[SOLVED] 代写 data structure algorithm game python AI graph software security Due: 11 pm Monday 28th October 2019 Worth: 10 of the final mark

30 $

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Due: 11 pm Monday 28th October 2019 Worth: 10 of the final mark
Solitaire is also known as Klondike is a game which is played with a standard 52card deck, without Jokers. An example is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 A GNOME version of Klondike 1
After shuffling, seven piles of cards are laid from left to right. Each pile begins with one upturned card. From left to right, each pile contains one more card than the last. The first and leftmost pile contains a single upturned card, the second pile contains two cards one downturned, one upturned, the third contains three two downturned, one upturned, and so on, until the seventh pile which contains seven cards six downturned, one upturned. The piles should look like the figure to the right at the beginning of every game.
The four foundations light rectangles in the upper right of Figure 1 are built up by suit from Ace low in this game to King, and the tableau piles can be built down by alternate colors, and partial or complete piles can be moved if they are built down by alternate colors also. Any empty piles can be filled with a King or a pile of cards with a King. The aim of the game is to build up a stack of cards starting with two and ending with King, all of the same suit. Once this is accomplished, the goal is to move this to a foundation, where the player has previously placed the Ace of that suit. Once the player has done this, they will have finished that suit, the goal being to finish all suits, at which time the player would have won see https:en.wikipedia.orgwikiKlondike28 solitaire29.
In this assignment, you are going to implement this game with simplified game rule using Python.
COMPSCI 130 S2Assignment 02
Computer Science
Assignment TWO

COMPSCI 130 S2Assignment 02
The work done on this assignment must be your own work. Think carefully about any problems you come across, and try to solve them yourself before you ask anyone for help.
Under no circumstances should you take or pay for an electronic copy of someone elses work. This will be penalized heavily.
Under no circumstances should you give a copy of your work to someone else
The Computer Science department uses copy detection tools on the files you submit. If you copy from
someone else, or allow someone else to copy from you, this copying will be detected and disciplinary
action will be taken.
To ensure you are not identified as cheating you should follow these points:
o Always do individual assignments by yourself.
o Never give another person your code.
o Never put your code in a public place e.g., forum, your web site.
o Never leave your computer unattended. You are responsible for the security of your account. o Ensure you always remove your USB flash drive from the computer before you log off.
Your name, UPI and other notes
All files should also include your name and ID in a comment at the beginning of the file.
All your files should be able to be compiled without requiring any editing.
All your files should include good layout structure
The simplified game rule
After shuffling, n piles of cards are laid from top to bottom. The 0 first pile begins with one upturned card and n1 downturned cards. The other piles the tableau piles are empty are empty at the beginning. An example is shown below.
The tableau piles can be built down according to the numbers of the cards. Partial or complete tableau piles can be moved if they are built down in order. An example is shown below.
The empty pile can be filled with any card. If the player do not want to cannot move the card of the first pile 0 to any other tableau piles, the player can get a second card and put the original one to the back of the first pile 0. An example is shown below.
to or
The aim of the game is to build up a stack of cards starting from card n1 to card 0. In order to become familiar with the template program supplied. Your assignment is divided into several sections for ease of completion. Please complete the assignment in order of the sections.
0: 61:
0: 2 1: 5 4 3
2: 6
0: 2 1:
2: 6 5 4 3
0: 61:
0: 71:
0: 7 1: 6

