[SOLVED] 代写 C++ data structure algorithm Scheme database Go CSCI 104 – Spring 2019

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CSCI 104 – Spring 2019
Data Structures and Object Oriented Design
•Due: (See assignments page )
•Directory name in your github repository for this homework (case sensitive): hw4
◦In this project we have provided a substantial code base. Do a git pull in your homework-resources repo, then copy the homework-resources/hw4 folder into your hw-username repo and use the skeletons provided to start work in that hw4 folder.
◦You MUST modify the provided Makefile so that we can compile your code (not run it) by simply typing make which should among other compilation commands, produce an executable amazon
◦Provide a README.md file.
◦You may use any STL classes you like
Please read the entire assignment through once before you start to perform any tasks.
In this project you will write code to model a very simplified version of an online retail system such as Amazon. In this project you will read a database of products from certain categories as well as users and their associated information. Your program will then allow a user to interactively search for products based on certain keywords returning the products that match the search. From those matches, your program will allow a user to add select items to their “cart”, view items in their cart, purchase the items in their cart, and save the updated database of product and user information.
Important: In practice, reading and understanding others’ code is just as important as writing your own code. So in this project you will need to read and understand a good bit of provided code. Spend time understanding what it does and its structure.
One common need when reading large code bases (in the grand scheme this is not that large of a code base) is to find where classes or functions are defined that you see being called or used. Most editors have the ability to do this via some Find in files or Goto definition related feature(s). In Sublime if you open a folder (e.g. your hw4 folder) you can right click on a class name or function name and choose Goto Definition to jump to where that class or function is declared/defined.
Another simple command line tool is grep. At the command prompt you can type:
grep “search phrase” file(s)
to find all occurrences of search phrase in the listed files (often replaced with the wildcard, *). Thus:
grep “Product” *
would output the lines of text from any file in the current directory that contained Product. An additional option is -n to show line numbers.
grep -n “Product” *
would include the line numbers in each file where the search phrase occurs.
The Data and Its Format
Your online retail system will sell products of various categories. All products (no matter the type) will have a:
•Quantity in stock
Currently your system will support 3 categories of products and each category will supply additional fields of data as indicated below:
Note: ISBN, Author, Size, Brand, Genre, and Rating should all be string type data.
The program will also support a set of known users with a:
•username : string
•credit_amount : double
•type : integer (identifying special users like “prime” users…may be used in later HWs)
This information will be stored and can be accessed from a text database file. product_category

username credit_amount type
username credit_amount type

An example is shown here of a sample file we will provide database.txt. book
Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++
Carrano and Henry
Great Men and Women of Troy
Tommy Trojan
Men’s Fitted Shirt
J. Crew
Hidden Figures DVD

