[SOLVED] 代写 C GUI html python socket software network security Programming project Due: Dec 16th 2019

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Programming project Due: Dec 16th 2019
Note: no late submission is accepted for this assignment.
1. Description
In this project you will develop a consolebased clientserver application that implements a simplified chat application using socket programming. For this project, you will implement a server program and a client program. The server program will wait for a connection from a client and upon the establishment of a connection, both the client and server will exchange messages as chat system Only one server or client can send message at given time and other one should wait . At the end of the conversation client can terminate the connection by using some special keyword for example !quit. Server must keep running until a new client is connected.
There is a catch, though, your application must allow a chat system to take place over a network other than localhost Essentially, if you have two laptops both connected to the same network, one laptop should be able to run the server program and the other one should be able to run the client program to connect to server and exchange messages between them. Design your code in such a way that the IP address of the server is parameterized and I can set it to any other machines IP address for evaluating your programthis can either be through a direct change of a constant variable, commandline user input, or a GUI specify in your README. Regardless of how you approach this detail, make sure it is welldocumented.
Since this is a 300level course, welldesigned code is expected. As such, you will be graded with respect to style, code structure, etc. For more information with regard to what is expected in terms of code style, please refer to Section 2. Since CC are renown languages for security vulnerabilities, it should be noted that this does not need to be considered for this application. In professional contexts, you will need to consider security of socket applications, but secure software development is beyond the scope of this course. Though, memory leaks or segmentation faults can also be considered security vulnerabilities and these must be handled by your implementation.
2. Code Style Guide
Writing code that maintains clear style is incredibly important as software engineers and computer scientists. Your code must be readable such that another developer can understand your code and meaningfully extend it without you. As such, maintain the following guidelines:

Do not place all of your program logic in a single function or file. Delegate your processes reasonably such that if a change must be made, it is easy to trace where that change needs to be made.
No magic numbers. For instance, the following line of code violates this rule, if value17 …. In this case, the issue is the use of the number 17. What does this number mean? A magic number is the use of any constant number aside from 1, 0, or 1. Instead, this line should read

something like, if valueMIN AGE ….
Variable names must be somewhat descriptive. Variable names like a or x are unacceptable,
unless it is a function that is a line or two in length e.g., a function that calculates the
Pythagorean Theorem.
Functions must have comments explaining what is being done. Further, each function should
have a comment that states what each parameter does and represents in the context of the problem. If there is a portion of your code that is not straightforward, write a comment about it.
There must be one space before and after operators: val5 should be val5
Indentation must be used in a Pythonic way.
You may place opening curly braces either on the same line or on the next line of a code block.
Just make sure you pick one style and use that one style exclusively.
Provide more explanatory README file, even someone with little knowledge about coding and
sutch can setup your program.
For this assignment, you must havemaintain the following:
This project is an individual effort.
Application must be developed in CC.
You must use the following socket framework for establishing and handling connections
syssocket.h 1.
Your application must include at least two source code files named client.c and server.c.
You may develop as many additional source code files if you wishwithin reason e.g., do
not have a source code file for each constant you may use.
Your source code must be legible and maintain a cohesivecoherent code style. For more
information on code style, refer to Section 2.
Your chat application must be worked in such a way that one physical computing device serves
as the server and another physical computing device serves as a client. For this, you can
develop your software in such a way that this is rather trivial.
Each submission must be submitted as a compressed .zip or .tar file.
You must include a README file that details your application, how to run it, how to make a
move, etc.
5 Tips
This project is worth 20 of your final grade. Do not hold off working on this project.
The socket framework required for this project should come preinstalled on your system. If you do not have it on your system already and have difficulty installing it, please drop
by the TAs office hours.
I would advise against incorporating too much of an objectoriented design for this project if

you choose C as your language of choice.
Create a simple server and client connection before implementing the chat functionalities.
This resource is a great place to start to familiarize yourself with socket programming:
Example :
Server side
Client side


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[SOLVED] 代写 C GUI html python socket software network security Programming project Due: Dec 16th 2019
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