[SOLVED] 代写 data structure algorithm html Java junit security 06-30175

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Data Structures & Algorithms
Spring Semester 2018-2019
The University of Birmingham School of Computer Science ⃝c Alan P. Sexton 2018-2019
Assignment 03 — Version 2
1 Introduction
This assignment will be marked out of 11 and DOES contribute to your module mark (11% of your final module mark).
Deadline for submission is:
10:00 Monday 25th February
While the first assignment was about linked lists and their implementation, and the second about using standard Java Collection classes for Lists, Maps, Sets and Arrays, this assignment is about implementing and manipulating binary trees.
As a motivating application we take the topic of Propositional Logic. We tackle the issues of representing propositional logic formulæ, evaluating them, simplifying them, outputting them and reducing them to Conjunctive Normal Form.
A set of Java sources have been provided for you that already supports creating a binary tree to represent a propositional logic expression, and constructing such a tree from a list of node types (propositional logic operators such as AND, OR, NOT, IMPLIES, TRUE and FALSE, and variables A to Z) in reverse polish notation (c.f. https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation). There is also a method to extract the reverse polish notation list of operators from the expression.
A sample propositional logic formula of the type that this program deals with is:

• •

To get full marks, you will have to provide working implementations for all methods where the comment: “//WRITE YOUR CODE HERE”
appears so that it matches the specification provided in the corresponding Javadoc comments.
There will be 1 mark if your submission compiles correctly and can be run and passes the test provided in the initial assignment files.
Unlike in previous exercises, a full set of tests have NOT been provided for you. In this assignment you should choose and write your own tests by first reading carefully this handout and the Javadoc comments and composing tests, in the style used in the previous assignments, to test that your implementations function as required. I strongly recommend that you use the Eclipse “coverage” feature, to ensure that there is at least some level of completeness of testing of your code.
If your submission is not structured correctly or does not compile, or crashes or enters an infinite loop before any tests pass, then no marks will be earned.
P ∧(Q∨¬R)→Q∧(⊥∨(P →R))∧⊤
Plagiarism will not be tolerated: it is unfair to the other students and prevents you from learning, and would give you a mark you don’t deserve, and qualifications you don’t deserve, hence being unfair to Society as a whole too. Please behave well and reward the module lecturer and TA’s by submitting your own, hard work.
All submissions will be checked for copying against other submissions and against sources on the web and elsewhere. Any student found to have
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• GuidanceNotesonPlagiarism:https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/internal/taught-students/plagiarism
• Copying is plagiarism: https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/internal/taught-students/copying
• Universityregulationsonplagiarism:https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/as/studentservices/ conduct/plagiarism/index.aspx

