[SOLVED] 代写 graph security Assignment 2 for INFS700 students

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Assignment 2 for INFS700 students
Complete a comprehensive JAD and COTS project analysis and Reflective Report. The report will include:
•A critical review of the JAD methodology: Compare it with two other specific requirements gathering methodologies that you have found and researched, including advantages and disadvantages of both, and your views on whether the other methodology may have worked better for this project.
•A critical look at the COTS model approach and the acquisition project plan used, with comparisons and contrasts against an alternative Cloud Computing solution. List what extra evaluation steps would be needed in your Acquisition Plan.
•Explain what Capability Maturity Model is, and comment on what CMM level you believe your group achieved, and why: what your group did to move up to a higher level, and/or why what prevented you moving to a higher level.

INFS700 Assignment 2
Reflective report & COTS project analysis.
Individual assignment
Complete a comprehensive Reflective Report and an analysis or your JAD and COTS acquisition project.
The report will have four sections as follows:
•A critical review of the JAD methodology: Compare it with two other requirements gathering methodologies that you have found and researched, including advantages and disadvantages of both JAD and the other alternative approaches, and your views on whether either or both of the other methodologies may have worked better for this project.
Do NOT compare JAD to SDLC or other development methodology. JAD is a requirements gathering methodology.
You should cite 3 – 5 references.
•Similarly you will take a look at the COTS acquisition model approach and the acquisition project plan used, and remove and/or add any steps that are relevant to the acquisition of an existing Cloud-based solution.  You should state the advantages/disadvantages for your client of a Cloud-based COTS solution.
For example Issues such as system availability and security should be examined.
Also, describe any difference for requirements gathering for a cloud solution. Is there is a formal model for that you can find?  If not can you think if any of the steps in the JAD approach or any of the other approaches that you described in 2) above that could be modified for a cloud solution.  How? And if not, why?
You should cite 3-5 references.
•Further you should refer to the Capability Maturity Model in the handouts book and comment on what CMM level that you believe your group achieved, and why. As part of this, explain what your group did to move up to higher levels, and/or why what prevented you moving to an even higher level.  If you believe your group could have achieved a higher-level then reflect on what actions could have been taken to achieve this higher level.
You should cite 1-2 references.
UI is defined in Wikipedia as ‘The user interface in the design field of human–computer interaction, is the space where interactions between humans and machines occur’.  IU has a technology-based focus. Whereas, UX is defined as the ‘process of designing [a digital] product that is useful, easy to use, and delightful to interact with. It is about enhancing the experience that people have while interacting, and making sure they find value in what you’re providing’. It is about the User Experience being easy and pleasurable.
Then there is Service Design, but that’s another course.
Describe a possible design, for UI and UX for your company’s system interface.
You should cite 3-5 references.
Number of words: 3500 (+/- 10%).  Accurate use of the APA 6 (or any other standard, relevant) referencing system is required. Reports are expected to be professionally presented according to Business report guidelines.
The report should be submitted via Turnitin (unless otherwise instructed). Please put your name as part of the document file name.
A minimum of 35% is required to pass this assessment.  The weighting towards the overall course mark is 35%.
Marking Schedule:
The JAD methodology has been critiqued, and compared and contrasted with two other requirements gathering methodology according to the stated criteria.
The JAD approach and the COTS model/Acquisition Plan has been modified for a Cloud Computing solution according to the stated criteria.
Comments are made on what CMM level the group achieved, and why, and, if relevant, what actions could have been taken to achieve a higher level.
A UI interface AND the UX specification have been described for your client company’s technology system.
APA6 (or accepted substitute) referencing is used correctly with the required number of references. The report is well formatted and presented. Include evidence that your assignment has been researched by including a separate bibliography of material you have looked at – this is apart from any material or references used cited.


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[SOLVED] 代写 graph security Assignment 2 for INFS700 students
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