[SOLVED] 代写 C data structure Java assembly computer architecture software One and a half hours

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One and a half hours
“ARM Instruction Set Summary” is attached
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture
Date: Wednesday 16th January 2019 Time: 09:45 – 11:15
Please answer all FIVE Questions.
Use a SEPARATE answerbook for each QUESTION.
© The University of Manchester, 2019
COMP 15111
This is a CLOSED book examination
The use of electronic calculators is NOT permitted

1. Representation of Information
a) Convert the following decimal numbers into unsigned 8-bit binary form and then
into hexadecimal by any method, showing your working.
(i) 4310 (4 marks)
(ii) 25310 (4 marks)
b) The following numbers are in 8-bit signed two’s complement form. Convert each of them to decimal format.
(i) 01011001 (3 marks)
(ii) 11111110 (3 marks)
c) In a system where colours are represented as RGB values, different shades of grey have identical values of R, G and B. If each colour is represented by 8 bits, state how many different shades of grey can be represented (including black and white), showing your reasoning. (4 marks)
d) In the data instructions of the ARM processor, only 12 bits are available to encode literals (constants). How many different literal values can be expressed? You are not required to describe how such literals are encoded. (2 marks)
2. Computational Models
b) (i)
Why is a Link Register necessary for the implementation of methods?
(4 marks)
(ii) In an ARM processor how is the PC used in the execution of a Branch instruction? (3 marks)
(ii) If a method calls a second method, what has to be done to enable return to the correct place once execution of the first method is complete? (2 marks)
c) What are the advantages of a stack compared to other methods of allocating
(6 marks)
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a) (i)
List the sequence of actions that the processor must perform during the execution of an instruction. Hence explain why a Von Neumann architecture computer needs to have a program counter (PC). (5 marks)

