[SOLVED] game GUI graph HIT137 Assignment 2, 2019


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HIT137 Assignment 2, 2019
How to submit this assignment
Your submission should be written in a single PY file.
Save the py file using your lastname_firstname.py
Clearly label each question and any sub-sections.
Provide maximum possible comments so the code becomes easier to read.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: DO NOT use functions / commands to solve problems which were not taught in the class.
Questions 1 10 Marks
Create a program using turtle. The program can be graphics, racing of elements, or writing names. This should be done by moving the turtle around the screen, not by using any function that prints text / graphics onto the screen.
Question 2 Open ended question 20 Marks
This is a free will project that you can create from your own choice. It can be anything based on what you have studied in the class. Some
example ideas could be:

Note: For both questions:

Interactive GUI Game
Business Management Application (Examples: Sales, Inventory,
Library etc)
Informative GUI based applications (Examples: Quiz, Notetaker,
Calendar, Scientific Calculator etc)
Any other application that you think you can build
The marks will be awarded based on the topic/game selected, application of the Object-oriented Programming concepts, creativity, GUI User Interface design, logical structure,
adequate use of comments and the clarity of your code.
You cannot use any other module/packages/concepts that have not been discussed in the class. If you use it, you will be marked
zero for this.
IT Code Fair 2019
Since you are required to develop an application as part of assignment 02, I recommend you to use this to demonstrate in the IT Code fair 2019: https://itcodefair.cdu.edu.au/ if you are participating in the Code Fair

This is a very good opportunity for all of you to showcase your skills to the IT industries.
External students you are most welcome to participate. We will have volunteers who can present your application on your behalf.
Please register at: https://itcodefair.cdu.edu.au/


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[SOLVED] game GUI graph HIT137 Assignment 2, 2019