[SOLVED] 代写 data structure algorithm Scheme graph CSC 263 H1 Course Information Sheet Fall 2019

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CSC 263 H1 Course Information Sheet Fall 2019
This sheet summarizes information for the course CSC 263 H1 S (Data Structures and Analysis) during the Fall term of 2019 (September–December) on the St. George campus. Please consult the course website for full details.
You are responsible for reading all announcements on quercus. Make a habit of checking it at least weekly.
• Cormen, Lieserson, Rivest & Stein: Introduction to Algorithms 3rd ed., © 2009 MIT Press, ISBN:
• See the course website for additional references, lecture outlines and a free online edition of the textbook (provided by the U of T Libraries).
L0101,L2000 L0201,L2201
Eitan Grinspun Felipe Vicencio-Heap
Office Hours∗ Thu 10-11 Wed 10-11
Section Lectures
T0101A W 12
T0101B W 12
T0201A W 3
T0201B W 3
Week Dates
Room Tutorials
PB255 F 10 BA1200 F 10 RW140 F 1 MP134 F 1
Due Worth
add date (Sep 18)
drop date (Nov 04)
[email protected] [email protected]

Lecture Topics [Text Chapters]
Complexity Review; ADTs [1 to 6]
Priority Queues; Heaps; Dictionaries; BSTs [Binomial heap notes, 6, 12]
Balanced Trees [AVL tree notes] Augmenting [14]
Hashing [11]
Randomized Quicksort [5,7]
Test week.
Amortization [17]
Disjoint Sets [21]
Graphs; Breadth-First Search [22] Depth First Search [22] Minimum Spanning Trees [23]
BA 2283
BA 2283
outside these hours, please make an appointment
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
Sep 09 – Sep 13 Sep 16 – Sep 20
Sep 23 – Sep 27 Sep 30 – Oct 04 Oct 07 – Oct 11 Oct 14 – Oct 18 Oct 21 – Oct 25 Oct28–Nov01
Nov11–Nov15 Nov18–Nov22 Nov25–Nov29 Dec 02 – Dec 05 Dec 07 – Dec 20
Problem Set 1
Problem Set 2
Problem Set 3 Problem Set 4 Term Test
Problem Set 5 Problem Set 6 Problem Set 7 Problem Set 8
Final Exam 50%
3% 26%
3% 3% 3% 3%
By the end of this course, students will be familiar with a variety of standard, complex data structures and abstract data types (graphs, dictionaries, balanced search trees, hash tables, heaps, disjoint sets), and with standard complexity measures (worst-case, average-case, amortized). More specifically, students will be able to:
• recognize algorithms that employ each data structure,
• write algorithms that employ each data structure,
• recognize when each complexity measure is most appropriate,
• analyze the efficiency of algorithms using each complexity measure,
• choose and/or modify data structures appropriately to solve various problems.
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto, St. George Campus
page 1 of 2
Learning Goals
Website Textbook

CSC 263 H1
Course Information Sheet Fall 2019
• •

Each problem set must be completed in groups of up to 3 and is due by 9:59pm on Tuesday.
Late homework submissions are penalized by 10 % for every minute of lateness (rounded up, to a
maximum of 12 hours), except for documented unusual circumstances— see the policy on special consideration (“petitions”) below.
The midterm test is scheduled during lecture on Oct. 23. Further details (including the rooms) will be posted on the course website, including what to do if you have a timetable conflict.
• For the midterm test, you will be allowed one 8.5″ × 11″ aid sheet, handwritten on one side.
• For the final exam, you will be allowed one 8.5″ × 11″ aid sheet, handwritten on both sides.
• If you earn less than 40% on the final exam, your final course grade will be reduced below 50.
If you cannot answer a question (or part of a question) on a test or on the final exam, you may still receive partial credit. If you write “I don’t know how to answer this quesiton.” and cross out anything else you have written, then your question will be marked at 20% and the crossed out material will not be marked.
This does NOT apply on homework, where you have the time (and the responsibility) to ask questions and learn how to solve each problem.
If you are unable to complete homework or if you miss a test due to major illness or other circumstances completely outside of your control, please contact your registrar immediately. Special consideration will be considered on the College Registrar’s recommendation and will not be given automatically. In other words, you risk getting a mark of zero for missed work unless you contact your College Registrar promptly.
In the case of illness, medical documentation must be supplied on the official University of Toronto Verification of Illness or Injury Form (see the course website for a link to this document). If you have any concerns or questions regarding your situation, please contact your instructor or your College Registrar— they are well-equipped to help you with anything you may be going through.
All remarking requests must be received within one week of the date when the work was returned. It is your responsibility to check course announcements regularly.
It is to your advantage to be specific when you write up your request: either clearly demonstrate that the marking scheme was not followed correctly, or ask questions about specific elements in the marking scheme. Note that marks are awarded based on merit, not on need— that is the only fair way to award marks— so statements like “I worked really hard” or “I really need those marks” are not valid reasons to request remarking.
Everything that you submit for marks (problem sets, assignments, test and exam) must not contain anyone else’s work or ideas without proper attribution. In particular, the writeup of your homework must be done in isolation from other students (or other groups) and without copying from notes or other sources. This ensures that your solution is truly your own, and that your grade reflects your own understanding of the course material. To be safe, do not let others look at your solutions, even in draft form and even after the due date. Please read the article How Not To Plagiarize linked on the course website.
Please use email for personal matters only; post all other questions/comments on the course forum. Please use a descriptive subject line for all your electronic correspondence— for email, always include the course number, your student number, and your utorid. To help prevent your messages being incorrectly tagged as spam, please email only from your teach.cs or mail.utoronto account (see www.utorid.utoronto.ca). We will generally answer queries within two business days (not counting weekends), although we may take longer during particularly busy times (e.g., around assignment due dates). For your own sake, please do not rely on getting same-day answers (which we cannot guarantee, unfortunately).
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto, St. George Campus page 2 of 2
20% Rule
Grading Scheme


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[SOLVED] 代写 data structure algorithm Scheme graph CSC 263 H1 Course Information Sheet Fall 2019
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