[SOLVED] 代写 DrRacket math graph ;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata

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; CSC 104 Fall 2019 Assignment 1

;Due: Wednesday October 16th at 6PM.
;Late Penalty: 15 if submitted by Thursday October 17th at 6PM.

;You may work by yourself, or with another student from any section of the course,
;or with two other students from any sections of the course.

;Read the comments and tests, IN ORDER, and fixcomplete the incomplete tests and
; function definitions, which are indicated with a .When you work on a function,
; uncomment its tests.

;Goals of the program.
;Provide a function to graph a list of numbers.
; This wont be used in the second part, but does give us the ability to see the behaviour
; of two functions that are used in the second part.
;Create some overlayed seqences of images for the frames of an animation, to produce
;and explore some generative art.
; If youre interested in math,you can also ponder how the functions producethe results
;and behaviours you see.

;The interactive animation code provided at the end of the program uses the functions
; that you are fixing, but you dont need to know about animation in order to write the tests
; and to design and implement the functions. We will discuss interactive animation later
; in the course.

;ONE member of your group will submit this file, electronically, with the changes, but
; everyone in your group must keep copies of your groups work. In particular, you must
; be able to submit the work even if your other group members drop the course or stop
; talking to you before the due date.

;Before you submit:
; You MUST click in the Definitions area and then click the Format button.
;You should do that frequently anyway, to doublecheck that the indentation formatting
; matches your mental model of the structure of your code.
; EVERY function definition MUST still be GRAMATICALLY syntactically correct.
; In particular, if a function you worked on is stopping the program from running then
;commentout its body and put the original body back in, or commentout the whole
;definition and put the original version back in.
; For each function that you fix completely, you MUST uncomment all its tests.
; For each function that you didnt fix completely, you MUST commentout all its failing tests.

; The functions to design and define

;bar : produce a filled black vertical bar with width 1 and a given height
same! bar 20 .
same! width bar 100 1
same! height bar 50 50

;Turn the following test into a Full Design.
; Replace the literal image with an expression that uses the example argument to compute the image.
same! bar 20 .

;AFTER completing that Full Design, fix the body of this function definition accordingly.
define bar n

;settingmessage : produce a message, from the name of a quantity and a numeric amount
; This will be used to show the value of a setting to the user of the interactive animation.
same! settingmessage rotation 10 rotation: 10
;same! settingmessage spacing 5 spacing: 5
;same! settingmessage size 100 size: 100

;Turn the following test into a Partial or Full Design.
; Replace the literal result with an expression that computes it in some way.
same! settingmessage rotation 10 rotation: 10

; Theres a unary function in our language to convert a number to a text representation, for example:
same! numbertext 123 123

;Turn the following test into a Full Design.
; Replace the literal result with an expression that computes it from the literals rotation and 10.
; If your earlier Design was already a Full Design you can just use that Design again here
same! settingmessage rotation 10 rotation: 10

;AFTER completing that Full Design, fix the body of the function definition accordingly.
define settingmessage name amount
rotation: 10

;barchart : produce a bar chart of a list of numbers
; Each number is represented by a bar with that height.

; Heres an example, with the result scaled up since for just four numbers the result is hard to see:
;same! scale barchart list 3 7 5 4 10 .

same! barchart list 10 25 20 15 30 .

; A Partial Design:
;same! barchart list 3 7 5 4 alignbottoms bar 3 bar 7 bar 5 bar 4

;Fix the following Design using an expression that still uses the literal list……
;same! barchart list 10 25 20 15 30 list …..

;Turn the following test into a Full Design.
same! barchart list 10 25 20 15 30 .

;AFTER completing the Full Design, fix the body of the definition accordingly.
define barchart alist

; Some more examples, which you might find interesting:
;same! barchart range 25 .
;same! barchart range 10 30 .
;same! barchart range 10 30 .5 .
;same! barchart map squareof range 0 5 .1 .
;same! barchart map inc map squareof range 0 5 .1 .

;oscillate : a numeric function that oscillates between 0 and 100 with a period of 360
;approach : a numeric function that is 0 at 0 and then increases but never quite reaches 60
; These are used later, but can be visualized using the functionbarchartyou made.
;same! scale barchart map oscillate range 1000 .25
. ; Oscillating.
;same! scale barchart map approach range 1000 .25
. ; Increasing with a horizontal asymptote.

