[SOLVED] 代写 graph Social Simulation using

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Social Simulation using
– A multi-agent simulator –
About your task 春AB: 月曜1,2限@端末室

Your task on NetLogo
• Do simulation by NetLogo
• Write final report of your simulation
• Themeisfree
– social phenomena – natural phenomena
• YoucanuseNetLogosamplelibrary
– It’s no problem that you do your simulation by
modifying sample code.
– But your originality is necessary.
• Simulationmustrunmultipletimesandbe averaged by using different random numbers

Final Report Must Include • Title, ID, Advisor, Your name
1. Introduction
1. background, previous studies 2. purpose of your simulation
2. Method
3. Result
4. Summary
1. your findings
2. discussion & future task
• Acknowledgement • References
Main context
Final report

What is report/paper?
• 論文やレポートは散文やエッセイではない
• 次の3つの柱がある
– (1) 与えられた, または自分で立てた問いに対し,
– (2) 1つの明確な答えを主張し,
– (3) 主張を論理的に裏付ける.
• 論理的,とは事実的や理論的な根拠を提示して展開
• Report is not essay
「論文の教室レポートから卒論まで」 戸田山和久NHK出版(2012)

論理的な文章 – パラグラフ Paragraph Writing
• 論文はパラグラフに分けて書く
• パラグラフの積み上げによって,論理を展開する
• 1つのパラグラフに1つ,「言いたいこと」を入れ る = トピックセンテンス
• パラグラフに含まれるトピックセンテンス(TS)以外 は,(1) TSについてのより詳しい説明,(2) TSにつ いての簡単な根拠付け,(3) TSを別の言い方で 言い換えたもの,(4) 前後パラグラフとのつなが りを付けるもの = サブセンテンス

First paragraph
Second paragraph
Third paragraph

Final Task
• For your convenience, Template.doc (Template_en.doc) is in manaba
• You can use the template file / You can originally make file, too (TeX etc.)

Your plan might be … • UntillateMay–EarlyJune.
– Master the basics of NetLogo • UntilMid-June.
– Study existing models (via my lecture/Model library) and find your favorite theme.
– Start simulation. • Until Late June.
– Though the deadline is early July, I recommend you to finish your report as earlier as possible because exams start from late June …


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[SOLVED] 代写 graph Social Simulation using
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