click the “Tools” in “Download”, and you will go to
(2) In the part of “Matlab Toolbox”, select the “Documents”, click it and save the file “xbeach_release_10May2013.zip”. The stand-alone toolbox is integrated in the file.

How to use the Matlab Toolbox
Note that the Matlab Toolbox is used to just set-up a XBeach model, not to run the model.

Refer to the Documents of XBeach for more information:
Click “Tools”—-“XBeach Matlab Toolbox (tutorial)” to know how to use the Matlab Toolbox to set-up a XBeach model and to view the results.

To generate parameter file and grid files using Matlab Toolbox:
(1) You need to install MATLAB;
(2) Unzip the downloaded toolbox “xbeach_release_10May2013.zip” to the folder “xbeach_release_10May2013”;
(3) Start your MATLAB and change the path of your MATLAB to the directory of “xbeach_release_10May2013”. In the left window, you can find the “addpathfast.m” and other files.
(4) You need to include all the subdirectories to your path, otherwise you cannot run the following functions.
(5) Type “addpathfast(pwd)” in the command window of MATLAB;
(6) Then you can generate XBeach model as shown in the tutorial.
First, type “xbi = xb_generate_model;” in the command window of MATLAB;
When done, type “xb_write_input(‘params.txt’, xbi);”
(7) Now, in the present directory “xbeach_release_10May2013”, five files “params.txt”, “bed.dep”, “x.grd”, “y.grd”, and “jonswap.txt” are generated for computation.
In the above process, the XBeach model’s parameter and grid are generated using the default setting in the MATLAB function xb_generate_model. If you want to change the set-up parameters of the model, you can change the m file in “xbeach_release_10May2013” – “applications” – “xbeach” – “xb_modelsetup” – “xb_generate_model.m” as demonstrated in the “Arguments of xb_generate_model” part of the tutorial “XBeach Matlab Toolbox (tutorial)”.

Now, you can run the XBeach model with the binary xbeach.exe and the generated parameter file and grid files. You can also run the model with Matlab Toolbox.
It should be noted that the Matlab commands to run the model given in the tutorial did not work in my test.
•If you run “xbr = xb_run(xbi);”, the folder named after the instant you start the computation is generated, such as “xb_20191005064429”, and a binary file xbeach.exe is copied into the subdirectory “bin”. However, the XBeach model has not been run.
•If you run “xbr = xb_run(xbi, ‘binary’, ‘xbeach.exe’, ‘name’, ‘MyFirstXBeachModel’);’, the folder named as ‘MyFirstXBeachModel’ is generated while the files in the folder are all the same with those in the folder generated by the above command. And the binary file xbeach.exe in the folder “bin” could not work as well.
Hence, I suggest to run the model with Matlab Toolbox in the following steps.
(8) Run “xbr = xb_run(xbi,’binary’,’xbeach.exe’,’name’,’XBeachModel1′);” in Matlab and a folder named “XBeachModel1’ is generated in the current directory “xbeach_release_10May2013”.
However, in the subdirectory “bin” there is no binary file generated.
(9) Copy the binary file xbeach.exe in the downloaded zip file “xbeach_5588_x64_trunk” to the present generated folder “XBeachModel1”, as shown

(10) Double click the binary file “xbeach.exe” and the computation starts.
(11) When the computation is done, type “xb_view(‘XBeachModel2/’);” and you can now view the results by Matlab Toolbox.
You can also analyze results following the tutorial.

How to use the files for example in tutorial
In the tutorial for XBeach https://xbeach.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html, click the “Examples, tutorials and exercises”.
Run the case “Longcrested Refraction”.

Click the link after the “model data” and you can navigate to
https://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/xbeach/skillbed/input/longcrested_refraction/, shown as

You can use Tortoise to download file from the server, referring to https://tortoisesvn.net/ to figure out how to download the files using Tortoise.
Tortoise could also be used to download Delft3D. Refer to the illustration of downloading Delft3D source code using Tortoise on:


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[SOLVED] 代写 html matlab Download pre-compiled executable binary file: xbeach.exe
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