Start schema-must have a really good reason for snowflake
One fact table Min 100,000 rows
Three or four (preferably dimensions)
1.One time dimension
2.One dimension with hierarchies
3.One or two slowly changing dimension attributes at least one of which is implemented with Type 2.
Submit a Visio or Lucidchart diagram.
Can use any combination of methods
Submit your code and/or package
Using Tableau or Power BI at least two visualizations of the data
One visualization needs to have drill-down/roll-up(i.e. use the hierarchical dimension)
One visualization needs to demonstrate filtering
One visualization needs to use one or more calculated fields.
Between all visualizations, all dimensions are used
Submit at least four images one for each of the above criteria. Expectations are that it could require 8 to 10 images to demonstrate everything.
Word document
Design process
ETL process and why that process was chosen
Professional document, with references as needed
PowerPoint-5-10 minute presentation
Zip all files and submit to the blackboard
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