4 Student Welfare
If you miss or are going to miss a deadline, or are getting behind the learning material, for reasons outside of your control, please contact Student Welfare. Occasionally students represent the University in sports, programming competitions, etc., and if this is going to affect your ability to comply with a deadline, Welfare should be informed. It is the Welfare Team, not the teaching team, who can award extensions and cancellations, and devise other measures to cope with adverse situations. It is important to contact welfare as soon as possible when such situations arise.
5 Background
Most of the code required for this assignment is recursive. The general pattern is that something has to be done in the current node, and something must be done in the children of the node (if any). An important decision is whether you deal with the node itself before you deal with children (preorder processing), after you deal with the children (postorder processing) or, in the case of two children, whether you deal with the node between dealing with the left child and dealing with the right child (inorder processing). Different cases call for different choices in this respect. The methods reversePolishBuilder(…) and getReversePolish() provide good examples of recursion.
First get the code up and running and read the code provided to fully understand how it works. The code already handles creating a logical expression from a list of operators (NodeType enum values). See https://docs.oracle.com/ javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/enum.html for explanations on enums.
Note how classes other than PLTreeNode must use PLTreeNode.reversePolishBuilder(…) to create for- mulæ. All the other constructors are intentionally private.
I recommend that you implement the necessary methods in the following order:
a. toStringPrefix(): A simple preorder recursion
b. toStringInfix(): A simple inorder recursion
c. applyVarBindings(…): A very simple recursion. Note that you should NOT create new nodes for this, or simplify expressions. This is simply a matter of replacing the type class field of the variable nodes with NodeType.TRUE or NodeType.FALSE depending on what the binding argument parameter says it should be. Don’t change the node if that variable is not in the binding map.
d. eliminateImplies(): This is the simplest of the methods that edit the tree in a non-trivial way: Recurse down the tree. As you find nodes whose type is IMPLIES, i.e. IMPLIES(x,y), where x and y are sub-trees, replace it with OR(NOT(x),y). Note that you can just assign NodeType.OR to the type variable of the current node, the child2 field (which contains the y sub-tree) stays the same, but you need to create a new PLTreeNode object for the new NOT sub-tree to assign to the child1 node. Don’t forget to put the x sub-tree as the first child of the new NOT node.
(Note: I should have called this “replaceImplies()”: this method has nothing to do with the natural deduction implication elimination rule — it is simply about replacing implication with an equivalent expression that does not have the IMPLIES operator. However I do not want to change the code now that it has been released)
e. pushNotDown(): At this point you should be comfortable with editing the tree in the correct way. Make sure your approach handles long nested sub-trees of NOT nodes. hint: consider carefully whether the recursion should be preorder or postorder.
f. pushOrBelowAnd(): Be careful about putting a copy of a sub-tree into the tree. Where you need to have two copies of the same sub-tree in your tree, make a deep copy. There is a deep copy constructor provided for this purpose.
There is a surprisingly tricky element to this method. Since it is particularly tricky, the following explict guidance is provided:
Note that when you find a pattern of an OR node with a AND node below it, you push the OR node down. However, that means that you also pull the AND node up! The trickiness involved is that you can introduce NEW instances of the pattern of an AND node as a direct child of an OR node in two different ways:
i. Push an OR node down so that it ends up directly above an AND node that previously did not have an OR node above it.
ii. Pull an AND node up so that it ends up directly below an OR node that previously did not have an AND node below it.

g. h.
Consider an OR node with another OR node below it, and an AND node below that: OR(OR(AND(W,X),Y),Z))
Here if we recurse, the first OR does not match the pattern we are looking for, so we recurse further to the second OR. This matches the pattern of an AND below an OR, so we change it around to an OR below an AND as required: OR(AND(OR(W,Y),OR(X,Y)),Z)). That fixes the pattern we found, but, as a result, we have pulled the AND up one level and it is now sitting directly below the first OR, introducing a new instance of the pattern that we wanted to eliminate!
We can fix that by using pre-order recursion: First recurse down the sub-trees, then deal with the pattern on the current node. That guarantees to pull up any AND nodes right up to the child level before we deal with the pattern.
But wait: Consider the pattern OR(AND(AND(W,X),Y),Z. The pre-order recursion on the children won’t make any changes because the there are no instances of the pattern below the top level. We then apply the correct change to get: AND(OR(AND(W,X),Z),OR(Y,Z)). However, having moved the OR down, we have introduced a NEW instance of the pattern and we already finished our recursion, so we don’t ever get to deal with it!
We would fix this problem by switching to postorder recursion. But if we did that we would end up with the original problem above that we used preorder recursion to solve.
Here the solution is that we have to recurse BEFORE we deal with this node to handle AND pull ups, we then deal with the current node, and then we recurse again AFTER we deal with this node to handle the OR push downs.
makeAndOrRightDeep(): By this stage this should be very easy
evaluateConstantSubtrees(): This method is completely independent of the other methods: it is not required to get any of the other methods working and none of the other methods are required to get this working. The full version of this is a little complex. The idea is that if you have a subtree such as AND(FALSE,x) where x is some sub-tree, then you can replace it with FALSE. Similarly AND(TRUE,x) can be replaced with just x. To figure out what to do, you should consider the truth table for the different operators.
Normally the truth table says whether the results of the operator are true or false depending on whether the inputs are true or false. In our case, the inputs are the sub-trees, and we may not be able to resolve those sub-trees to true or false if they contain variables, because we can’t evaluate the sub-tree fully until those variables are given a value.
Therefore we need to consider the truth tables where the inputs are true (⊤), false (⊥) or not known yet (N ):








