[SOLVED] 代写 game GAME2020 – Game Production 3

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GAME2020 – Game Production 3
Car Combat Game Assignment

Assignment Brief
§ Program a functional 3D car combat game using Unreal, which has the player controlling a car and battling stationary turrets in an arena
§ The assignment is divided into four milestones.
– Milestone1:LevelDesign&Creation–Week4–25%
• Arena designed and constructed in Unreal, with specified number of elements requested, along with a word document outlining element placement.
– Milestone2:CoreFunctionality–Week9–25%
• Car Functionality: Car control and firing weapon
• Menu navigation: Start screen, how to play, exit game
• In Game UI: Timer, turret count and health

Assignment Brief
§ Program a functional 3D car combat game using Unreal, which has the player controlling a car and battling stationary turrets in an arena
§ The assignment is divided into four milestones.
– Milestone3:EnemyFunctionality–Week12–25%
• Turret Functionality: Player tracking, firing mechanic
• Hazards: Collision
• Audio: Music and sound effects
– Milestone4:FullFunctionality–Week15–25%
• Game is fully functional. Weapon damage, death states, game over states, win & lose conditions, UI, and SFX are incorporated

Milestone 1
Level Design & Creation Week 4 – 25%

Milestone 1: Criteria
§ Arena Environment with stationary enemy turrets and hazards developed in Unreal
– This should include the following elements:
• 10 turrets placed throughout the arena
• 3 different hazards which will harm or destroy the player
• Walls or other features that keep the player inside the arena
– Remember, it’s a car COMBAT game. Don’t make a race course.
– Feel free to either import level-building assets, whitebox the level, or create assets right in
the editor – all are acceptable for the deliverable
– Be creative with your design! Add ramps, obstacles, accelerators, different levels, anything you wish! That will help you stand out!
– Label turrets and hazards in the engine so I can identify them
§ Text file outlining turret placement (ie, which models are turrets if whiteboxed, etc), hazards, and anything else deemed important to layout

Milestone 1: Deliverables
§ Assignment MUST BE submitted through Blackboard, and MUST include the following:
– Zipped folder containing your files
• Unreal package
• Text file outlining level
– Correct filename convention for the folder
• GAME2020_M1_[Lastname]_[Firstname]_CarCombatGame.zip
• EXACT NAME – You will be marked on this – Correct format
• Unreal package that includes a scene of the full arena that I can navigate
• Instructions to open the files, if needed
• If the assignment isn’t submitted in this format, you will receive a zero for the Milestone

Milestone 2 Core Functionality Week 9 – 25%

Milestone 2: Criteria
§ Previous Milestone criteria must be reached
§ Functional Menu Screen with Game Title & 3 Options listed below
– Start, How to Play and Exit Game
§ Game UI Placed (Functionality not implemented)
– Player Health, Turret Count, Timer
• *Can add other UI elements as long as the above elements are implemented
§ Player Car Movement (Keyboard or Mouse and Keyboard)
– Forward, reverse, & turning are required. NO Strafing!
– Weapon fire bullets – damage not implemented yet
§ Camera
– 3rd-person, behind car
§ In-game Quit Option that allows player to exit gameplay and return to Main Menu

Milestone 2: Deliverables
§ Assignment MUST BE submitted through Blackboard, and MUST include the following:
– Zipped folder containing your files
• Unreal project package (optional)
– Correct filename convention for the folder
• GAME2020_M2_[Lastname]_[Firstname]_CarCombatGame.zip
• EXACT NAME – You will be marked on this – Correct format
• Unreal executable package (.exe & files) that can be run on a PC (NOT Mac!)
• Instructions to open the files, if needed
• If you do not submit an executable package but your build is playable, you will receive a 10% deduction.
• If your build is not playable, you will receive a zero.

Milestone 3 Enemy Functionality Week 12 – 25%

Milestone 3: Criteria
§ Previous Milestone criteria must be reached – You can’t skip requirements!
§ Turret behaviour
– Turrets fire bullets at player car – damage not implemented yet
§ Hazards behaviour
– Car can hit hazards or effectors to slow or damage car – damage not implemented yet
§ Music
– Title music
– Gameplay music § Sound Effects
– Implement sounds for these instances: Player Weapon firing, Player taking damage, Turret taking damage, engine revving, honking

Milestone 3: Deliverables
§ Assignment MUST BE submitted through Blackboard, and MUST include the following:
– Zipped folder containing your files
• Unreal project package (optional)
– Correct filename convention for the folder
• GAME2020_M3_[Lastname]_[Firstname]_CarCombatGame.zip
• EXACT NAME – You will be marked on this – Correct format
• Unreal executable package (.exe & files) that can be run on a PC (NOT Mac!)
• Note any instructions to open the files, if needed
• If you do not submit an executable package but your build is playable, you will receive a 10% deduction.
• If your build is not playable, you will receive a zero.

Milestone 4 Full Functionality Week 15 – 25%

Milestone 4: Criteria
§ Previous Milestone criteria must be reached § Weapon/Hazard Damage
Player’s weapon does damage to turrets Turret weapons do damage to player Hazards do damage to player
Defeating all turrets within the time limit gives the player a win condition and returns her to the game’s main menu
– – –
§ Win –

– Player losing all health triggers Game Over
– Timer running out triggers Game Over
– Loss condition triggers Game Over screen or overlay, after which player is returned to Main Menu
Ensure experience is winnable so this feature can be tested (“Normal Difficulty”) § Loss Conditions

Milestone 4: Criteria
§ Death States
– Player dies when health runs out
– Turrets die when turret health runs out
– Particle effects implemented for player and turret death
§ Sound Effects
– Implement sounds for these instances: Player destroyed, Turret Destroyed. *Can
add extra if you wish
§ Fully functional In-Game UI
– Timer counts down, triggers Game Over state when it reaches zero
– Turret count decreases every time one is destroyed
– Player health bar functional, triggers Game Over state when it runs out

Milestone 4: Deliverables
§ Assignment MUST BE submitted through Blackboard, and MUST include the following:
– Zipped folder containing your files
• Unreal project package (optional)
– Correct filename convention for the folder
• GAME2020_M4_[Lastname]_[Firstname]_CarCombatGame.zip
• EXACT NAME – You will be marked on this – Correct format
• Unreal executable package (.exe & files) that can be run on a PC (NOT Mac!)
• Note any instructions to open the files, if needed
• If you do not submit an executable package but your build is playable, you will receive a 10% deduction.
• If your build is not playable, you will receive a zero.
• If you do not hand in Milestone 4, you will get a ZERO FOR THE COURSE

Late Penalties
§ Each Milestone is due on the deadline day at the END OF CLASS
§ Late Penalty is as follows:
– 10% deduction if handed in late
– If the assignment is not submitted within 5 days of the due date, you will receive a zero
§ IMPORTANT: If you don’t submit Milestone 4, you will automatically be given a ZERO for the course
§ Extensions are available. As per college policy, a doctor’s note, death certificate or other documentation is required

Car Combat Game Examples


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[SOLVED] 代写 game GAME2020 – Game Production 3
30 $