[SOLVED] 代写 C html Java javascript SQL UML database network security ISAD251

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Database Application



This module aims to introduce students to the concepts and issues concerning serverside applications interfacing multiuser, networked, relational databases and to provide a solid foundation in SQL

Write effective SQL statements for defining, manipulating and controlling data.
Design and implement a multiuser database application
Implement serverside web solutions using appropriate technologies that integrate with backend data stores
Design and implement applications providing and consuming a distributed API

Database Application



This module aims to introduce students to the concepts and issues concerning serverside applications interfacing multiuser, networked, relational databases and to provide a solid foundation in SQL

Write effective SQL statements for defining, manipulating and controlling data.
Design and implement a multiuser database application
Implement serverside web solutions using appropriate technologies that integrate with backend data stores
Design and implement applications providing and consuming a distributed API

ISAD251Database Applications Development is a first semester module that expands your knowledge of Relational Database Systems RDBMS and builds upon your existing knowledge of C coding to provide you with the skills required to create full stack distributed database driven applications.

The module is delivered with a 1 x 3hr lecturepractical session per week.

For a 20 credit module you have on average approximately 42 hours of taught content and staff led activities.This leaves you with 152 hours of independent study.Students are expected to work through exercises, read and assimilate provided resource materials and prepare for the next session.The assessments will include elements from further study materials extending taught materials.It is essential you apply your study skills and provide evidence of this additional work.

Delivery format: 1 x 3hr lecturepractical session per week
Delivery location: FTC1403
Duration: 14 weeks

Staff Member
Contact Details
Role details

William Pang


Module Lecturer
Module Admin
Delivery staff

Module DeadlinesDeliverables
To pass this module you must achieve an overall grade of 40 across the two assessments.If you fail one element of the module AND obtain less than 40 for the overall mark, you will be expected to redo either on referral or repeat the element you have failed.For example, if you gain 50 for your coursework and 20 for your exam, this will give you an overall percentage of 35.You will therefore have failed the module and will be expected only to take the exam during the summer exam referral period.

The first assessment is your coursework, worth 50 of the module mark.The second part is the examination worth the other 50 of the module mark.

This document provides you with the instructions for your coursework.

This coursework is an individual piece of coursework.

Important Dates and Deliverables:

Peer ReviewDemo Session for Storyboard
Week 6
Thursday 21112019

Peer ReviewDemo Session for Implementation
Week 12
Thursday 09012020

Final Individual Portfolio. DLE Submission
Week 14
Sunday 19012020 23:59

Useful Links
The University provides support for student wellbeing via https:www.plymouth.ac.ukaboutusteachingandlearningguidanceandresourcesstudentsupportservices.Please pay particular attention to the following two sections:
Referencing and also Plagiarism policy. https:www.plymouth.ac.ukstudentlifeyourstudiesessentialinformationregulationsreferencing
Extenuating circumstances.https:www.plymouth.ac.ukstudentlifeyourstudiesessentialinformationexamsexamrulesandregulationsextenuatingcircumstances

COURSEWORK 01 C1W1Portfolio 50
Your task is to develop a database driven application for use in a pub or a tearoom.Your application must meet the requirements given below.The application is expected to be a simple three tier application having a simple browserbased client, middleware coded in a serverside language of C and a database contained in a Microsoft SQL Server database.

The application must be built up in increments during the course of the module.Code must be in a GitHub repository and typically include a storyboard, design documentation, current source code files and a screencastcapture of the application in use.

Throughout the course of the module peer reviewdemo sessions are provided for formative feedback and a final lab demo is required for assessment.It is required that you attend and contribute to each session to achieve full marks.

All code must be version controlled and commented, all 3rd party assets and resources are to be formally credited.

Before you begin creating your database application you must carry out the analysis and design.You are to use a combination of modelling and storyboarding.It is expected that EntityRelationship modelling and UML modelling will be used.For those who have not encountered UML modelling and Storyboarding before, there are learning materials provided in this module.By using UML modelling and the technique of storyboarding you will be able to map out exactly the functionality of your application and how your pages relate to each other.You must create an architectural diagram of how your layers interact, a class diagram of how your code interacts UML and the website structure storyboard showing all the pages on the site and indicating how they are linked together.

In week 6 and 12 you will carry out a peer reviewdemo during the session where you share and discuss your modelling, storyboard concept and ideas.You must record who you reviewed, the constructive comments you made to them, and the constructive comments they made to you.This will form the basis of a final submission where you outline how you responded.

Having completed prototype iteration so that you have a fully functional database driven web application, you will implement a final iteration based on the formative feedback and peer review.You will start with a final Application Design Document, bug fixing and refiningadding features.After extensive testing and debugging you will provide a final version on your Github repository.

