[SOLVED] 代写 game ruby CSC/ECE 517 (OO Design and Development)

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CSC/ECE 517 (OO Design and Development)
Program 1: Ruby
Due Date: 13th September 2019 (Friday) 11:59 PM
This assignment consists of three parts and gives you an introduction to programming in Ruby. Please find a code template here. You need to complete the declared methods and the Movie class. DO NOT change the method or class definition in any way. Write your code where it says “# ADD YOUR CODE HERE”. This file includes mock tests. You may run these tests and add more customized tests in order to check the correctness of your code. The only difference between mock tests and real tests we will run for grading is the number of test cases.Please note that the result of each method must be returned, not printed!
Learning Goals
The objective of this assignment is for you to …
•understand method signatures in Ruby;
•understand how to manipulate strings and arrays in Ruby;
•write simple code using the basic object-oriented mechanisms in Ruby.
Arrays, Hashes, and Enumerables
Check the official documentation on Array, Hash and Enumerable as they may be helpful in solving this exercise. Define the following methods:
•two_sum(a, k)takes an array of integers as an argument, and an integer k, and returns the maximum of sum of any 2 elements in the array such that their sum s < k. If no such elements exist satisfying this equation, return –1.Example:•two_sum([34,23,1,24,75,33,54,8], 60) returns 58•two_sum([10,20,30], 15) returns –1•sorted_squares(a) takes an array of integers sorted in non-decreasing order, and returns an array of the squares of each number, also sorted in non-decreasing order.Example:•sorted_squares([–4,–1,0,3,10]) returns [0,1,9,16,100]•sorted_squares([–7,–3,2,3,11]) returns [4,9,9,49,121]•unique_total(a) takes an array of integers as an argument, and then returns the sum of unique elements in the array. The sum of an empty array is defined to be zero. Example:•unique_total([1,2,2,3,4,4,6,1]) returns 9•unique_total([1,4,–4,6,1]) returns 6•unique_total([]) returns 0Strings and Regular ExpressionsCheck the official Ruby documentation on Strings and Regexps as they may be helpful in solving this exercise. Define the following methods:•unique_char(s) takes a string, finds the first non-repeating character in it, and returns its index. If it doesn’t exist, it returns –1.Example: •unique_char(“racecar”) returns 3•unique_char(“redder”) returns –1•reverse_words(str) takes an input string, and reverses the string word by word. Also for each word, if the word contains vowels, it removes the vowels and appends the vowels at the end of each word. The answer is returned as a lowercase String.•A word is defined as a sequence of non-space characters.•The input string may contain leading or trailing spaces. However, your reversed string should not contain leading or trailing spaces.•Multiple spaces between two words are reduced to a single space in the reversed string.Example :•reverse_words( “hello world!”) returns “wrld!o hlleo”•reverse_words(“ObjectOrientedDesign!!”)returns“dsgn!!ei rntdoiee bjctoe”Object-Oriented BasicsYou will be implementing aMovie class. Each Movie has two attributes – name and release_date. The attributes shouldn’t be publicly accessible; rather they should be read and modified through proper getters and setters.The constructor should accept the name (string) as the first argument, release_date (string, the date format “01-19-2019” or “07-31-1997” i.e. “mm-dd-yyyy”) as the second argument, and should raise ArgumentError (one of Ruby’s built-in exception types) if the name is nil, or the empty string or if release_date is nil or its format is incorrect. Include a method released_on that returns a string in the following format (Assume the date entered will lie between “01-01-1970” and “12-31-2020”):•If release_date is invalid (such as “01-41-2019” or “02-29-2019”) return “Invalid Date”.•If release_date is valid, and date is “01-15-2019”, (assuming name of the Movie is EndGame ) return a string in this format: “EndGame – January 15 2019”.Include a method is_released? that returns a string in the following format:•If release_date is invalid (such as “01-41-2019” or “02-29-2019”) return “Invalid Date”.•If release_date is valid, return the String “true” if the movie is already released; else return the String “false”.TestingYou should test all the methods of your code thoroughly. They should pass for all general scenarios as well as edge cases. The test cases you use shouldn’t be part of assignment submission.ScoringYou have to code 5 methods and 1 class. Each of the methods is worth 5 points and the class definition is worth 5 points as well. Your method needs to pass all of our test cases to receive full credit.SubmissionSubmit only the ruby_intro.rb file. You should rename the file to ruby_intro_Teamname_unityID1_unityID2.rb before submitting.Example : ruby_intro_Team121_zhu6_xma21You can see your team name in Expertiza by selecting “Your team” from the menu for the current assignment.


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[SOLVED] 代写 game ruby CSC/ECE 517 (OO Design and Development)
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