[SOLVED] 代写 game 1. Ga-Hye wants to test a hypothesis that gender is related to interest in soccer.100 subjects (50 male and 50 female) are asked whether or not they watched a recent soccer game. The results are in the following Table. The question of whether a relationship between two dichotomous variables is larger than chance is typically solved by using a χ2 test. Provide a hypothesis and test it using α = .05. Summarize the results from the test as if you were reporting them in a manuscript intended for journal publication. 朴槿惠想要验证一个假设,即性别与对足球的兴趣有关。100 名受试者(50 名男性和 50 名女 性)被问及是否观看了最近的一场足球比赛。结果如下表所示。是否两个二分变量大于机会 之间的关系通常是通过使用一个χ2 测试解决。提供一个假设和测试使用α= . 05。总结测试结 果,就好像你要在一份准备发表在期刊上的手稿中报告它们一样。

30 $

File Name: 代写_game_1._Ga-Hye_wants_to_test_a_hypothesis_that_gender_is_related_to_interest_in_soccer.100_subjects_(50_male_and_50_female)_are_asked_whether_or_not_they_watched_a_recent_soccer_game._The_results_are_in_the_following_Table._The_question_of_whether_a_relationship_between_two_dichotomous_variables_is_larger_than_chance_is_typically_solved_by_using_a_χ2_test._Provide_a_hypothesis_and_test_it_using_α_=_.05._Summarize_the_results_from_the_test_as_if_you_were_reporting_them_in_a_manuscript_intended_for_journal_publication._朴槿惠想要验证一个假设,即性别与对足球的兴趣有关。100_名受试者(50_名男性和_50_名女_性)被问及是否观看了最近的一场足球比赛。结果如下表所示。是否两个二分变量大于机会_之间的关系通常是通过使用一个χ2_测试解决。提供一个假设和测试使用α=_._05。总结测试结_果,就好像你要在一份准备发表在期刊上的手稿中报告它们一样。.zip
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1. Ga-Hye wants to test a hypothesis that gender is related to interest in soccer.100 subjects (50 male and 50 female) are asked whether or not they watched a recent soccer game. The results are in the following Table. The question of whether a relationship between two dichotomous variables is larger than chance is typically solved by using a χ2 test. Provide a hypothesis and test it using α = .05. Summarize the results from the test as if you were reporting them in a manuscript intended for journal publication. 朴槿惠想要验证一个假设,即性别与对足球的兴趣有关。100 名受试者(50 名男性和 50 名女 性)被问及是否观看了最近的一场足球比赛。结果如下表所示。是否两个二分变量大于机会 之间的关系通常是通过使用一个χ2 测试解决。提供一个假设和测试使用α= . 05。总结测试结 果,就好像你要在一份准备发表在期刊上的手稿中报告它们一样。
2. A study by Cialdini, Reno, and Kallgren (1990) examined how people conform to norms concerning littering. The researchers wanted to determine whether a person’s tendency to litter depended on the amount of litter already in the area. People were handed a handbill as they entered an amusement park that already had 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 handbills lying on the ground. Then the people were observed to determine whether or not they dropped the handbill on the ground. The frequency data are as follows. Provide a hypothesis and test it using α = .05. Summarize the results from the test as if you were reporting them in a manuscript intended for journal publication.
2. Cialdini, Reno 和 Kallgren(1990)的一项研究调查了人们如何遵守有关乱丢垃圾的规范。研究 人员想要确定一个人乱丢垃圾的倾向是否取决于该地区已有的垃圾数量。当人们进入一个已 经有 0、1、2、4、8 或 16 张传单躺在地上的游乐园时,他们会收到一张传单。然后观察这 些人,以确定他们是否把传单掉在了地上。频率数据如下。提供一个假设和测试使用α= . 05。 总结测试结果,就好像你要在一份准备发表在期刊上的手稿中报告它们一样。
3. First of all, load our class data, “rawdata_2012.csv”. And then, test the following hypothesis, and state your conclusion
H1:The degree of exposure on TB campaign (D9: 1-exposure; 2-non exposure) would differ across the level of respondents’ education(SQ1_2: 1-중졸; 2-고졸; 3-대졸; 4-대학원졸; 5-기타). 结核病运动暴露程度(D9: 1-暴露;2 .非接触)会因受访者受教育程度的不同而不同(sq1 – 2: 1- 中学毕业;二,高中毕业;3 .大学毕业;四,研究生毕业;5 .其他)


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[SOLVED] 代写 game 1. Ga-Hye wants to test a hypothesis that gender is related to interest in soccer.100 subjects (50 male and 50 female) are asked whether or not they watched a recent soccer game. The results are in the following Table. The question of whether a relationship between two dichotomous variables is larger than chance is typically solved by using a χ2 test. Provide a hypothesis and test it using α = .05. Summarize the results from the test as if you were reporting them in a manuscript intended for journal publication. 朴槿惠想要验证一个假设,即性别与对足球的兴趣有关。100 名受试者(50 名男性和 50 名女 性)被问及是否观看了最近的一场足球比赛。结果如下表所示。是否两个二分变量大于机会 之间的关系通常是通过使用一个χ2 测试解决。提供一个假设和测试使用α= . 05。总结测试结 果,就好像你要在一份准备发表在期刊上的手稿中报告它们一样。
30 $