CS 245 Fall 2019
Assignment 1
Parts A and B are Due Thursday, Oct. 10
Part C is Due Thursday, Oct. 17
For all assignments, be sure to:
Include file comments at the top, listing your name, the name of the program, and briefly describe what the program does.
Line up instruction parts in columns:
0=labels; 1tab=instruction mnemonic; 2tabs=operands; 3-4tabs=comments.
Include pseudo-code comments to the right of your assembly code. Avoid comments that tell me what the assembly does, such as: move 25 to register $s3. Keep your comments to the logic.This is important for larger, complex programs.
Program 1A: Totaling 3 Array Elements
For the first program, declare a word array warray of 3 variables, total them, and store the total in the total variable.The total and warray should exist in memory.You may initialize warray to whatever you like.You do not need to use a loop for this 1a assignment.
Turn this program in as hwk1a.asm and bring a paper copy of your program to class to submit.
$ submit 245 hwk1.asm
Program 1B:Repeater String
Create a word in memory called integr.You may initialize integr to anything you want.In your program, test if integr is positive or negative or zero.Then print the appropriate result: positive or negative or zero.
Turn this program in as hwk1b.asm and bring a paper copy of your program to class to submit.
$ submit 245 hwk2.asm
Program 1C: String compare
Prompt for a string:Enter String:Read in the string.Then compare the input string with a null-terminated (asciiz) string you have created in memory called passwd.Please define passwd as Ranger123#.If there is a string match, print Correct.Otherwise print Incorrect.
Hint: Here is some logic for you to use as comments:
## syscall.print(Enter String:)
## input = syscall.readstring()
## index = 0
## while passwd[index] != 0(null character)
##if passwd[index] != input[index]
##syscall.print(Incorrect Password)
## enddo
## syscall.print(Correct)
Turn this program in as hwk3.asm, with a paper copy for me as well.
$ submit 245 hwk1c.asm
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