To understand the table, consider the AND column: A ∧ B where one or both of the inputs are unknown:
⊤ ∧ N , where the A sub-tree evaluates to true and the B sub-tree can’t be evaluated yet, will have the same result as just the B sub-tree, so a node that represents AND(TRUE,x) where x is a sub-tree that can’t be evaluated, can be replaced with the sub-tree x.
Similarly AND(x,TRUE) can be replaced with the sub-tree x and AND(x,FALSE) can be replaced with FALSE. Finally AND(x,y), where neither x nor y can be evaluated, can not be replaced at all and should remain unchanged.
Setup and Specification
You have been provided with a Java project folder, dsa_assignment3, that contains sources and tests for this assign- ment in the dsa_2019 GIT repository (don’t forget to do a “git pull” inside your copy of the repository to update it). You have been provided with the following files and packages:

If you set the top level dsa_assignment3 as an Eclipse project, with src/main/java and src/test/java as the source folders on your build path, and add the user libraries for hamcrest-all (or hamcrest-core), JUnit and Log4J to your project, you should be able to compile and run the test (which should fail!) and which should produce some log output
Your task is to add missing code to the methods in PLTreeNode.java to make the methods function correctly according to the specifications in the Javadoc and this handout.
The PLTreeNode.java currently contains a test to check that you have entered your name and student id in the methods provided, and otherwise shows how the methods in PLTreeNode.java should be called with some sample suitable input. Please see the end of this handout for the output that the solution to this assignment generates.
• • • • • •

The precise information about the behaviour required of the missing code is detailed in the Javadoc comments in the files.
YoushouldmodifythemethodsPLTreeNode.getStudentId()andPLTreeNode.getStudentName() in PLTreeNode.java to return your student id and name.
You should NOT add any further class variables to PLTreeNode.java, or change the types or visibility of the existing class variables or methods nor modify any of the other files in the main part of the src tree.
You can add extra private methods in PLTreeNode.java if you like but please note that they are not needed and my solution does not do so.
You can (and should!) modify the PLTreeNodeTest.java file and you can add any other test files as you please. Your test files are for your own use and should NOT be submitted.
You should not modify the package structure or add any new classes that PLTreeNode.java depends upon to run. Your final submission will be purely the PLTreeNode.java file, so any modifications outside that file will not be considered and the PLTreeNode.java file that you submit must work with the other files as they currently stand in the assignment structure.
You should not use any print statements to any files or to standard out or standard error streams: if you want to have some debug output, use the logging calls for Log4j. The logging system will be switched to disable log output when your submission is run for marking purposes.
For marking purposes, your code will be compiled and executed against a test set in a secure sandbox environment. Any attempts to break the security of the sandbox will cause the execution of your program to fail. This includes infinite loops in your code.
When you have completed your code changes to your satisfaction, submit your PLTreeNode.java
Sample Log Output
The log output from the solution to the exercise for the testPLTreeConstruction() method in PLTreeNodeTest .java has been copied as a comment into the file below the method to assist you in writing your tests. You may find it useful to copy and paste some of the strings from that comment into some of your tests. The contents of that comment are listed below. Do not try to copy and paste from the PDF document: PDF will not necessarily produce the right unicode characters or the right ordering of the characters: use the comment in the PLTreeNodeTest.java.
VERSION 2: after correcting an error in pushOrBelowAnd()
typeList: [R, P, OR, TRUE, Q, NOT, AND, IMPLIES]
Constructed: implies(or(R,P),and(true,not(Q)))
Constructed: ((R∨P)→(⊤∧¬Q))
typeListReturned: [R, P, OR, TRUE, Q, NOT, AND, IMPLIES]
Applied bindings : {P=true, R=false} to get: implies(or(false,true),and(true,not(Q))) Applied bindings : {P=true, R=false} to get: ((⊥∨⊤)→(⊤∧¬Q))
typeListReturned: [FALSE, TRUE, OR, TRUE, Q, NOT, AND, IMPLIES] Eliminate Implies: or(not(or(false,true)),and(true,not(Q))) Eliminate Implies: (¬(⊥∨⊤)∨(⊤∧¬Q))
typeListReturned: [FALSE, TRUE, OR, NOT, TRUE, Q, NOT, AND, OR] pushNotDown: or(and(not(false),not(true)),and(true,not(Q))) pushNotDown: ((¬⊥∧¬⊤)∨(⊤∧¬Q))
typeListReturned: [FALSE, NOT, TRUE, NOT, AND, TRUE, Q, NOT, AND, OR]
pushOrBelowAnd: and(and(or(not(false),true),or(not(false),not(Q))),and(or(not(true),true),or(not(true),not(Q)))) pushOrBelowAnd: (((¬⊥∨⊤)∧(¬⊥∨¬Q))∧((¬⊤∨⊤)∧(¬⊤∨¬Q)))
typeListReturned: [FALSE, NOT, TRUE, OR, FALSE, NOT, Q, NOT, OR, AND, TRUE, NOT, TRUE, OR, TRUE, NOT, Q, NOT, OR, AND, AND] makeAndOrRightDeep: and(or(not(false),true),and(or(not(false),not(Q)),and(or(not(true),true),or(not(true),not(Q))))) makeAndOrRightDeep: ((¬⊥∨⊤)∧((¬⊥∨¬Q)∧((¬⊤∨⊤)∧(¬⊤∨¬Q))))
typeListReturned: [FALSE, NOT, TRUE, OR, FALSE, NOT, Q, NOT, OR, TRUE, NOT, TRUE, OR, TRUE, NOT, Q, NOT, OR, AND, AND, AND] Evaluate constant subtrees to get: not(Q)
Evaluate constant subtrees to get: ¬Q
typeListReturned: [Q, NOT]