aturing 100.00 0
johnvn 50.00 1
adal 120.00 1

Provided Code
Here is a list of the files in the codebase that we are providing. Please do not alter any of the files marked Complete! below.
•amazon.cpp – Incomplete! Top-level application. Contains main()
•datastore.h – Complete! Abstract base class. You will create a derived class which should support storage of all the data: products and users
◦user.h and user.cpp – Complete! Class to model a User
◦product.h and product.cpp – Complete! Abstract base class. Models the common aspects of all categories of products. Should support various common operations on all products. Ignore and do not alter isMatch() for this assignment. It may be used in a future HW.
◦db_parser.h and db_parser.cpp – Complete! A Parser class which utilizes specialized product parsers.
◦product_parser.h – Complete! In this one file are several class definitions. The base class, ProductParser is meant to parse the common attributes of a product and then there is one derived parser class per category of product to parser the additional attributes
◦product_parser.cpp – Nearly Complete! The code for the base class ProductParser is complete and does not need to be modified. For each of the derived types you will need to complete the makeProduct() member function of each of these classes to instantiate an appropriate product object for the given category.
•Utility code
◦util.h and util.cpp – Incomplete – You need to complete the code in util.h to find the set intersection and set union. You also need to complete the function to parse a string containing spaces and words into individual words
•database.txt – Input file to your program. You may add more products and users to test your code, or write other input files. These are just text files and can be named however you like.
•Makefile – Partially complete! Edit as you add or change code
1.Keywords – Your system should build an index mapping keywords to the set of products that match that keyword. A product should match a keyword if it appears in the product name or one of the following attributes below (dependant on specific type of product):
◦Books: the words in the author’s name should be searchable keywords as well as the book’s ISBN number
◦Clothing: the words in the brand should be searchable keywords
◦Movie: the movie’s genre should be a searchable keyword
◦For the product name, book author, and clothing brand we define a keyword to be any string of 2 or more characters. If such a word has punctuation it should be split at each punctuation character and the resulting substrings (of 2 or more characters) should be used as keywords. Here are some examples:
◦Men’s should yield just a keyword of Men
◦J. would not yield any keyword since the remaining substring J is only 1 character
◦I’ll would yield just ll since that substring is 2 or more characters (this is obviously a poor keyword but we’ll follow this rule for simplicity)
◦For other keywords (book ISBN and movie genre) no punctuation or size analysis is necessary and it should be used verbatim as a keyword. Here is an example:
◦The ISBN 978-000000000-1 should be used exactly as is for the keyword entry
◦It is suggested you store your keywords in a common case so that searching is easy and case-insensitive
2.AND/OR Search – Your system should allow users to search for products based on entering one or more keywords at the program menu prompt. An AND search should return all the products that contain ALL the search terms entered. An OR search is defined as all the products that contain ANY of the search terms entered. At the prompt the user will need to write AND or OR as their first word/command followed by any number of search terms separated by spaced. Your search should treat those terms as case-insensitive when it comes to matching. Examples might be: AND Men would be the same as OR Men since there is only 1 term and would return all products that have the word men. (i.e. the book Great Men and Women of Troy and Men’s Fitted Shirt). AND hidden Data would return nothing since no products have both those terms OR hidden Data would return both the Hidden Figures DVD and Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++ products
3.Your search must be implemented “efficiently”. You should not have to iterate over ALL products to find the appropriate matches. Some kind of mapping between keywords and products that match that keyword should be implemented.
4.Hits – Results must be displayed to the user via the displayProducts(vector & hits); function provided in amazon.cpp. Failure to use this function will result in LARGE deductions since it will make our testing much harder.
5.Adding to Carts – You should support the notion of a “cart” for each user that they can add products to. Using the ADD username hit_result_index command should cause the product with index hit_result_index from the previous search result to be added to username’s cart. You must maintain the cart in FIFO (first-in, first-out) order though that doesn’t mean you HAVE TO use the C++ queue class. Currently, we will not support the ability to remove products from a cart. If a product is added to a cart twice, treat them as separate items and store them in your cart twice (i.e. don’t try to store it once with a “quantity” of 2). This implies that each command of ADD adds 1 product to the CART. If the username or hit_result_index provided is invalid, print Invalid request to the screen and do not process the command. Note: The results from the last search should be retained until a new search is performed. Thus, the hits from one search can be referenced by many ADD commands.
6.Viewing to Carts – You should support the VIEWCART username command which should print the products in username’s cart at the current time. The items should be printed with some ascending index number so it is easy to tell how many items are in the cart. If the username provided is invalid, print Invalid username to the screen and do not process the command.
7.Buying the cart – You should support the BUYCART username command which should cause the program to iterate through the items in username’s cart. If the item is in stock AND the user has enough money it should be removed from the cart, the in stock quantity reduced by 1, and the product price should be debited from the user’s available credit. If an item is not in stock or the user does not have enough credit, simply leave it in the cart and go on to the next product. Note: Your cart implementation must iterate through the products in the order they were added. If the username provided is invalid, print Invalid username to the screen and do not process the command.
8.Quitting – You should support the QUIT filename command which should cause a new version of the database using the format described above to be saved to a file whose name is filename. It should represent the updated state of the database (i.e. changing product quantities and user credit) to reflect purchases. Note: Within the various sections, users and products may be written in any order (not necessarily matching the order of the input database file).
Here is an example run of the program
$ ./amazon database.txt
Read 4 products
Read 3 users
AND term term …
OR term term …
ADD username search_hit_number
VIEWCART username
BUYCART username
QUIT new_db_filename

Enter command:
OR hidden DATA
Hit 1
Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++
Author: Carrano and Henry ISBN: 978-013292372-9
79.99 20 left.

