[SOLVED] 代写 graph network Overview

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INFT 3035 Communication and Collaboration
Assignment 1: Business Case and Presentation (40%)
Presentation Due: Monday 9th October 2019 (20%) Business Proposal Due: Monday 9th October 2019 (20%) 2 Person Assignment
Submission: via Learnonline
The following assignment will require you to develop a business proposal and presentation for the IT director of UniSA on how to best use the usage data generated from the wireless network. All modern networks collect large amounts of data on usage but this data alone, does not provide business benefit. Your task in this assignment is to find a unique and novel way of using this data and then present your ideas through a written business proposal and presentation. You will need to spend some time researching ways which data from networks can be used to provide business benefits. You all know the University very well and should have a clear idea what their strategic goals are. If you’re not sure, use the University website to find and research this information; it’s all public knowledge. Once you have a good understanding of this, you should be able to look over the data and see what you can come up with.
An example of this would be if the data was from a shopping centre complex, you could track the movements of customers through their stores to determine the high traffic rate areas with the aim of charging higher rents in those areas. You would need to ensure you can get this information from the data. If not, you’d need to propose how the client could go about getting this.
Please read the case study carefully and ensure the business case is written to address this.
Case Study
The University of South Australia (UniSA) is a modern, flexible, vibrant and innovative University which aspires to international reach and impact. With over 33,000 students locally and internationally and an annual budget in excess of $A400M UniSA is the largest of the three Universities in South Australia. UniSA has four campuses in Adelaide (Mawson Lakes, City East, City West and Magill).
UniSA has an extensive wireless network which covers almost all areas on the 4 campuses. As part of this network, significantly large amount of data about usage is generated. On its own this data is usually not much use, however if combine with other data sources, unique and interesting things can be determined.
The sample data provided has been collected from students using the wireless network within the Jeffrey Smart building at City West during a 1-week period. The data has then been correlated with a number of other University systems / devices to provide additional information and context.

The data include 3 spreadsheets (zip file on the course website): Jeffrey Smart Bookable Room bookings
Within the Jeffrey Smart building, there are a number of rooms that are bookable by students, many of these also include A/V equipment (such as TV’s) for students to connect their devices to. Please note that students have been de-identified /scrambled within the sample provided. The table below shows what equipment each room has available:
Description / Characteristics
Syndicate Meeting Room – 10 people – touch screen
Small Project Room (registered clients only) – 3 people – Wall mounted screen
Adaptive Technology Suite (registered clients only) – 4 people – Disability Services available
Large Project Room -8 people – Wall mounted screen
Large Project Room – 8 people – Wall mounted screen
Syndicate Meeting Room – 10 people – touch screen
Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen
Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen
Large Project Room – 8 people – Wall mounted screen
Large Project Room – 8 people – Wall mounted screen
Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen
Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen
Medium Project Room – 8 people – Wall mounted screen
Large Project Room – 8 people – Wall mounted screen
Large Project Room – 8 people – Wall mounted screen
Syndicate Meeting Room – 10 people – touch screen
Practice Room (restricted bookings) – 6 people – Recording available
Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen
Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen
Medium Project Room – 6 people – Wall mounted screen
Large Project Room – 8 people – Wall mounted screen
Large project Room – 8 people – Wall mounted screen
Large Project Room – 8 people – Wall mounted screen
Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen
Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen
Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen

JS6-12E Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen
Small Project Room – 4 people – Wall mounted screen
Jeffrey Smart Application Usage from wireless devices
Utilising the data available from network devices (such as Firewalls), this data has been extracted to show what web applications or websites have been accessed on wireless devices throughout the Jeffrey Smart building. It also contains information like device type (where available, some are unknown) the program the student is studying, and the amount of data (in bytes) sent and received. Please note that students have been de-identified /scrambled within the sample provided.
Jeffrey Smart device movement
With the Jeffrey Smart building being a multi-floor building, there are a significant number of wireless access points placed throughout the building (106 at last count) to provide ample Wi-Fi coverage to the entire building. As students move throughout the building, their devices will move to another access point with better reception. This dataset provides detail on students that have connected to the Wi-Fi and then moved throughout the building. The data contains information like where the student was, where they are now (see the reference maps) and how long they were associated (duration). Also provided in this dataset is a short description of the area within the building the access point covers.
For reference, maps of the Jeffrey Smart building along with the placement of the wireless access points have also been included in the data provided.

This assignment has two major deliverables:
1. A written business proposal
In this business proposal you are to “sell” your idea to the chief technology officer and his colleagues. All members of the group have a technical background however are not experts in big data. At minimum this business proposal must include your idea, the benefit to the organisation, and a project timeline. Please look through the notes on the business proposal workshop for more information on what should be included. This needs to be a very concise document which gets to the point. The management of the IT team do not have time to read hundreds of pages, please keep this to at most 10 pages.
2. A presentation to the IT director and his team.
For the second deliverable you will make a presentation to the IT director and his team outlining your idea and why the company should hire you. This part of the assignment will be done as a group but each student MUST present for about half of the time. The presentation time will be 20 minutes per group with 5 minutes for questions. Please ensure you stick to the time limit; if you speak for 5 minutes you will not score very well.
As a student you are EXPECTED to attend the presentations in your practical class (both weeks). If you DO NOT your mark will be penalised. For external students, you are welcome to attend a practical session to present yours or we will arrange a time where you can deliver the presentation via Skype.
Please ensure your slides are submitted via Learnonline by the due date as they will be the ones used in your presentation. Although the presentations will be delivered over two weeks, to be fair to all students, there is one submission date for all slides. I will allocate the presentation schedule in the coming weeks.
Things you might want to consider in both deliverables could be:
 Demonstration on your design / ideas of how you would illustrate the big data samples provided.
 Highlight the important functions and use of your design
 Detail the types of technologies that you would use
 Summarise the effort required and a project plan that you would adopt if you were
to implement this design
In both deliverables you will be assessed on the following:
 Originality
 Functions within the design that would be useful to the University community
 Graphical interface design structure and aesthetics (e.g. 3D modelling would be
viewed favourably)
 Methods for data collections and transition into the required data representation

 Practicality
In addition, in your proposal you will also be assessed on the quality of your document including structure, content, spelling and grammar. In your presentation you will also be assessed slide quality, presentation skills, the length of the presentation, and the ability to answer questions.
Extension to Assessment Task Deadlines
There will be NO extensions to the assessment task deadline unless arranged prior. If you submit the assignment late for whatever reason, the late penalty described below will apply. If for some reason you need to take extended leave from this course, such as jury duty or Defence Force leave, please see the course coordinator BEFORE taking such leave otherwise no extensions will be granted.
Late Submissions
If you submit your assignment after the specified deadline without a pre-arranged extension, a penalty of 20% of the total mark per day (including Saturday and Sunday) will be incurred. For example if you are 2 days late and you are awarded 10/15 your actual mark will be 7/15.


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[SOLVED] 代写 graph network Overview
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