; The math in these implementations are outside the scope of the course, so these definitions are
;provided for you and dont need fixing. You arent required to understand the bodies.

define oscillate n
100 squareof sinn 360

require onlyin racket atan

define approach n
60 atann 180

;s.1, s.2 , s.3 , s.4 , s.5

; Here are the five functions the user will be able to select from to produce sequences of images
;to animate. The mathematical details of these functions are also outside the scope of the course.

define s.1 n
S oscillate n
3.6 oscillaten 2

define s.2 n
S approach n
2 n

define s.3 n
S 100
.9 oscillate n

define s.4 n
S approach n
approach n

define s.5 n
S approach n
1.8 oscillate n

;reset : replace the first number in a list of three elements, with zero
same! reset list 1 20 meow list 0 20 meow
;same! reset list 700 60 woof list 0 60 woof

; Here are examples of two functions useful for the Full Design:
same! second list argon boron carbon deuterium boron
same! thirdlist argon boron carbon deuterium carbon

;Turn the following test into a Full Design.
same! reset list 1 20 meow list 0 20 meow

;AFTER completing the Full Design, fix the body of the definition accordingly.
define reset state
list 0 20 meow

;update : replace the first number in a list of three elements, with the sum of the first two
same! update list 700 60 woof list 760 60 woof
;same! update list 1 20 meow list 21 20 meow

;Turn the following test into a Design.
; Replace the literal result with an expression that computes the 760 in some way.
same! update list 700 60 woof list 760 60 woof

;Turn the following test into a Full Design.
same! update list 700 60 woof list 760 60 woof

;AFTER completing the Full Design, fix the body of the definition accordingly.
define update state
list 760 60 woof

; For a threeelement list and a number, change the first element to zero, and add the number
;to the second element and force that to be is at least one.
same! adjustspacing list 12 34 meow 5 list 0 39 meow
;same! adjustspacing list 12 34 meow5 list 0 29 meow
;same! adjustspacing list 12 34 meow 50 list 01 meow

; Here are examples demonstrating a function that is useful for the Full Design:
same! maximum 14 32 50 32
same! maximum 123 23
same! maximum 1 23 1

;Turn the following two tests into Designs.
;same! adjustspacing list 12 34 meow5 list 0 29 meow
;same! adjustspacing list 12 34 meow 50 list 01 meow

;Turn the following two tests into Full Designs.
;same! adjustspacing list 12 34 meow5 list 0 29 meow
;same! adjustspacing list 12 34 meow 50 list 01 meow

;AFTER completing the Full Designs, fix the body of the definition accordingly.
define adjustspacing state amount
list 0 39 meow

;S : from a sizepercentage and angle, produce a resized rotated oval
same! S 10 50 .
;same! S 20 50 .
;same! S 30 50 .

;Write another test forS , that uses an angle different from 50.

;Turn the following two tests into Designs.
same! S 10 50 .
;same! S 20 50 .

;Turn the following test into a Full Design.
same! S 10 50 .

;AFTER completing the Full Design, fix the body of the definition accordingly.
define S offullsize angle

; For a unary function that takes a number and produces an image, overlay the images
;that the function produces, for a range of numbers.
; The function accepts three arguments: the second argument is the upper bound for the range
; of numbers, and the third argument is the space between the numbers.

; The following defines an example function that is used in some of the tests.
define r n
rotate rectangle 10 30
25 n

same! sketch r3 1 .
;same! sketch r5 2 .
;same! sketch r3 1 overlay r 0 r 1 r 2
;same! sketch r 10 2 overlay r 0 r 2 r 4 r 6 r 8

;Write another test forsketch , that does not use the functionras the first argument.

;Turn the following test into a Full Design.
same! sketch r 3 1 overlay r 0 r 1 r 2

;AFTER completing the Full Designs, fix the body of the definition accordingly.
define sketch f n spacing

;The Program
; The program is now ready to run!
; Uncomment the definition ofchangeorresetandthebigbangexpression at the end of the file.
; Then Run!

; We discuss the the bigbang animation and interaction framework later in the course.
;The code below presents the images …
;sketch s.1 3 3 ;sketch s.1 6 3 ;sketch s.1 9 3 ;etc
;… in succession, as frames of an animation, using your functionupdateto produce
;thearguments 3, 6, 9, etc by adding 3 each time.

; Press the up or down arrow keys to adjust the spacing between images.
; Try a spacing of 7: that behaves noticeably different than for 3, 4, 5, and 6.
; Press the space bar to switch to the next function in the cycles.1 s.2 s.3 s.4 s.5 s.1 s.2 ….
; Press any other key to restart the animation without changing the function nor spacing.

; A function to present the imagesketch f n spacingand the current settings.
define draw f n spacing
above overlay sketch f n spacing
blank 1.25 400
above textimage settingmessage spacing spacing 16
textimage textjoin function functionname f 16
textimage Press up or down arrow key, or space bar. 16

define unpackfordraw state draw first third state first state second state

define cyclefunctions state
list 0
second state
append rest third state first third state

require onlyin racketbase objectname symbolstring
define functionname f symbolstring objectname f

;define changeorreset state key
if same? key up adjustspacing state 1
same? key down adjustspacing state 1
same? keycyclefunctions state
else reset state

;bigbang list 0 3 list s.1 s.2 s.3 s.4 s.5
ontick update
onkey changeorreset
todraw unpackfordraw1.25 400 1.25 4004 16


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[SOLVED] 代写 DrRacket math graph ;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata
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