[SOLVED] 代写 data structure Scheme Haskell COM2108: Functional Programming – Autumn 2019 Assignment 1: Substitution Ciphers

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COM2108: Functional Programming – Autumn 2019 Assignment 1: Substitution Ciphers
This assignment is 30% of the assessment for COM2108
1 Cipher Systems
In cipher systems the aim is to encode a message (a String) in such a way that it will be meaningless to anyone who does not have the key which specifies how the transformation from the original plain text was done.
In a substitution cipher, each character is replaced by another, using a fixed mapping, e.g.
So that the message “SPANGLES” would be transmitted as “SHEWDTLS”. The key is the map- ping.
All our messages will contain upper case letters only. Punctuation is done by words – “STOP”, “COMMA” etc. Numbers are spelt out.
1.1 Your Tasks
In your solutions, you should use the following Haskell data structure where appropriate:
type Cipher = String — a substitution cypher for A,B..Z
This type has been predefined in the help file. You should not redefine it, but download and use the help file as described below. You should not make any changes to the help file, and you should not submit the help file. Your submission will be tested using the original help file.
Please note: The correctness of your solutions to the listed tasks will be determined by automated testing. In order for this testing to succeed, every function must be implemented exactly as specified. If, for example, you write a function with the wrong number of arguments, or expect the arguments to be given in a different order, this testing will fail and you will receive no credit for the correctness element of your work.
1. Define and test a Haskell function validateCipher to validate a cipher – which must contain each letter once and once only. The input is a cipher, and the return value should be a boolean value.

Assignment 1: Substitution Ciphers
A common variation is to add an offset of n characters : the cipher moves n places to the
right and wraps around, so if n = 2 we have Plain ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
2. Define and test a Haskell Function encode which takes a cipher, an offset and a char-
acter, and returns the corresponding encoded character.
3. Define and test a Haskell function encodeMessage which given a cipher, an offset, and
a message, uses encode to encode and return the complete encoded message.
Substitution ciphers can be used in reverse. Returning to our original
Reverse encoding is given the cipher and returns the plain – this is how you’d decode the message if you had the key. So “SHEWDTLS” would be reverse encoded to “SPANGLES”
4. Write and test reverseEncode (which takes as input input a cipher, an offset and an encoded character, and returns the plain character) and reverseEncodeMessage (taking as input a cipher, an offset and an encoded message to return the plain text message) corresponding to encode and encodeMessage above.
A substitution cipher can be broken using knowledge of letter frequencies. In English the most common letter is E so the most frequently occurring letter in the coded message is most likely (though not certain) to decode to E. The next most frequent is T, then A and so on – the full list is given in the help file on Blackboard – see below.
5. Write and test a function letterStats, which given a message, returns the percentage of each letter occurring in this message as a list of (Char, Int) tuples, e.g. letterStats “STDDWSD” should return
It will be useful if letters with zero scores are removed and the remainder are returned in decreasing order of frequency in the message. You can use mergeSort, which is in the help file (see below).
Results from letterStats can be used to make guesses for letter encodings, which can then be substituted back into the coded message.
6. Write and test partialDecode, which is given a list of guesses for letters in the message and returns the message with these guesses filled in, in lower case. E.g. if the message is “DXPWXW” and the guesses are that E ciphers to X and S ciphers to W then partialDecode should return “DePses”. The guesses are supplied by hand, as a list of (Char, Char) items where the first Char is the plain letter and the second Char is the encoded letter guess, so for the given example, the input would be [(’E’,’X’),(’S’,’W’)]. The output should be a string with the unchanged letters remaining in uppercase, but the guessed substitutions in lowercase.
7. To test partialDecode, decipher the message mystery given in the help file. Supply your answer as a comment below your definition of partialDecode.
COM2108: Functional Programming – Autumn 2019 2

Assignment 1: Substitution Ciphers
2 The Help File
The file AssignmentHelp.hs in the COM2108 Blackboard area contains the predefined type mentioned above, as well as some functions might find useful (for instance to find the alpha- betic position of a letter and to convert upper to lower case) and data you will need (for instance the mystery message). You can import it into your code by copying it to the same directory as your own module and then starting like so
Module Ciphers where
import AssignmentHelp
3 Marking Scheme
Correctness of:
encode encodeMessage reverseEncode reverseEncodeMessage letterStats partialDecode (subtotal)
10 5 5 5 5 20 10 60
Coding style
Table 1: Mark breakdown for assignment 1
As explained above, correctness of your code will be assessed using automated testing. This testing will fail if you do not write your functions exactly as specified. This means exactly the same names, exactly the same arguments (in exactly the same order) and exactly the same return type for the functions.
4 Submission
Work should be submitted via the appropriate link on Blackboard. Any work received after the deadline will have standard lateness penalties applied (see https://sites.google.com/ sheffield.ac.uk/comughandbook/general-information/assessment/late-submission).
You should submit a single Haskell (.hs) file, with your name in an initial comment. As previously stated, you do not need to submit the help file; we will provide it for the testing (and so you should ensure that you make no changes to the help file).
In the comments for your code, you should clearly state any known limitations, or be clear about modifications that you made to address any identified limitations – the limitations are things that you should have identified when testing your work (or if you planned your work perfectly, that you identified before you started coding). If know know your code has
COM2108: Functional Programming – Autumn 2019 3

Assignment 1: Substitution Ciphers
limitations that you have been unable to address, you will achieve a better score if you clearly discuss those limitations in your comments than if you ignore them and your code fails test cases.
5 Individual Work
You are reminded that this is intended to be assessment of your own, individual work, in order to assess whether you have achieved with the learning outcomes for this module. If there is any suspicion that that you have utilised unfair means, the department will take appropriate action, which could lead to disciplinary procedures.
You should have had a discussion about this subject with your personal tutor in first year. If you need refreshing on the rules, please see the Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook entry on the topic at
and/or discuss the matter with your personal tutor.
COM2108: Functional Programming – Autumn 2019 4


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[SOLVED] 代写 data structure Scheme Haskell COM2108: Functional Programming – Autumn 2019 Assignment 1: Substitution Ciphers
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