[SOLVED] 代写 computer architecture network CMPSC-F353-A “Architecture of Comp Systems”

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CMPSC-F353-A “Architecture of Comp Systems”
Fall Semester, 2019
Suffolk University

Instructor Information
Instructor: Prof. Mehrdad Khaledi
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (617) 573-8634
Office: 73 Tremont St, 8089
Office Hours: MW 1:30 – 3 pm

Course Information
Meetings: MW03:05PM – 04:20PM
Location: Sargent Hall 375

Catalog Description: This course deals with the structure and operation of the major hardware components of a computer. Topics include basic logic design, basic datapath construction, basic pipelining, I/O system design, issues in memory hierarchy and network interface design. Normally offered each fall semester.

Prerequisites: CMPSC F265
Credit Hours: 4

This course follows the Federal Government’s Credit Hour definition. For more information regarding the definition, please see the Suffolk University Syllabus webpage: http://www.suffolk.edu/syllabus.

To complete this course, students will need to dedicate, at a minimum, the following amount of time to the listed activities:

Assignment/ActivityEngagement EstimateEngagement Hours
Course Readings
188 pages x 8 minutes per page
Review Lecture Notes
3 pg/lecture x 23 lectures x 5 min/pg
10 Assignments@ 9 hours each
Exam Preparation
8 hours each x 2 exams
Final Exam Preparation
10 hours
Class Attendance
3 hours for 13 weeks
Total: 186 engagement hrs

Textbook/Course Materials
M. Morris Mano “Computer System Architecture”, Third edition
Instruction design and RISC architecture handouts

Course Website:
All course material will be posted on Blackboard

Course Goals and Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
How the student will be assessed on these learning objectives – components selected from:
gain knowledge of the fundamental concepts and principles of computer architecture

be familiar with issues and tradeoffs in processor and memory design of modern computer architectures
-final exam
understand introductory design issues and tradeoffs that arise in building and using modern architectures for today’s computing
be familiar with issues and tradeoffs in hardware and instruction set design for computer architectures
– homework
– exams
– final exam
understand basic logical components and their use in basic computer circuits
be familiar with combinatorial and sequential circuits and their use in basic computer components
– homework
– exams
– final exam
understand the importance of maximizing performance as driving force behind architectural design
be familiar with issues and tradeoffs in designing (both unpipelined and pipelined) processors and memory hierarchies
– homework
– exams
– final exam

Students will be evaluated in the following areas: homeworks, in-term exams and a final exam. Homeworks are assigned on Mondays and due a week later. There will be two in-term exams.

Grades will be assigned based on results from class participation (5%), homework(20%), two tests(50%) and final exam(25%).

Course Policies

This course abides by university policies that can be found here: www.suffolk.edu/syllabus.In particular, please note the following:

Common Suffolk University Syllabus Policies
In addition to those described on this syllabus, this course adheres to policies and
procedures that apply to all Suffolk courses with regard to disability accommodation,
academic misconduct, academic grievance, attendance, and credit hour compliance. A
description of these policies can be found at the link http://www.suffolk.edu/academics/72770.php.

Course Cancellations
There are no expected course cancellations. In the event of unexpected course cancellations,(e.g., for severe weather, illness, etc) students are expected to continue with readings as originally scheduled. Any assignments scheduled during those missed classes are due via email unless other instructions are posted on Blackboard or communicated via email. In the case of increasingly large number of closures, arrangements will be made to keep up with the course schedule such as being provided by adequate materials to work with at home and offers of make up classes. These arrangements will be announced to the class via email and posted on Blackboard.
Student Resources

The university provides a range of academic, counseling, medical and administrative student support services. To learn more, explore this webpage: www.suffolk.edu/syllabus

Exam Make-up Policy:
Make-up exams are only given for excused absences, through the Student Affairs Office.

Homework Policy:
Weekly assignments are written homework and should be submitted before the specified deadline. Late submission is allowed only for two days after the deadline, and is subject to 20% penalty.
For assignments, you may discuss general ideas with your peers, but you must write up your solution individually and independently.
To appeal a homework grade, contact the instructor within one week from the return date, and provide explanation of why you believe the grade is in error.

Course Schedule

The schedule, policies, procedures, and assignments in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances, by mutual agreement, or to ensure better student learning. Lectures will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays between 9/4/19 and 12/11/19 except on Monday October 14 (will be held on Tuesday October 15), Monday November 11 (Veterans Day) and Wednesday November 27 (Thanksgiving).


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[SOLVED] 代写 computer architecture network CMPSC-F353-A “Architecture of Comp Systems”
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