Hit 2
Hidden Figures DVD
Genre: Drama Rating: PG
17.991 left.

Enter command:
ADD johnvn 2

Enter command:
Item 1
Hidden Figures DVD
Genre: Drama Rating: PG
17.991 left.

Enter command:
BUYCART johnvn

Enter command:
QUIT database.new
Here is the resulting output database. Notice the reduction in quantity of the Hidden Figures DVD and the credit for user johnvn book
Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++
Carrano and Henry
Great Men and Women of Troy
Tommy Trojan
Men’s Fitted Shirt
J. Crew
Hidden Figures DVD

aturing 100.00 0
johnvn 32.01 1
adal 120.00 1

Code Organization
We have made extensive use of inheritance and polymorphism. First, we have put the common components of all products into the Product class. However, there may be many kinds of products with additional attributes, and different behavior for choosing keywords for a search index, display presentation, and other aspects. Therefore, we have chosen to make Product class an abstract base class with each category of product being a derived object. In this way our core functionality (searching, adding products, etc.) can all just use the Product interface, but still call the specific functionality of keywords(), display, etc. through polymorphic behavior (i.e. virtual functions).
In the same way, our DataStore class needs to be able to add products and users and support a certain search interface. To enforce that interface without giving you the code we chose to write another abstract class. In this way, your implementation of a derived data store object must adhere to our chosen interface (the set of public member functions). Our code in amazon.cpp and db_parser.cpp can make calls via that interface by using a base class pointer/reference (DataStore* or DataStore&). It is this class where you will likely want to store products and users, via some kind of container object(s).
The parser in DBParser is complete but allows for extensions by “registering” certain “section parsers” and “product parsers”. Sectino parsers handle everything between

in the database file. We want an easy way to handle new sections without modify the parser too much. Thus we create an abstract SectionParser class that has some pure virtual functions to parser whatever section the derived class is written for. We can create section parsers out in main() and register them with the DBParser which will maintain a map of section name to the given parser. When the parser encounters a particular section it will invoke the appropriate section parser. We currently have written two sections parsers: ProductSectionParser and UserSectionParser. These are complete.
We take a similar approach for product parsing. Since we don’t know how many fields new product types might require we can use polymorphism. Each of these product parsers must adhere to the base class ProductParser. In this way we can easily add support for new categories of products by simply writing a new, derived product parser, and registering based on the category name. No changes to our DBParser code would be necessary but we can still allow for easy extension of our parser. Cool, eh? That’s the beauty of polymorphism: the decoupling of pieces of code. Our product parsers will parse all the aspects of the specific category of product into the data members of the class and then call makeProduct(). It is here that you need to instantiate an appropriate product object and return a pointer to it. It will then be added to the data store object. You only need to fill in the code in the makeProduct() functions for each specific product parser and do not need to change any other code in product_parser.cpp other than adding appropriate #include statements.
Your Task
1.Complete the parseStringToWords() in util.cpp according to the specification given above for taking a string of many words and splitting them into individual keywords (split at punctuation, with at least 2 character words)
2.Complete the setIntersection and setUnion functions in util.h. These will help you later on to perform searching. These functions should run in O(n*log(n)) and NOT O(n^2). Note that these are templated functions operating on any generic set . As a hint, to declare an iterator for set you must precede the type with the keyword typename as in typename set ::iterator it. Another very important note about using iterators with C++ containers (e.g. vector, set, map ): if you are iterating over a container with iterators, you should NOT modify the contents as you iterate. Consider the scenario where you have an iterator to the beginning item of a vector, and in your loop you erase that element. Behind the scenes, the vector shifts all the data elements up a spot, moving the 1st element into the 0th location. When you increment the iterator you will now move to the next location in the vector skipping the 1st element (now in the 0-th location). Similar or more serious issues can arise when you insert items, etc. as you iterate.
3.Write derived product classes: Book, Clothing and Movie implementing the keywords() which returns the appropriate keywords to index the product, displayString() [to create a string that contains the product info] and dump() [that outputs the database format of the product info]. We recommend trying to compile (NOT test, just compile) each of these files as you write them to avoid solving the same compile issue 3 times for each derived class. Remember you can easily compile by using the -c flag (e.g. $ g++ -g -Wall -std=c++11 -c book.cpp ). Each class should be written in its own .h and .cpp files (i.e. book.h, book.cpp, clothing.h, etc.)
4.Complete each of the specialized product parser implementations of makeProduct() in product_parser.cpp to return a new specific Product for each category. Again we recommend ensuring this file can be compiled after you complete it.
5.Implement a derived DataStore class called MyDataStore in mydatastore.h and mydatastore.cpp. It is here that you will implement the core functionality of your program: searching, adding products and users, saving the database, etc. (For search you can use the setIntersection and setUnion) functions in util.h. This class is likely where you should store products and users in some fashion. Again we recommend compiling this file separately as well after you write the core functionality. You may need to add to it or modify it later as you work through other design aspects but make sure it can compile now even just using empty “dummy” function implementations. This derived class may define non-virtual functions to do other specific commands that the menu supports. It might be a good idea to have one member function in this class that corresponds to and performs each command from the menu options. You should not modify datastore.h.
6.Complete the amazon.cpp. It has a pretty good skeleton laid out for you to implement the user interface (text-based menu and command entry) and you only need to modify a few lines in the top area and then add the remaining menu option checks at the bottom. More specifically, you will need to:
◦Change the DataStore object instantiation to your derived type
◦Add checks for other menu input options, read their “arguments” and implement the desired behaviors.
◦You should not need to modify the parser calls at the top.
7.Update the Makefile as needed. Remember we never compile .h files…those just get #included into the .cpp files that we actually compile.
8.Be sure you have no memory leaks.
9.You may NOT use any additional (we use a few in the code provided) algorithms from the library nor may you use the auto keyword.
Displaying Products
When you display the products, displayString() will be used to generate the information string. You should follow the format:

