[SOLVED] 代写 game GUI Java javaFx UML graph statistic software COMP1721 Object-Oriented Programming Coursework 2

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COMP1721 Object-Oriented Programming Coursework 2
1 Introduction
This assignment assesses your ability to create classes that inherit from existing classes.
Your task is to implement a simulation of the card game Baccarat—specifically, the simpler ‘Punto Banco’ variant of the game. To assist you, we have provided four Java classes. Two of these classes, Card and CardCollection, will form the basis of your solution. The other two are examples that may be useful if you choose to tackle the ‘super-advanced’task.
Please note: an absolute requirement of this assignment is that you should not alter the definitions of Card and CardCollection in any way. The only change allowed is to add a package declaration at the top of each file if you want.
2 Preparation
The essential first step is obvious: learn the rules of the game! Consult the Wikipedia page on Baccarat, which has a very good summary. Note that you only need to read the sections headed ‘Punto banco’ and ‘Tableau of drawing rules’.
We strongly advise spending some time actually playing the game, with real decks of cards. It would be a good idea to do this with other people, so that you can help each other understand the rather complex logic for drawing cards and scoring the game. Feel free to do this during lab sessions!
We have provided them as the Zip archive cwk2files.zip, in the Coursework 2 folder.
Next, study the UML diagram in Figure 1. This summarises the features of and relationships between the classes used in this assignment. The four unshaded classes must be implemented as specified here in order to complete the advanced solution.
Figure 1: UML diagram for Baccarat simulation

3 Implementation
Please note the following requirements:

2. 3.
5. 6.
Yourimplementationmustbeputinthecwk2directoryofyourrepository. Basic Solution
In a file called BaccaratCard.java, create a public class called BaccaratCard, inheriting from Card. Give this class the two constructors identified in Figure 1. These should simply delegate to the corresponding superclass constructors.
Override the value method inherited from Card so that it returns the points value of a card in Baccarat. (See the Wikipedia article for details of scoring.)
In a file called Game.java, create a public class called Game. Give this class a main method. Inside this method, write some code that creates three different instances of BaccaratCard and then tests that calling the value method returns the expected results.
InafilecalledHand.java,createapublicclasscalledHand,inheritingfromCardCollection. In this class, override the default version of the toString method with a new version that returns a string containing two-character representations of each card, separated from each other by a space. For example, a hand containing the Ace of Clubs, Four of Diamonds and Jack of Spades should yield the following:
Note: Card defines a toString method that does some of this work for you already.
Add to Hand a method called value that returns the total points value of the cards in the hand, according to the rules of Baccarat. (See the Wikipedia article for details of scoring.)
• Creates a Hand object
• CreatestwoBaccaratCardobjectswithranksandsuitsspecifiedviauserinput
• Adds those two cards to the hand, then displays the hand’s contents and value
• Appliesthe“Player’srule”describedontheWikipediapageforBaccarat,withthethirdcard(if needed) being specified via user input
• Displaysthehandcontentsandvalueagainifathirdcardwasadded Use the program to test that you are scoring Baccarat correctly.
Intermediate Solution
In a file called Shoe.java, create a public class Shoe, following the specification in Figure 1. Your Shoe class should inherit from CardCollection and should have a constructor that allows the number of decks to be specified as 4, 6 or 8. The constructor should ensure that cards from the given number of decks are stored in a Shoe object, using the inherited list for this purpose.
Note: you will need to iterate over ranks and suits for this. The static methods Card.getRanks and Card.getSuits will give you lists that can be used for iteration.
ImplementmethodsdealandshuffleinShoe.Thedealmethodshouldremovethe‘topcard’ from the shoe and return it. The shuffle method should randomly shuffle the cards in the shoe. Use Java’s Collections class to help you with the latter.
Modify Game so that it has fields to represent the shoe of cards and the two hands used in the game: one for the player, the other for the banker. Give the class the constructor specified in Figure 1. This constructor should initialise the fields and set things up ready for the start of the game.
2. 3.

4. Add to Game a method called playRound. This method should contain the logic from the main method of the basic solution, altered so that the cards are dealt from the shoe rather than being specified by the user. main should now create a Game object and call playRound.
3.3 Advanced Solution
Note: this involves a full simulation of the game, which is more challenging than the partial simulation implemented earlier.
1. Extend the implementation of playRound in Game so that it plays a realistic round of Baccarat, following the full Punto Banco rules.
2. Add a method called play that repeatedly calls playRound until the shoe is exhausted. Once the game finished, your play method should display summary statistics showing the number of rounds played, number of player wins, number of banker wins and number of ties.
3. Add a method called playWithPrompt. This should behave in a similar way to play, except that it should end each round by asking the user if they want to play another round, terminating the game if they respond negatively. Note that summary statistics should still be displayed if a game is terminated early.
Below is an example of what interaction might look like. Your program should behave similarly but does not need to duplicate this format exactly.
Round 1
Player: 6D 3D = 9
Banker: JS 6S = 6
Player win!
round? (y/n): y
Round 2
Player win!
round? (y/n): y
9S 4D = 3
7H 4H = 1
third card to player… third card to banker… 9S 4D 4C = 7
7H 4H AH = 2
Round 3
Banker win!
Another round? (y/n): n
KH 3D = 3
7C KC = 7
third card to player… KH 3D 8S = 1
7C KC = 7
3 rounds played 2 player wins 1 banker wins 0 ties
Feel free to introduce additional methods into Game, beyond those mentioned above, if it will help to improve the structure and clarity of your solution.
3.4 Super-Advanced Solution
The final part of this assignment is significantly more challenging and will require a considerable investment of time on your part, for the reward of relatively few marks. It is aimed at people who complete the earlier parts fairly quickly and are looking for something to keep them busy over Easter! You should not attempt it if you struggled with the earlier parts.
1. Investigate JavaFX by reading Chapters 14–16 of Liang’s book and trying out some of the example programs. You can also consult the official documentation on JavaFX, at

2. StudythefilesDisplayDeck.javaandAnimate.javathatwereprovidedforthisassignment. These give you further examples of how JavaFX can be used, in ways that may be relevant to this assignment. Try compiling and running them.
3. Use JavaFX to implement a graphical user interface for your Baccarat simulator. This can take any form you like. Be imaginative!
4 Submission
When your implementation is complete, generate a Zip archive of your work by moving into the top-level directory of your local repository and entering
zip -r cwk2.zip cwk2 Don’t forget the -r option!
Note that an actual Zip archive is required; you will be penalised if you submit some other archive format (RAR, 7-Zip, tar, gzipped tar,etc).
The deadline for submissions is 10 am on Monday 20 May. The standard university penalty of 5% of available marks per day will apply to late work, unless an extension has been arranged due to genuine extenuating circumstances.
Note that all submitted code will be scanned by plagiarism detection software. 5 Marking
40 marks are available for this assignment.
A basic solution can earn up to 60% of these marks. This rises to 80% for an intermediate solution. The
advanced and super-advanced tasks are each worth an additional 10%. A detailed breakdown of mark allocation is as follows:
4 BaccaratCard class defined properly, with constructors 2 value method of BaccaratCard
2 toString method of Hand
2 Hand class defined properly
2 value method of Hand
2 Game class defined properly, with a main method
3 Shoe class defined, with constructor
2 deal & shuffle methods of Shoe
4 Constructor and playRound method in Game
4 Full game simulation, play, playWithPrompt
4 JavaFX GUI implemented for super-advanced solution 3 Successful compilation & execution
3 Coding style


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[SOLVED] 代写 game GUI Java javaFx UML graph statistic software COMP1721 Object-Oriented Programming Coursework 2
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