3. Code and Data Structures in Assembly Language Programs
a) State the function of the ARM assembly language program below and briefly
explain how it works.
LDR R1, a
LDR R2, b
MOV R0, #0
loopADD R0, R0, R1
SUB R2, R2, #1
CMP R2, #0
BNE loop
STR R0, c (6 marks)
b) State two cases where the program could produce an erroneous result, and show how each case could be detected by modifications to the program. In each case if an error is detected the program should simply branch to a specific error handling routine. You do not need to write the error handling routines. (8 marks)
c) Give two different ways that the program in part a) could be modified to execute more quickly. (6 marks)
4. Assemblers and Assembly
a) List the sequence of operations performed by an assembler, briefly stating what
the assembler does in each operation. (8 marks)
b) Explain the difference between an instruction and a pseudo-instruction, giving an example of an ARM assembler pseudo-instruction and the action that an assembler might take to assemble it. (6 marks)
c) Show how a constant and a variable could be created and used in ARM assembly language, giving an example of each. (6 marks)
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5. Virtual machines
What is the advantage of a virtual machine? Give an example of a situation in which Java is used where the use of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is useful.
(6 marks)
The Java Virtual Machine is a zero-address or stack-based architecture. Explain the operation of the Java Virtual Machine by reference to the execution of some simple instructions such as addition and conditional branch. (10 marks)
By reference to the usage of the Java Virtual Machine explain why it is designed as a stack-based architecture. (4 marks)
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COMP15111 ARM instruction set summary
Data Processing
ADD Rd, Rn, Op SUB Rd, Rn, Op RSB Rd, Rn, Op
Rd= Rn + Op
Rd= Rn – Op
Rd= Op – Rn (“reverse subtract”)
AND Rd, Rn, Op ORR Rd, Rn, Op EOR Rd, Rn, Op BIC Rd, Rn, Op
Rd= Rn AND Op
Logical OR
Exclusive OR
Bit Clear: Rd= Rn & !Op
MOV Rd, Op MVN Rd, Op
Rd= Op Rd= !Op
CMP Rn, Op CMN Rn, Op TST Rn, Op TEQ Rn, Op
set status on Rn – Op
set status on Rn + Op set status on Rn AND Op set status on Rn EOR Op
MUL Rd, Rn, Rs MLA Rd, Rn, Rs, Rp
Rd= Rn * Rs
Rd= (Rn * Rs) + Rp
An “Op” in the table above can be a literal (e.g. #10) or a register (e.g. R1) or a shifted register.
If a shift (by a literal e.g. #3 or a register e.g. R6) is required it is specified as the fourth parameter e.g. ADD R1, R4, R5, LSL #3;R1=R4+R5*8
ADD R1, R4, R5, LSL R6;R1=R4+R5*2R6
Loads and Stores
An “Address” in the table above can be a numerical address (e.g. 100) or a named memory location (e.g. fred) or calculated from the contents of registers and literals e.g.:
In the examples above the value copied from R1 can be modified by a shift (but R1 itself is unchanged) e.g. LDR R2, [R0, R1, LSL #3] ; address = R0 + 8*R1
The possible shifts are LSL, LSR, ASL and ROR as described for Data Processing instructions above.
Please Turn Over
LSL Shift LSR Shift ASR Shift
ROR Shift
logical shift left by 0 ≤ Shift ≤ 31 places, putting 0s into least significant end logical shift right by 0 ≤ Shift ≤ 32 places, putting 0s in most significant end arithmetic shift right by 0 ≤ Shift ≤ 32 places,
copying the sign bit into the most significant end
circular rotate right by 0 ≤ Shift ≤ 32 places, moving bits lost from one end into other end
one place right shift. Carry from status reg. shifts into most significant bit. If status reg. set by instruction, carry bit = least significant bit.
This gives a 1-bit circular rotate through the carry bit
LDR Rd, Address LDRB Rd, Address
loads a 32-bit word into Rd from memory location loads 8-bits into Rd; top 24 bits are ‘0’s
STR Rd, Address STRB Rd, Address
stores Rd at memory location
stores bottom byte of Rd at memory location
LDMFD Rd, register list STMFD Rd!, register list
multiple reg load,load from addr Rd
multiple reg store, Rd is updated after each store operation
operand form
final value of R0
[R0, R1] [R0, #1]
R0 + R1 R0 + 1
(unchanged) (unchanged)
[R0], R1 [R0], #1
R0 R0
R0 + R1 R0 + 1
[R0, R1]! [R0, #1]!
R0 + R1 R0 + 1
R0 + R1 R0 + 1

COMP15111 ARM instruction set summary continued
Control Transfer
Condition Codes
Any instruction can be made conditional e.g. ADD can become ADDEQ etc.
B Label BL Method
branch to label: R15= label
branch and link: R14= R15, R15= method
SWI Number
software interrupt
Meaning Flag condition
Equal Z Not Equal !Z
Greater than or Equal (signed) Greater Than (signed)
Less Than (signed)
Less than or Equal (signed)
N = V
(N = V) . !Z N != V
(N != V) + Z
Higher (unsigned)
Lower or Same (unsigned)
Carry Set/Higher or Same (unsigned) Carry Clear/Lower (unsigned)
C . !Z !C + Z C
Minus (negative) N Plus (positive) !N Overflow Set V Overflow Clear !V
Always TRUE
Also, any Data Processing instruction can be followed by an “S” e.g. ADD can become ADDS meaning that the result of the instruction is to be compared with zero.
Assembler Supplied ‘Pseudo Operations’
DEFB, DEFW and DEFS allow data to be planted amongst the instructions in a program.
MOV Rd, #–nn CMP Rn, #–nn
no operation replaced by MVN replaced by CMN
ADR Rd, label ADRL Rd, label
LDR Rd, =nnnnnnnn
Rd=label address. replaced by ADD Rd, R15, #nn Rd=label address. Used when #nn in ADR is out of range Load constant
Set address of code following to next 4-byte boundary
DEFW &12345678 DEFB 0, 2, ”bytes” DEFS &20
Define the value of the next word(s) Define the value of the next byte(s) Reserve the next 20 bytes


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[SOLVED] 代写 C data structure Java assembly computer architecture software One and a half hours
30 $