Section 1: The class Deque 20 marks
The class Deque is used to implement a pile of cards. The summary of class methods are shown below:
class Deque:
def initself:
def addfrontself, item: def addrearself, item: def removefrontself: def removerearself: def sizeself:
def peekself:
def peeklastself:
def printallself, index:
def initself:
You should use a python List data structure to implement the deque. The lists name should be items.
def addfrontself, item:
This method adds a new item to the deque at listSIZE1
def addrearself, item:
This method adds a new item to the deque at list0
def removefrontself:
This method removes and returns an item from the deque at listSIZE1
def removerearself:
This method removes and returns an item from the deque at list0
def sizeself:
This method returns the size of the deque
def peekself:
This method returns the front item of the deque at listSIZE1
def peeklastself:
This method returns the rear item of the deque at list0
def printallself, index:
This method prints out all the items of the deque with the order beginning from the rear item. The items should be separated by. However, if index is 0, all the items besides the first one the rear item at list0 should be hidden by .
For example: if q.item is 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, the expected output for q.printall1 should be 4 5 6 7 8 and the expected output for q.printall0 should be 4
In section 1, you are going to complete the implementation of this Deque class. You can test your code at coderunner assignment 2, question 1.
COMPSCI 130 S2Assignment 02

COMPSCI 130 S2Assignment 02
Section 2: displayself of class Solitaire 10 marks
You are going to implement the display function for the game solitaire. The class Solitaire should include the
initself, ncards and def displayself. You can write the function initself, ncards as below.
class Solitaire:
def initself, ncards:
self.CardNolenncards self.ColNoself.CardNo83 self.ChanceNoself.CardNo2 for i in rangeself.ColNo:
for i in rangeself.CardNo:
def displayself: ……
def displayself is going to display the game layout. The game should have a number self.ColNo of card piles. Each card pile is stored as a deque. If self.ColNo is 4, 4 rows of numbers should be printed out. However, the first row will display the first item only, the others are hidden by . Thus, you can implement this function by self.ti.printalli. Each line should start with the pile number, then :. The last is the list items.
An example is shown below:
deque 0 is 6, 5, 4
deque 1 is 3, 2, 1, 0 deque 2 is 14, 13, 12, 11 deque 3 is 10, 9, 8, 7
The display should be:
In section 2, you should implement the full program including both the classes Solitaire and Deque. You can test your code at coderunner assignment 2, question 2.
0: 6
1: 3 2 1 0
2: 14 13 12 11 3: 10 9 8 7

COMPSCI 130 S2Assignment 02
Section 3: moveself, c1, c2 of class Solitaire 15 marks
You are going to implement the move function for the game solitaire. The class Solitaire should include the
initself, ncards, def displayself and moveself, c1, c2.
The function moveself, c1, c2 moves the card from a pile to another pile. There are three types of moves.
Codition 1 c1c20: move a card from the top of the first pile rear of the list to the bottom of the first pile front of the list. This move is always valid.
Codition 2 c10, c20: move a card from the top of the first pile rear of the list to the bottom of any other pile c2 front of the list. This move is valid only when the number of moving card N1 is less than the number of the card N2 at the bottom of the destination pile by one i.e., N2N11.
Codition 3 c10, c20: move the whole pile of cards from c1 to the bottom of any other pile c2 front of the list. This move is valid only when the number of card N1 on the top of the moving pile is less than the number of the card N2 at the bottom of the destination pile by one i.e., N2N11.
In section 3, you should implement the full program including both the classes Solitaire and Deque. You can test your code at coderunner assignment 2, question 3.
0: 6 2 1 1: 3 2 1 0
After move0, 0, 0: 2 1 6
1: 3 2 1 0
0: 4 8 1: 7 6 5
After move0, 1, 0: 8
1: 7 6 5 4
0: 8
1: 7 6 5 2: 4 3 2
After move2, 1, 0: 8
1: 7 6 5 4 3 2

