[SOLVED] C++ compiler CS 441 Fall 2019 Project 2: The Parser Due: Mon, Dec 10, midnight


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CS 441 Fall 2019 Project 2: The Parser Due: Mon, Dec 10, midnight
General Description:
Implement the Parser for the Compiler as an LL(1) Push Down Automata using the Pascal Grammar 2 posted on the course website (published after Homework 2 is due).
We will implement a Syntax Driven compiler, meaning the Parser is the main. Use the code provided on Multilab in pas.cpp as the actual main() to invoke parser p; p.compile(filename);
Given: on MultiLab in ~kwjoiner/441/proj2/
on in class. Finish this by adding the productions for TOK_STMT and TOK_N_VAL as mentioned in the comments.
You may implement your own grammar, and not use this one, of course.
use the pas.cpp provided for the test program.
write a Parser class in parser.h and parser.cpp It will of course need to declare a Scanner object
as one of its data members.
The Parser must use a Stack of tokens. The token.h from Project 1.3 has been extended to
include Non-Terminals of the given Pascal Grammar, if you wish to use that.
You may use the C++ standard class, or write your own. If you write your own, the stack
must hold at least 100 tokens; a dynamic stack is preferable.
The compile() method, and its sub-methods, MUST implement a PDA as described in the class
notes. Small variations are allowed, but the main loop must (each time through the loop):
o Pop the top off the stack
o Either consume a token or push the RHS of a production (or error)
Test Messages:
Each time a Terminal is consumed by the PDA, print a message with the Token ID string of the consumed token. Ex: TEST: tokenId consumed
Each time a Non-Terminal is popped and a production selected to push, print the production chosen. Ex: TEST: PROD: 15 TOK_N_TYPE > INTEGER { INTEGER }
where 15 is the production number (array index) and { INTEGER } is the select set.
You do not have to print the select set, but it may be helpful.
If you use the given token.h test print functions have been provided in prints.h/.cpp
provided main() program
my solution, executable
print functions for the given grammar and token ids
all of the files for my project 1.3 (the Scanner). You may use these or your own code.
*.pas test pascal programs (more will be added by Nov 18)
grammar.h contains MOST of the productions for our grammar as the 2-D array we worked

Error Messages:
The compile() method returns any error message, or for no error (successful parse).
If a method of the scanner finds an error, simply return the message from the scanner.
Messages should include the Token ID (as a printable string) when appropriate. If you use the
given token.h, the TOKENID_STR[] constant array is provided for translating TOKENID to a
printable string.
Parse errors would include:
o Token expected
This would occur when a Terminal is popped off the stack that does not match the next token from the source. Print both Token IDs in the message.
o NoProductionFound
This would occur when a Non-Terminal is popped off the stack, and the next token from the source does not match the select set of any production for that Non-Terminal. This message will never appear if there is a DEFAULT select set for every Non-Terminal in the grammar. If this message does occur, it should include the top token from the stack and the next token from the source. Ex:
No production found for top=tokenId next token=tokenId
o Extra tokens at end of source.
This occurs when the stack goes empty, but there are more tokens in the source file.
o Unexpected end of source.
This occurs when the source returns TOK_EOS (end of source), but the stack is not empty.
Submit in Canvas:
Submit a .zip file that contains all files needed to compile and execute your program. It should compile by one of two methods:
1. if you have a make file, then just make
2. if you have no make file, then g++ -o pas *.cpp


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[SOLVED] C++ compiler CS 441 Fall 2019 Project 2: The Parser Due: Mon, Dec 10, midnight