[SOLVED] 代写 data structure #include

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#include “Tree.h”

using namespace std;

// Function: Tree()
// Purpose: Class constructor.
root = NULL;

// Function: Tree()
// Purpose: Class destructor.

// Function: ClearTree()
// Purpose: Perform a recursive traversal of
//a tree destroying all nodes.
void Tree::ClearTree(TreeNode *T)
if(T==NULL) return;// Nothing to clear
if(T->left != NULL) ClearTree(T->left); // Clear left sub-tree
if(T->right != NULL) ClearTree(T->right); // Clear right sub-tree
delete T;// Destroy this node

// Function: isEmpty()
// Purpose: Return TRUE if tree is empty.
bool Tree::isEmpty()

// Function: DupNode()
// Purpose: Duplicate a node in the tree.This
//is used to allow returning a complete
//structure from the tree without giving
//access into the tree through the pointers.
// Preconditions: None
// Returns: Pointer to a duplicate of the node arg
TreeNode *Tree::DupNode(TreeNode * T)
TreeNode *dupNode;

dupNode = new TreeNode();
*dupNode = *T;// Copy the data structure
dupNode->left = NULL;// Set the pointers to NULL
dupNode->right = NULL;
return dupNode;

// Function: SearchTree()
// Purpose: Perform an iterative search of the tree and
//return a pointer to a treenode containing the
//search key or NULL if not found.
// Preconditions: None
// Returns: Pointer to a duplicate of the node found
TreeNode *Tree::SearchTree(int Key)
intValueInTree = false;
TreeNode *temp;

temp = root;
while((temp != NULL) && (temp->Key != Key))
if(Key < temp->Key)
temp = temp->left;// Search key comes before this node.
temp = temp->right; // Search key comes after this node
if(temp == NULL) return temp;// Search key not found
return(DupNode(temp));// Found it so return a duplicate

// Function: Insert()
// Insert a new node into the tree.
// Preconditions: None
// Returns: int (TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise)
bool Tree::Insert(TreeNode *newNode)
TreeNode *temp;
TreeNode *back;

temp = root;
back = NULL;

while(temp != NULL) // Loop till temp falls out of the tree
back = temp;
if(newNode->Key < temp->Key)
temp = temp->left;
temp = temp->right;

// Now attach the new node to the node that back points to
if(back == NULL) // Attach as root node in a new tree
root = newNode;
if(newNode->Key < back->Key)
back->left = newNode;
back->right = newNode;
return true ;

// Function: Insert()
// Insert a new node into the tree.
// Preconditions: None
// Returns: int (TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise)
bool Tree::Insert(int Key, float f, int i, char *cA)
TreeNode *newNode;

// Create the new node and copy data into it
newNode = new TreeNode();
newNode->Key = Key;
newNode->fValue = f;
newNode->iValue = i;
strcpy(newNode->cArray, cA);
newNode->left = newNode->right = NULL;

// Call other Insert() to do the actual insertion

// Function: Delete()
// Purpose: Delete a node from the tree.
// Preconditions: Tree contains the node to delete
// Returns: int (TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise)
bool Tree::Delete(int Key)
TreeNode *back;
TreeNode *temp;
TreeNode *delParent;// Parent of node to delete
TreeNode *delNode;// Node to delete

temp = root;
back = NULL;

// Find the node to delete
while((temp != NULL) && (Key != temp->Key))
back = temp;
if(Key < temp->Key)
temp = temp->left;
temp = temp->right;

if(temp == NULL) // Didn’t find the one to delete
return false;
if(temp == root) // Deleting the root
delNode = root;
delParent = NULL;
delNode = temp;
delParent = back;

// Case 1: Deleting node with no children or one child
if(delNode->right == NULL)
if(delParent == NULL)// If deleting the root
root = delNode->left;
delete delNode;
return true;
if(delParent->left == delNode)
delParent->left = delNode->left;
delParent->right = delNode->left;
delete delNode;
return true;
else // There is at least one child
if(delNode->left == NULL)// Only 1 child and it is on the right
if(delParent == NULL)// If deleting the root
root = delNode->right;
delete delNode;
return true;
if(delParent->left == delNode)
delParent->left = delNode->right;
delParent->right = delNode->right;
delete delNode;
return true;
else // Case 2: Deleting node with two children
// Find the replacement value.Locate the node
// containing the largest value smaller than the
// key of the node being deleted.
temp = delNode->left;
back = delNode;
while(temp->right != NULL)
back = temp;
temp = temp->right;
// Copy the replacement values into the node to be deleted
delNode->Key = temp->Key;
delNode->fValue = temp->fValue;
delNode->iValue = temp->iValue;
strcpy(delNode->cArray, temp->cArray);

// Remove the replacement node from the tree
if(back == delNode)
back->left = temp->left;
back->right = temp->left;
delete temp;
return true;

// Function: PrintOne()
// Purpose: Print data in one node of a tree.
// Preconditions: None
// Returns: void
void Tree::PrintOne(TreeNode *T)
cout << T->Key << “tt” << T->fValue << “tt” << T->iValue << “tt” << T->cArray << ”
“;}//——————————————–// Function: PrintAll() // Purpose: Print the tree using a recursive//traversal // Preconditions: None// Returns: void //——————————————–void Tree::PrintAll(TreeNode *T){if(T != NULL){PrintAll(T->left);

// Function: PrintTree()
// Purpose: Print the tree using a recursive
//traversal.This gives the user access
//to PrintAll() without giving access to
//the root of the tree.
// Preconditions: None
// Returns: void
void Tree::PrintTree()


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[SOLVED] 代写 data structure #include
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