[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javaFx math Overview

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CS3035 Assignment 4: Selecting Objects and Organizing More Complex MVC Apps
Due: Friday, November 22, 11:55pm
In this assignment, further your experience with the Model-View-Controller pattern and build an understanding of the inner workings of common user interactions. You will extend the provided the SquareDrawerWithDragSelections example discussed in class** to create some basic and robust user interactions.
**Note: The example provided in class has been changed slightly to improve the dragging behaviour (the cursor no longer becomes out of line with a dragged object) and some other tweaks to how objects are placed to facilitate the rest of the project.
This assignment will consist of 4 distinct smaller parts that can be worked on individually. The other parts do not necessarily rely on one another, although completing Part 1 first will make it much easier for you to work on the other parts. You will submit only one JAR file for this assignment, and you will be graded on the parts of the assignment that you complete.
Part 1: Add a Toolbar
First, start by adding a simple toolbar. The toolbar should provide two sets of buttons that contain only icons (a zip file of icons is provided on D2L). Your ToolBar should provide two sets of buttons. The first set are ToggleButtons (representing shapes) that can be drawn in the application. ToggleButtons only allow one option to be selected at a time (when associated with a common ToggleGroup). The leftmost ToggleButton should be depressed.
The two sets of buttons are separated by a Separator object. The second set of buttons are for ‘Cut’ and ‘Paste’ operation. These are Button objects, so they do not have a “toggled” state.
Add ToolTips to each of your buttons, so that after a brief hovering over a button with the mouse, a label for the button appears. See second image, showing “Paste”.
For this part, no actions need to be taken when clicking the buttons. The actions associated with the buttons will be in Parts 2 and 3. You should use JavaFX code to create the ToolBar and buttons and not FXML.
Thinks carefully about where your code should be placed for creating the ToolBar. Provide some justification for your approach in the README file, and label it “JUSTIFICATION FOR TOOLBAR CODE PLACEMENT”.
Resources for Part 1
 ToolBar Tutorial: http://tutorials.jenkov.com/javafx/toolbar.html
 ToggleButton Tutorial: https://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/ui_controls/toggle-button.htm
 Button Tutorial: http://tutorials.jenkov.com/javafx/button.html
 Tooltip Tutorial: https://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/ui_controls/tooltip.htm#BABBIJBJ

Part 2: Draw Different Shapes
You should finish Part 1 before completing part 2, to make it easy to select a shape to be drawn. You will extend the application and make it work with shapes of different types. A user will be able to select the button at the top of the app (Square, Circle or Button) and create the correct item. Creating items will work by simply depressing the desired shape button and clicking on an empty part of the canvas (which is the same way squares are created in the provided example). Shapes should respond precisely to clicks, e.g., a click must fall directly within the shape to count as a click on the shape.
Likely the easiest approach to making this happen is to generalize the provided example code, so that it works with the super class to the provided Square class code, which is Shape. You can then provide methods similar to the addSquare method in the Model class, for adding shapes of other kinds. In all cases the center of the shape should appear at the point of the cursor. An equilateral triangle can be drawn using the Polygon class.
Additionally, all shapes should be the same size; i.e., square side length = circle diameter = triangle height.
In the provided example, the controller often checks to see if an event target is an instance of the Rectangle class. But, you may want to check to see if an event comes from any type of shape. You can use the following line to test whether a target object class inherits from Shape: Shape.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getTarget().getClass())
Resources for Part 2
 Calculator for determining the side length of an equilateral triangle for a given height (select “equilateral” for the “Special Triangle?” drop-down): https://www.omnicalculator.com/math/triangle-height
 Shape API: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/shape/Shape.html
 Polygon API: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/shape/Polygon.html
 Circle API: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/shape/Circle.html

Part 3: Simple Cutting and Pasting
In Part 3, you will implement simple cutting and pasting, by attaching actions to the “Cut” and ”Paste” buttons created in Part 1.
Drawn objects should be able to be selected in the same way as was provided in the starting example code. When the cut button is clicked, selected items are cut from the scene. Any operations can then continue with the interface. If the Paste button is clicked the “cut” items are returned to their original place, and are the active selection. If additional objects are cut while there are already other objects cut, then the previously cut objects are discarded (similar to how normal cut-and-paste works). The Paste button only works once. That is if items are pasted once, clicking Paste again, won’t paste additional copies of the objects to the scene.
For this simplified pasting. You will not need to make “copies” of objects, you will just need to need to keep references to objects in several places.
Part 4
In Part 4, you will extend the rubber band rectangle selection technique so that drag selections can be done in any direction. In the current example, the Rectangle selection region is drawn from top-left to bottom right only. You will add code so that the region can resize when the mouse is dragged in any direction.
This assignment is to be completed individually; each student will hand in an assignment.
What/Where to Hand In
• One jar file, containing all completed parts of your assignment. Ensure that you have exported your source files in your JAR
(recall that you can unzip and view the files in your jar file). See assignment 0 for instructions on how to create a JAR file.
• A readme.txt including your name and student number, and any notes that can assist the grader in evaluating your assignment. • Hand in your three files (two jar files, one for each part, and one readme.txt) to the D2L.
Marks will be given for producing a system that meets the requirements above, and compiles and runs without errors. Note that no late assignments will be allowed, and no extensions will be given without medical reasons or pre-agreed arrangements.
Three objects are selected in the interface.
The “cut” button is pressed, removing the three objects, and storing them on the “clipboard”.
Other work is done with the objects in the interface.
Later the “paste” button is pressed, returning the cut objects to their original position.


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[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javaFx math Overview
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