Constructed: implies(not(implies(implies(R,P),S)),Q) Constructed: (¬((R→P)→S)→Q)
typeListReturned: [R, P, IMPLIES, S, IMPLIES, NOT, Q, IMPLIES] ReduceToCNF to get: and(or(R,or(S,Q)),or(not(P),or(S,Q))) ReduceToCNF to get: ((R∨(S∨Q))∧(¬P∨(S∨Q)))
typeListReturned: [R, S, Q, OR, OR, P, NOT, S, Q, OR, OR, AND]
Evaluate constant subtrees to get: and(or(R,or(S,Q)),or(not(P),or(S,Q)))
Evaluate constant subtrees to get: ((R∨(S∨Q))∧(¬P∨(S∨Q)))
typeListReturned: [R, S, Q, OR, OR, P, NOT, S, Q, OR, OR, AND]
typeList: [A, B, AND, C, OR, D, OR, E, OR, F, OR, G, OR, H, OR]
Constructed: or(or(or(or(or(or(and(A,B),C),D),E),F),G),H)
Constructed: (((((((A∧B)∨C)∨D)∨E)∨F)∨G)∨H)
typeListReturned: [A, B, AND, C, OR, D, OR, E, OR, F, OR, G, OR, H, OR]
pushOrBelowAnd: and(or(or(or(or(or(or(A,C),D),E),F),G),H),or(or(or(or(or(or(B,C),D),E),F),G),H))
pushOrBelowAnd: (((((((A∨C)∨D)∨E)∨F)∨G)∨H)∧((((((B∨C)∨D)∨E)∨F)∨G)∨H))
typeListReturned: [A, C, OR, D, OR, E, OR, F, OR, G, OR, H, OR, B, C, OR, D, OR, E, OR, F, OR, G, OR, H, OR, AND] Extra tests of pushOrBelowAnd()
typeList: [A, B, AND, C, AND, D, OR, E, OR]
Constructed: or(or(and(and(A,B),C),D),E)
Constructed: ((((A∧B)∧C)∨D)∨E)
typeListReturned: [A, B, AND, C, AND, D, OR, E, OR]
pushOrBelowAnd: and(and(or(or(A,D),E),or(or(B,D),E)),or(or(C,D),E))
pushOrBelowAnd: ((((A∨D)∨E)∧((B∨D)∨E))∧((C∨D)∨E))
typeListReturned: [A, D, OR, E, OR, B, D, OR, E, OR, AND, C, D, OR, E, OR, AND]


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[SOLVED] 代写 data structure algorithm html Java junit security 06-30175
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