You must submit one PDF file to the module DLE page containing your Application Design Document.This document will contain links to the following:
A custom GitHub prototype page for your application containing the following:
Linked YouTube video of you using your database application
Screenshots of the application
Application fact sheet
Your GitHub repository containing the following:
All source code for your database application including .SQL files

Documents must be uploaded by the deadlines shown on the DLE.Ensure you do not leave uploading to the last minute or you may face a penalty if the server upload speed is too slow.Double check the submitted file was correctly uploaded.A second late will see you capped at 40.It is recommended you upload the day before, earlier if possible.

Application Design Document
This must be in PDF format.
You must provide a storyboard to illustrate your application.
You must provide an EntityRelationship diagram that illustrates how your database has been constructed.
You must provide appropriate UML diagrams to illustrate the architecture of your application and how the serverside classes are constructed and their interaction.
Document any settings and images.
Provide evidence that you have tested your web application using the Web Accessbility Initiative WAI guidelines with a commentary about what you would change and why.
Include a list of the feedback acquired from the Demo sessions indicating what you changed and what you would change if you had more time.
Provide the URLs for your API middleware, your hosted web pages and your GitHub repo.

GitHub prototype page
YouTube video
Length must be 12 minutes long
720p to 1080p resolution
Show only the application NOT you on your webcam
Screenshots must be high resolution 720p to 1080p
Screenshots show only the application, not the code Editor
Application fact sheet
Application description of at least 200 words
Include a thorough explanation of the application and how to use it
Contains no spelling mistakes
Good use of English sentence structure, punctuation, etc.
A list of up to FIVE key features
Evidence of testing on more than one browser
Evidence of Web Accessibility testing and results

Source code
Must be clearly in separate folder on GitHub repository
Technologies in use must be only SQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript and C
No other serverside coding language is acceptable.
The interface code may contain Razor if required.
Frameworks such as Bootstrap and JQuery are expected to be in use
Templates such as W3.css are acceptable
No extra marks are provided for creating your own CSS stylesheets
All pages for the application are expected to have the same look and feel.
Web application operates smoothly without crashing
Extra marks awarded for innovative approaches in use
Middleware must be a RESTful API written in the languages mentioned above.
A minimum of two resources must be exposed using the main HTTP verbs of GET, PUT, POST and DELETE.
SQL scripts must be contained within a folder labelled SQL
This should be an exact export from your hosted database.

API should be hosted on serverfolder allocated to you for this module.Any deviation from this must be agreed with the module leader by 31st October 2019.The URL for this must be provided.
Database must be hosted on the allocated Microsoft SQL Server instance.
Database must be populated with enough data to illustrate the application working effectively.
Web pages should be hosted on serverfolder allocated to you for this module.Any deviation from this must be agreed with the module leader by 31st October 2019.
You should provide the URLs within your application design document even if they have been allocated to you.

GIT repository
The readme file for your repository is appropriately completed
Repo readme includes all additional resources images, libraries etc. fully credited
The file structure is laid out appropriately
No previous versions of the application are present in the repository in a .zip or other compressed format
Commits to the repository are appropriately commented
Commits are in a consistent timely manner, at least once every week, not all just before a deadline.
Marks are awarded for evidence of good coding standards, including:
Logical naming conventions for variables, methods, classes etc.
Thorough commenting
Logical separation of code
Reuse of code

NB: If we cannot access your material from the date of submission we may not be able to mark it!

Anonymous marking cannot be used for this assignment due to the peer review activities needing to be traceable and the requirement for a video podcast.

This is an application that will provide the ability for a customer to order drinks and snacks along with an admin user to enter the details of drinks and snacks for sale. The type of establishment that this application would support is totally your choice, for example you may choose a tea room that sells different types of tea and cake, or you may decide you prefer licensed premises selling alcohol and bar snacks.However, only have drinks and snacks, do not add further items or categories.

The following user stories provide the basic requirements:

As a customer I wish to order a drinksnack.
As a customer I wish to see what I have ordered.
As a customer I wish to add to my current order for a drinksnack.
As a customer I wish to cancel my order for a drinksnack.
As the admin I wish to enter details of the drinkssnacks I have for sale.
As the admin I wish to read the details of the drinkssnacks I have for sale.
As the admin I wish to view a customers orders.
As the admin I wish to edit the details of the drinkssnacks I have for sale.
As the admin I wish to withdraw a drinksnack from sale.

This is not a full system, this is a minimum viable product MVP whereby only the user stories provided above are implemented.The following aspects are outside of the scope of the system:
Payments.The customer paying for their order is not required.
Delivering the order.The customer receiving their order is not required.
Other users.No other user stories for other users are required.

