[SOLVED] 代写 C++ Scheme C++ ASSIGNMENT 2 2019/20 Exercise 1

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C++ ASSIGNMENT 2 2019/20 Exercise 1
Within the folder ex1 in the zip file you will find files called Person.h , Person.cpp and Student.h. These provide a class to hold details of a person, and declarations for a derived class to hold details of a student. Such classes would normally be expected to have more data members but only those that are relevant to this assignment have been declared.
The Person class is complete but you may, if you wish, add extra member functions to the class, e.g. an operator string method; you should not change any of the existing material.
The Student class declaration simply provides declarations for member functions that must be implemented; you must provide complete definitions for these functions in a file called Student.cpp. The behaviour of the functions should be as specified in the comments supplied in the header file. Again you may, if you wish, add extra member functions to the class (e.g. a method to calculate the average mark); if you do so the function bodies should be written in the .cpp file. You should not add any extra data members.
In a separate file, write a main function that will attempt to open and read from a text file, whose name should be supplied by the user. Each line of the file will contain the registration number and name of a student; these should be passed as arguments to the Student constructor to create a new student object,which should be added to a collection of students. This collection may be a vector, a list or a set (from the standard template library).
The main function should next attempt to open and read from another text file, whose name should again be supplied by the user. Each line of this file will contain a module number (which will be a string, e.g. CE221), a registration number, and a mark for the module (which will be a real number in the range 0.0 to 100.0). Having input each line you should search the collection for the student object with that registration number and add the module and mark to the map in that object. If the registration number does not match any of the students in the collection a warning message should be output to the screen. If the student already has a mark for the module this mark should be overwritten.
If either file could not be opened the program should terminate cleanly with an appropriate message.
Sample test files containing data in the correct format will be found in the ex1 folder to assist with testing.
Once input is complete details of all of the students in the collection and their marks should be displayed on the screen. A full list of module names and marks should be output for each student, so use of the << operator (which should output only the minimum, maximum and average marks) is not appropriate.Page 1 24/11/2019C++ ASSIGNMENT 2 2019/20The next requirement is to write, in the same file as the main function, two additional functions. The first should have two arguments, a collection of objects of type Student (vector, list or set) and a mark (of type float) and should print, using the << operator, the names and minimum, maximum and average marks of all students in the collection who have a maximum mark that is greater than or equal to the second argument. The output should be sorted by registration number. If no such students are found an appropriate message should be displayed.The second function should have three arguments, a collection of students, a module number (of type string) and a mark, and should print on the screen the name and the mark for that module of each student in the collection who has a mark for that module that is less than or equal to the third argument . Once again if no such students are found an appropriate message should be displayed.Finally add to the end of the main program a loop that allows the two functions to be tested interactively. Within the loop body the user should be given three options: test the first function, test the second function or quit. (The prompt for input should make it clear exactly what the user must type to make his or her choice; to facilitate quick testing the expected input options should each be single characters.) If the user selects one of the function-testing options the program should ask for a mark, and a module number if appropriate, and call the chosen function using the collection and the value(s) supplied by the user as arguments.Exercise 2In the folder ex2 in the zip file you will find a ReadWords class similar to that used in assignment 1. IthasmemberfunctionsgetNextWord (whichreturnsthenextwordfromthefilewhosenamewas supplied as an argument to its constructor) and isNextWord (which returns a boolean value indicating if there is another word in the file). The latter function has been declared as protected, so it can be accessed only in the member functions of the class and its subclasses. The getNextWord function calls a private function called fix to remove all leading and trailing punctuation from a word; hence it may return an empty string if the “word” contains nothing but punctuation. In this assignment a “word” does not have to contain a letter and no case-conversion is to be performed.There is also a header file for an abstract class called ReadFilteredWords, to be used a base class for developing three derived classes. This is declared as a subclass of ReadWords and contains a pure virtual function called filter which is intended to be used to select which words should be accepted and which should be rejected using some criterion. Implementations of this in the derived classes should take a word (as returned by getNextWord) as an argument and return true if the word satisfies thecriterion.TheclassdeclarationcontainsafunctioncalledgetNextFilteredWord –thisshould return the next word from the input (obtained by calling getNextWord) that satisfies the criterion, or an empty string if there are no more words that satisfy it. (It is assumed that an empty string will never satisfy a filter, so it cannot be returned if there are more words that satisfy the filter.) You must implement this function in a new ReadFilteredWords.cpp file.Page 2 24/11/2019C++ ASSIGNMENT 2 2019/20Three derived classes should be written, each with a different version of filter to override the virtual function.In the first derived class the filter function should return true if its argument is a string that contains at least one lower-case letter and no upper-case letters. In the second class the filter function should return true if its argument is a string containing at least twos letter and at least one numeric digit. In the third class the filter function should return true if its argument is a string that contains at least one letter and at least one punctuation character (as defined by the function ispunct declared in the header file ).
The three derived classes must be written in separate .cpp files, each with an associated .h file.
In a main function in a separate file write code that will allow the user to specify a file name and select which derived class should be used, then create an object of that class using the supplied file name as the argument to its constructor. The program should then process the whole file, repeatedly calling getNextFilteredWord until an empty string is returned, keeping track the number of occurrences of each filtered word returned by the function using a map.
You must not write three separate copies of code for the three derived classes; you must make use of the virtual function so you will have to use a pointer an object of type ReadFilteredWords.
After the processing of the file is complete the program should output the total number of occurrences of filtered words, the number of distinct filtered words (i.e. the number of entries in the map) and the three words with the largest occurrence counts (along with their counts). If there is more than one equally third-most frequent word you should output all of them, unless there are more than 10 in which case you may, if you wish, output the first ten followed by something like “and 15 more words”.
It is suggested that you use the Hamlet script supplied for assignment 1 to test your program.
You should submit to FASER a single zip file containing two sub-folders (one for each exercise). These folders must contain all of the .cpp and .h files for the exercise (including any supplied files that you have not modified); it is not necessary to submit executable versions. The only file formats that are acceptable are .zip, .7z, .rar or a linux gzipped tar file.
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C++ ASSIGNMENT 2 2019/20 Marking Scheme
Exercise 1: 15% of the marks for the assignment will be awarded for the Student class, 10% for the correct input and display of the collection of students and their marks, 20% for the two functions that search the collections and 5% for the interactive part of the main program.
Exercise 2: 15% will be available for the getNextFilteredWord function and the filter classes and 25% for the remainder of the exercise.
The remaining 10% will be awarded for programming style and comments. Your comments should say precisely what each function does; within function bodies you should use only brief comments to say what groups of line do – you must not say what every statement does. The header files for the filter classes should specify what the filters check for.
[ Note that the maximum mark for style and comments will be proportional to the amount of the assignment for which a reasonable implementation attempt has been made; for example if you attempt only exercise 1 you will not earn more than 5.5% of the 10% available for style and comments.]
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[SOLVED] 代写 C++ Scheme C++ ASSIGNMENT 2 2019/20 Exercise 1
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