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EECS3421 A3


There are three user roles that interact in an academic conference management system:

• Program Committee Chair (or PC Chair), which oversees the enactment, coordination and monitoring of the necessary tasks.

• Regular Program Committee Member (or Reviewer), which evaluates the overall quality of a paper that usually falls in his or her area of expertise.

• Contact Person (or Author), which submits documents (papers) of recent research.

Each of the user roles can register to the system by providing a login name, email and password information. Once logged in, they can provide further information about their profile, such as real name and demographics (e.g., institute they belong to, telephone, address, etc.). Reviewers can provide further information about their topics of expertise to help the PC Chair to assign them research papers that they are capable of reviewing.
每个用户角色都可以通过提供登录名,电子邮件和密码信息来注册到系统。 登录后,他们可以提供有关其个人资料的更多信息,例如真实姓名和人口统计信息(例如,他们所属的机构,电话,地址等)。 审稿人可以提供有关其专业知识主题的更多信息,以帮助PC主席分配他们能够审阅的研究论文。

The organization of a conference might be separated in four main phases; setup, submission, reviewing and decision phase, as follows:

• Setup phase: During the setup phase, the PC Chair provides functional information about the conference such as:
o defining administrative conference information (dates, description, etc.)
o defining the topics of the conference (each conference has several topics)
o defining additional PC chairs (if any)
o defining the program committee members
o defining the review form (each conference has a review form that reviewers use to submit their assessment)
o defining specific administrative settings (e.g., what is the number of reviewers assigned per paper?)

• Submission phase: During the submission phase, authors submit papers. For an author to submit a paper he must first create an account to the conference. An author can submit more than one research paper to a conference. The submission of a paper is a three-step process. First the author submits the abstract of a paper along with information about at least the paper title, co-authors, and topics of the conference that the paper falls into. Then, he uploads the full version of the paper. Finally, if the paper is eventually been accepted, then the author would need to upload the camera-ready paper as well. During the submission, authors have also the option to provide information about conflicts of interest (COI). A COI occurs when a co-author of the submitted paper participates to the same conference as a reviewer.
提交阶段:在提交阶段,作者提交论文。 要使作者提交论文,他必须首先为会议创建一个帐户。 作者可以向会议提交多篇研究论文。 论文的提交分为三个步骤。 首先,作者提交论文摘要以及至少与论文标题,合著者以及论文所属的会议主题有关的信息。 然后,他上传了论文的完整版本。 最后,如果论文最终被接受,那么作者也需要上传相机专用的论文。 在提交过程中,作者还可以选择提供有关利益冲突(COI)的信息。 当提交论文的共同作者与审稿人参加同一会议时,即发生COI。

• Reviewing phase: During the reviewing phase, each submitted paper goes through a reviewing process, where the program committee makes suggestions about which papers are accepted or rejected to appear in the conference’s proceedings. Decisions are based on at least several reviews per paper, so one of the tasks of the PC Chair is to assign each paper to a number of knowledgeable reviewers (usually 3). To help in the assignment task, reviewers are asked to define preferences to specific submitted papers through a bidding process and by expressing interest to review papers that fall on specific topics of the conference.
审阅阶段:在审阅阶段,每份提交的论文都要经过审阅过程,程序委员会将就哪些论文被接受或拒绝出现在会议程序中提出建议。 决策是基于对每篇论文的至少几次审阅,因此,PC主席的任务之一是将每篇论文分配给许多知识渊博的审稿人(通常为3名)。 为了帮助完成任务,要求审阅者通过招标过程和表达对与会议特定主题相关的审阅论文的兴趣来定义对特定提交论文的偏好。

• Publishing/Decision phase: During the decision phase, the PC Chair makes decisions about whether a paper should be accepted or rejected based on the reviews submitted by reviewers about each paper. A notification letter is then sent to the author for notifying them about the outcome of their submission.
发布/决策阶段:在决策阶段,PC主席根据审阅者针对每篇论文提交的评论来决定是应接受还是拒绝论文。 然后将通知函发送给作者,以通知他们提交结果。

Part A [10%]: A detailed description of the assumptions you made about the system’s functionality (minimum 10 assumptions, maximum 1 page).
• Part B [40%]: An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the system. Do not include any isa relationships or weak entities (these should be restructured to a final ERD). Your diagram should be computer-generated and not handwritten AND/OR scanned. You can choose to follow any of the notation conventions used in the slides but need to be consistent.
• Part C [40%]: A translation of your ERD to a Relational Schema.
• Part D [10%]: A definition of your Relational Schema following the PostgreSQL syntax.


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[SOLVED] 代写 C graph EECS3421 A3
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