COMPSCI 130 S2Assignment 02
Section 4: class Solitairefull program 30 marks
You are going to implement the complete program of the game solitaire. The class Solitaire should include the
following methods:
class Solitaire:
def initself, ncards:
self.CardNolenncards self.ColNoself.CardNo83 self.ChanceNoself.CardNo2 for i in rangeself.ColNo:
for i in rangeself.CardNo:
self.t0.addfrontncardsi def displayself:
def moveself, c1, c2:
def IsCompleteself:
def playself: printNEW
GAME for gameiter in rangeself.ChanceNo:
printRound, gameiter1, out of, self.ChanceNo, end:
col1intinputMove from row no.:,10
printRound, gameiter1, out of, self.ChanceNo, end:
col2intinputMove to row no.:,10
if col10 and col20 and col1self.ColNo and col2self.ColNo:
self.movecol1, col2
if self.IsCompleteTrue:
printYou Win in, gameiter1, steps!
break; else:
if gameiter1self.ChanceNo: printYou Loss!
You can write the playself function according to above provide code. You are going to implement the IsCompleteself function to finish the whole program. This is the function to check whether the player can win the game. The player can win the game if all of below are satisfied:
1. No card on the first pile
2. All the cards are on the one of other piles
3. All the cards are in decreasing order it should be always true if there is no illegal move
This function returns True if the player win the game and False otherwise. You can test your code at coderunner assignment 2, question 4.

Section 5: Creative Extension 30 marks
Extend your program in a cool way, e.g. using a more attractive graphical representation, more functionalities, some simple AI etc. Please explain your extension in the file A2cool.pdf and submit a separate source file titled A2cool.py. The markers will evaluate your submission using the following criteria:
Explanation how detailed, clear and insightful is your explanation?
Novelty and creativity how creativeinterestingnovelcool is your solution?
Technical difficulty what is the complexity of your solution in terms of software development andor
algorithm development skills reflected in your solution?
Submit your assignment online via the assignment dropbox https:adb.auckland.ac.nz at any time from the first submission date up until the final date. You will receive an electronic receipt. Submit ONE A2.zip file containing the following files:
1. A2.py Python source file with the solution for sections 14
2. A2cool.py Python source file with the solution for section 5
3. A2cool.pdf pdffile with your explanations for the extension described in section 5
Remember to include your name, UPI and a comment at the beginning of each file you create or modify. You may make more than one submission, but note that every submission that you make replaces your previous submission. Submit ALL your files in every submission. Only your very latest submission will be marked. Please double check that you have included all the files required to run your program and A2cool.pdf in the zip file before you submit it.
Note 1. We will only mark your submitted code. Your testing results on coderunner will not be counted. It is created for you to test your program only.
Note 2: Your program must compile and run to gain any marks. We recommend that you check this on the lab machines before you submit. Your solution in A2.py must run on CodeRunner.
Marking Details
TOTAL: 110 marks
COMPSCI 130 S2Assignment 02
Section 1: The class Deque
20 marks
Display the hidden numbers
Display all numbers
Manage the movement within one deque
Manage the movements among a few deques
Section 2: : displayself of class Solitaire
10 marks
All numbers of all piles can be displayed correctly 1
All numbers of all piles can be displayed correctly 2
All numbers of all piles can be displayed correctly 3
All numbers of all piles can be displayed correctly 4
Section 3: moveself, c1, c2 of class Solitaire
15 marks
Move from pile 0 to pile 0
Move from pile 0 to pile 1
Move from pile 0 to pile 2
Move from pile 0 to pile 3
Move from any pile to any valid pile
Section 4: full program
30 marks
Win in 3 steps
Win in 5 steps
Lose in 6 steps
Win in 6 steps
Win in 15 steps
Lose in 20 steps

COMPSCI 130 S2Assignment 02
Win in 16 steps
Lose in 30 steps
Win in 24 steps 1
Win in 24 steps 2
Section 5: creative extension
30 marks
Explanation how detailed, clear and insightful is your explanation in the file A2cool.pdf?
Novelty and creativity how creativeinterestingnovelcool is your solution?
Technical difficulty what is the complexity of your solution in terms of software development andor algorithm development skills reflected in your solution?
Section 6: Coding style
5 marks
Appropriate comments
Easy to read


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[SOLVED] 代写 data structure algorithm game python AI graph software security Due: 11 pm Monday 28th October 2019 Worth: 10 of the final mark
30 $