[SOLVED] 代写 database graph KV6002 Team Project and Professionalism Project Idea

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KV6002 Team Project and Professionalism Project Idea
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Project Idea (One sentence)
Produce an online system to assist university students to complete assessed group work
Explanation (one paragraph)
Group work is an essential part of the learning process and much valued by employers – that doesn’t mean however, that it is not without its challenges. In all teamwork the success of the team can be perceived to be down to an individual rather than the team as a whole.Peer review can be used to enable students’ perceptions upon fellow students’ performance to inform the marking process.Peer review might be given for such topics as effort, standard of contribution, attendance at group meetings etc. A number of modules within the university could benefit from such a system. You have been asked to provide the prototype for this system, the minimum requirements are set out below and it is up to you how you fulfil these – however you should aim to provide a high level of functionality and a good user experience
Group Work
•The system must be demonstrated via the NUMySpace
•The system must follow a common look and feel which will be designed with accessibility in mind
•Users must be appropriately authenticated.
•Different user types must be authorised to perform different roles within the system.
•Appropriate fields in the underpinning database must be encrypted
•The system must support one of the browsers installed on a university desktop
•The system could support multiple browsers
•The system could support access by devices with different screen sizes
•For any online prototypes, the system must clearly indicate this is a prototype rather than “live” system. Normally this is achieved by appropriate disclaimers in the site.

Subsystem 1
An interactive application which:
a)Must allow the registration of different levels of user (tutor/admin/student),
b)Must enable membership to be confirmed,
c)Must allow the creation and management of password/reminders
d)Should allow the creation of project/modules
e)Could allow a bulk creation/addition of users (from an upload file).
Subsystem 2
Group sign up
An interactive application which:
a)Must allow the tutor to specify group membership requirements (group numbers/session dates)
b)Must enable students to sign up to groups
c)Must enable tutor to amend/split groups if required
d)Should allow production of Code of Conduct and sign off by all group members
e)Could allow confidential reporting of group issues to tutor
Subsystem 3
Peer Assessment
An interactive application which enables students to assess each other’s performance.
An application which:
a)Must allow tutors to define peer assessment criteria (a default set should be provided eg as that provided in module KF6024)
b)Must obtain peer assessment, with rationale for the grading, from group members
c)Must allow calculation of overall peer assessment mark which is displayed in an auditable manner to a tutor (who gave what mark to whom and why)
d)Should enable students with concerns to report concern (if they think they are being treated unfairly)
e)Could allow peer assessment to take place periodically throughout the duration of a module
Subsystem 4
Meeting minutes
Each group should keep minutes of every meeting to record progress/issues etc

This is an interactive application which:
a)Must allow creation and assignment of tasks to group members,
b)Must record progress against tasks and enable the recording of tutor feedback
c)Must allow the automated production of a “set of minutes”
d)Should enable a calendar of scheduled tasks
e)Could enable the upload of supporting documentation
Subsystem 5
Discussion forum
To support students’ learning the provision of a discussion forum is required.Students will be able to ask questions of each other or to discuss general questions. Tutors might choose also to respond and will monitor the board to ensure it is not used inappropriately.
An interactive application which:
a)Must allow only registered students and tutors to post messages.
b)Must only allow tutors to create threads (topics) for discussion.
c)Must allow responses by members (giving username and date of post).
d) Should allow reporting of inappropriate messages to admin.
e)Could ensure that inappropriate language is subject to automatic moderation
Could discuss within the group or with other students
The wider university context
Existing systems?
Systems exist that are “similar” to each functional area so could be analysed?

This particular project would be too easy if we provided you a list.
Literature does exist to further support each area

This particular project would be too easy if we provided you a list.

Could also complete interviews, focus groups, observation of peers or other appropriate research methods (subject to agreement and approval)


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[SOLVED] 代写 database graph KV6002 Team Project and Professionalism Project Idea
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