[SOLVED] 代写 CISC 6745 Homework 2 — Will be graded due 2/19/2019

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CISC 6745Homework2 —Will be graded due2/19/2019
Please hand in by e-mail no later than2-19-2019 . Class will
Not meet that evening due to President’s day holiday

•Take themoving_bar_chart_1.py program and:

•Modify the program to plot a different color in each bar
•Modify the program to plot a bar color dependent upon the level of the bar
(Hint : for a and b, use a statement similar to the scatter statement for each level, and treat each
bar as an array. Then normalize each level by the maximum of the data in the original array.
Use the facecolor option within the command to plot the RGB component for color)

• Take the moving_bar_chart_1.py program and

Create a set of companion bars for eachbar plot, as would be done in Tableau to directly
Compare the dimensions of two measures.

•Modify moving_average_vb_data_3 to plot a rectangle in the upper right hand portion of the
Viewing area using

•Plot Line commands
•A rectangle command
•If you use equal dimensions for the length and width of the rectangle, the output plot
In general will not exhibit what looks like a square but will distort the shape. Explain
why this happens.

•Take the mat_plt_rect_c program and instead of circle of one color embedded in another, create
Graduated shades for any selected pattern of migration- at the bottom left the shade should start with
The darkest shade and at the upper right the shade should be the brightest,

• For the TABLEAU which employs the car_data excel sheet:
•Create a tree visualization which showshighway FE versus city FE, with manufacturer. The size and color of the rectangle controlledby the hignway FE.The Highway Fe and the City FE and manufacturer to be illustrated as text.

•Create a comparative bar chart visualization which shows the highway FE versus city FE for each manufacturer spread out by column

•Create a visualization of drive description versus manufacturers name with internal data as
Sum(CO2) and average number of cylinders in text and rectangles with graduated color.

•Create a visualization with drive description versus ave highway CO2 with carline class colored and the average highway CO2 in text.

• Is there a visualization for this set of data that would support continuous line plots in addition to scatter plots ? Why of why not, and what would need to be done to provide such a plot to the data values.



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[SOLVED] 代写 CISC 6745 Homework 2 — Will be graded due 2/19/2019
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