There are expectations that your application will illustrate a quality of design rather than quantity.Appropriate security and validation is expected along with appropriate design of the interfaces.The application should have a modern look and feel as some form of styling is expected to be applied.Please refer to the marking criteria for further indicators of where marks will be awarded.

Marks will be awarded under the following categories:
Total Mark
SQL statements are evaluated for defining, manipulating and controlling the data.
Evidence is sought for where SQL is used and where it can be found.
SQL is examined to evaluate how it meets the requirements for the application.
Evidence is sought for appropriate security approaches
Evidence is sought within the peer review and video for understanding how SQL should be applied.
The application is examined to determine if it runs as expected.
The application is examined to determine how it meets the needs of multiple users.
Evidence within the application is examined to determine how the requirements are met.
The design of application is examined to determine if contents are where expected.
Evidence is found for appropriate security design
Evidence is found for appropriate legal, social and ethical considerations.
Evidence is sought within the peer review and video for understanding how design might evolve
The serverside code is examined for quality and to see if written appropriately.
The application is examined to check it is clearly dynamicdata is delivered from the database to the browser and can be seen to be manipulated
The video is examined to find evidence that the student can demonstrate a suitable understanding of the code they have written
Evidence is found for appropriate security implementation
Evidence is sought within the peer review and video for understanding how implementation might be improved
The API is examined to determine that it is RESTful
The application is examined to determine the level to which it utilizes the API
The API is examined to determine the level to which it delivers JSON data for four main HTTP verbs : GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
The API is examined for code quality.
Evidence is found for appropriate security features.
Evidence is sought within the peer review and video for understanding how API might be improved

The following table illustrates the expectations for the different grade boundaries.
Source code

Does not meet learning outcomes.
Source code has major elements missing or substantial errors.

Code does not work and would never have worked.
Video does not show the application running.

Video is poorly presented and does not demonstrate an understanding of the subject matter.

SQL statements are not correct.

SQL statements do not run when imported into Microsoft SQL Server database.

Fatal flaws observed in structure
3rd 4049

Okbut only just
Source code is readable but only by an expert.

All elements present web interface, middleware and database

Code is disorganizedspaghetti code! No reuse in place and in some places there are errors.

Video shows a very basic application, does not illustrate any code and has very little depth.

Video is not well presented and only shows a partial understanding of what has been created.Student rambles and is not really coherent.

SQL statements run and create tables in Microsoft SQL Server database.

Structure of SQL statements indicate some flaws.
2:2 5059

Some good elements but doesnt do all it should.
Majority of code conforms to coding conventions.

Code runs as expected.

All elements present web interface, middleware and database

Video attempts to convey appropriate implementation.

The video is only partially effective at illustrating code and meeting of requirements.
There is some evidence of understanding of the code but no consideration of future work

SQL statements run appropriately.

Expected aspects are contained within the SQL but are very basic.

2:1 6069

Does all it should, is good, but plays safe
Code easy to understand and read.Reuse evidence.Format of code appropriate and logical.

Evidence of testing, accessibility and appropriate security features.

Video illustrates application covers the requirements as expected.

Student is coherent and walkthrough in video is structured appropriately.

Video demonstrates student understands code and how they put it together.

SQL well written.

Expected aspects are contained within the SQL and meet the requirements fully.
1st 70

Shows selfdiscipline selfled learning and wide reading.Is excellent.
Code well organized and easy to follow.Adheres to good practice expectations.

Excellent coding structures in place, clear evidence of quality approaches, testing and security.

Application design shows student has carried out substantial selfled learning.

Application goes beyond what has been taught in module

Video well presented, clear and concise.

All requirements illustrated in concise fashion but with enough code to demonstrate how application created.

Video able to show student has clear understanding of issues with database connectivity and manipulation demonstrated.

The interfaces are of a very high standard
The quality of the work is outstanding with no significant flaws. It demonstrates a good level of competence and depth
SQL excellent and adheres to best practice.

Substantial selfled learning demonstrated.

No significant flaws and demonstrates very high level of competence and depth.

Peer Review Template
Peer Review carried out by: nameDate:

The peer review should pick one of the user stories and attempt to use the application as that type of user carrying out that task.On completing using the application, you should ask the author to describe to you one aspect of the code implemented to run the taske.g. the database structure or the serverside code.

Task conducted: Please enter the user story

Was the task easy to carry out? If no or not really, please say why

Did you encounter any errors? If yes, please explain what

Did the author have to explain how to use anything? If yes, what?

Did you gain any inspiration for your own practice? If so what?

What constructive advice would you give the author for presenting their workcode in future?


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[SOLVED] 代写 C html Java javascript SQL UML database network security ISAD251
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