[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javascript database Advanced Web Programming

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Advanced Web Programming
Assignment 1 Version 1.0

To give students the experience of undertaking and completing a project, applying the skills learned throughout the first half of the semester, including the technical skills of analysis, design, and implementation. To be able to: Work independently in developing a project, plan, manage and coordinate development activities, make realistic work commitments, present the work done effectively to a deadline.
Please note that failure to follow the guidelines and/or sloppy, unprofessional writing and/or code will count against your grade. So be sure to read and follow the guidelines carefully. The longer you wait, the greater the crisis you are likely to create for yourself.
An accounting firm requires to notify their clients about the due dates to file their HST return and the cooperate tax. The due date of the return is determined by the client’s reporting period that can be monthly, quarterly and annually. Penalties and interest will be added to all the returns if the client fails to file on time.
The accounting firm hires you to build an application to keep track of their clients with the option to inform their clients about their filing periods. The company would like to be able to set a schedule for each of their clients and send an automatic notification, either email or SMS before the filing due date.
The application you are building must have the following management modules:
• Clients manager – this module will be used to manage client’s information and facilities
o Adding a new client
o Modifying the client’s information o Archivingaclient
• Notification manager – this module provides functionalities to
o Add new notification (email, SMS, Push Notifications,…) o Modify notification (enable /disable/ change name)
• Client’s Notification Manager – managing the type and frequency of sending client’s notifications.
o Create a notification for a client o Manageclient’snotifications
o Archive the client’s notifications.
o You don’t send email or SMS in this project
For this application you are required to use PHP and store the information in the flat file[s] (no database). Clients characteristics (minim fields) to store:
• * Company name
• * Business number
• * Contact’s first name
• * Contact’s last name
• * Phone number
• * Cell number (to use for SMS notification)
• Website
COMP1223 Web Development Fundamentals PAGE 2 OF 4

• Status – Archive / Active
Notifications characteristics (minim fields) to store 20 %
Clients events characteristics (minim fields) to store 30%
• * Name (to identify the notification)
• * Type – example SMS, email
• Status – Enabled Disabled
• * Client (client id)
• * Notification (notification id)
• * Start date/time
• * Frequency – example every 30 days/ every 120 days / every 365 days – the client should add any integer as the number of days.
• Status – Archive / Active
– Changing the client’s status to the archive should change the status of all the events belongs to the select client to archive and vice versa.
– Data validation must be completed using PHP (No JavaScript validation allowed –Might not be practical but trust me you will learn more this way)
– Users must be able to preform the following operations for each module.
o View / edit / change status and search
– Any status change must be confirmed before proceeding with the action. “Are you sure? message”
– All mandatory fields * must have value to update any record.
Starter code
The function below generates a unique id for one record. The unique id allows you to easily identify a record to modify or delete or create a relationship between records in different files.

Your assignment will be marked according to how well it meets the following criteria:
o Originality, being able to explain your code o Overall design
▪ User-friendly
▪ Accessibility o Codeindentation
o Codedocumentationcomment o Reusability(useoffunctions)
Due date _October 29, 11:59 PM Total mark: 100 %
Valid HTML 5 and CSS 2 Layout and Design 3 Accessibility – easy to use 3 Error-free 15 Code documentation – comment 3 Indentation – Code Readability 2 Variable and function name (descriptive names) 3 No broken link, image or page not found … 2 Data separation and relation (use of multiple files) 12 Modular code – reusability – functions.php 10 Perform CRUD – Client model (create, retrieve, update and status update) 15 Perform CRUD – Notification model (create, retrieve, update and status update) 15 Perform CRUD – Client and Notification model (create, retrieve, update and status update) 15 Total
1. All your files must be uploaded to GBLearn account under following directory: public_html/comp1230/assignments/assignment1/
2. Login to https://my.gblearn.com and submit your functions.php file which must contain all the functions used in your assignment the due date
Date Date: October 29, 2019 @ 11:59 PM
Add authorization and authentication to the application (Using text file) to get a 5% bonus mark. If you have implemented the bounce part for your assignment, please hardcode the username/password to the form fields using the value attribute.


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[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javascript database Advanced Web Programming
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