[SOLVED] 代写 graph software MARIE 1.

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2. 3.
You will take on the role of a customer segmentation expert for a travel company. Your task is to identify a specific segment of customers who could be targeted with a marking strategy. You will use the ‘synthetic’ population produced through microsimulation during practical sessions 1 and 2 to identify the target customers. The type of holiday destination and choice of customer sub-group(s) to target is up to you. Note that your job is to identify the sub-population(s) to be targeted, explain your methods and clearly present your results. There is no need to discuss how you would reach the customers you identify. You are expected to incorporate at least some appropriate academic literature in to your report.
An indicative structure for your report is below.
1. Introduction: Identify and justify the scope of your study — the destinations, holiday type and customer groups of focus and why they are of interest.
2. Data and methods: Describe the data on which your study is based, the variables you have selected and any derived variables you have created. Be sure to justify these decisions with reference to your study’s scope.
3. Results and analysis: A combination of charts, maps and tables – judiciously designed to address the area of focus outlined in the introduction.
4. Conclusions: Synthesise over the findings to identify the customers to which a marketing campaign could be targeted. Be sure to do so with reference to the evidence presented in your data analysis (section 3).
The report has a word limit of 1,000 words and you are expected to incorporate four figures. Figures can be graphs, maps, diagrams or other suitable illustrations. These figures must be clear and discussed in the text. See section 5 for more information about word limit.
This assignment contributes 50 % to the final mark of this module
a) Individual work
This is an individual assignment. Whilst it is natural to consult with your neighbour in the classroom and/or to help each other with unfamiliar software/laboratory/field work, it is not permitted to share research, ideas, data or text in preparation of any aspect of this report/essay. If we suspect that this has occurred it will be treated as academic malpractice* and will be investigated according to university protocols. See: https://www.luu.org.uk/helpandadvice/academic/cheatingandplagiarism/
for LUU information and advice on ‘Plagiarism, Fraudulent or Fabricated Coursework and Malpractice’).
School of Geography
University of Leeds
GEOG5927M: Predictive Analytics
Assessment #1 The assessment
2019/20 Level 5/ 15 Credits Roger Beecham

*Malpractice includes collusion, i.e. working together with others to submit work which is not entirely your own (except where this is permitted for the specific assignment concerned).
4. Submission of assignment
The deadline for submission of this assignment is 2 pm on Thursday 16th January 2020.
5. Word limit
The word limit for this assignment is 1,000. Please note that there is no leeway for word length.
6. Marking criteria
The assignment will be marked using the generic School of Geography marking criteria.
7. Feedback
Feedback on your coursework will be returned to you 15 working days after the submission date. In cases where this is not possible we will inform you.
8. Further details
Please refer to the module handbook for full details, including referencing, submission, late penalties, and word count policy.
In the Handbook you will find that EVERYTHING except the title and, where appropriate, an opening contents page, reference list or bibliography, and any appendices is included in the word count.
It is School policy that a penalty for exceeding the word limit will be applied and you are required to provide an accurate word count on the front cover of your assignment. Word counts will be checked randomly on electronic copies of submitted work, and misrepresentation of word length by a student is treated as a form of academic malpractice.
The published maximum word count for any piece of work is absolute; any excess beyond this limit, however small, will be penalised and the penalties will be applied as per the handbook.
Tables are useful in quantitative domains for providing: lists and definitions of variables; concise evidence summaries; statements of methodological / data processing steps; empirical outputs of
models, etc. The content of tables used in this manner can be excluded from the count of words for this specific assignment. However, tables not be used for descriptive or interpretive text or contain developed prose. If tables are used in this manner, then the words must be included in the count for the overall work. If in any doubt please consult the relevant member of staff.


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[SOLVED] 代写 graph software MARIE 1.
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