Author: ISBN: left.

Size: Brand: left.

Genre: Rating: left.
Test your Program
We strongly recommend writing separate test drivers programs (i.e. separate .cpp files with a main()) that perform basic unit tests by calling various functions or instantiating your classes and invoking the various member functions. In this way you can have some confidence that the individual pieces work before you try to put them all together.
At the point where you need a database file to parse and act upon, you may use the database.txt file. Feel free to add products and users to the database.txt or, better, create your own database text file. Run the program and be sure to test various sequences of command that exercise the requirements described above.
Completion Checklist
•Directory name for this homework (case sensitive): hw4
◦This directory should be in your hw-username repository
◦This directory needs its own README.md file briefly describing your work
◦Double check the FAQ page for any updates to requirements or clarifications that might apply to your implementation.
◦Please make sure you have read and understood the submission instructions.
◦You can use the submission link here.
WAIT! You aren’t done yet. Complete the last section below to ensure you’ve committed all your code.
Commit then Re-clone your Repository
Be sure to add, commit, and push your code in your hw4 directory to your hw-usc-username repository. Now double-check what you’ve committed, by following the directions below (failure to do so may result in point deductions):
1.Please make sure you have read and understood the submission instructions.
2.Go to your home directory: $ cd ~
3.Create a verify directory: $ mkdir verify
4.Go into that directory: $ cd verify
5.Clone your hw-username repo: $ git clone [email protected]:usc-csci104-spring2019/hw-username.git
6.Go into your hw4 folder $ cd hw-username/hw4
7.Recompile and rerun your programs and tests to ensure that what you submitted works.
8.Go to the Assignments page and click on the submission link.
9.Find your full commit SHA (not just the 7 digit summary) and paste the full commit SHA into the textbox on the submission page.
10.Click Submit via Github
11.Click Check My Submission to ensure what you are submitting compiles and passes any basic tests we have provided.


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[SOLVED] 代写 C++ data structure algorithm Scheme database Go CSCI 104 – Spring 2019
30 $