[SOLVED] 代写 C algorithm graph (Exercise 11) As a rough guide to what your submission will look like, I¡¯m expecting something roughly like this:

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(Exercise 11) As a rough guide to what your submission will look like, I¡¯m expecting something roughly like this:
# I ¡¯ ve chosen to implement the XXXX algorithm
# I #
# I
# I
# I
# I
#xandywillbeusefulwhenIcometo …
# # #
# # # #
# #
# # #
# # # # #
The initial step of the algorithm requires me to start with variable ….. equal to ……
then do ……
¡¯m going to assume I ¡¯m given the matrix C … . . . containing costs/capacities
will also create the following variables . . . will use x to describe ….
will use y to describe ….
will use A to describe ….
# Initial values of x, y, A, etc. need to be ….
#This code creates an adjacency matrix A from C… # Code
# Code
# Code
# Let¡¯s test the code out for the following problem…
# Pick a matrix C to test the code on
Let¡¯s Code Code Code
[Look Check
to set initial values of variables] try it….
to see if the first iteration worked] the variable values . . . did i t work?
. . . . the second iteration with the answers …. from the first iteration
about how to create the loop to perform
Copy and paste code from above to try and create a loop which will perform iteration after iteration
after iteration of the algorithm .
.. (this is hard! but have a go!)

Exercise 11 (Lovelace). For this final week, you have a choice of an algorithm from the final chapter to try and implement. Try and spend an hour or so on the algorithm you pick. You can choose from
(a) Prim¡¯s greedy algorithm (b) Dijkstra¡¯s algorithm
(c) Bellman-Ford algorithm (d) Hungarian algorithm
Pick ONE of them to try and make progress towards implementing. Prim and Bellman-Ford are likely the easier of the algorithms to attempt. But I don¡¯t ex- pect you to necessarily create a fully working algorithm.
I recommend your target to be a function called Prim(C), or Dijkstra(C) or BellmanFord(C), or Hungarian(C) into which a user should input the cost/capacity matrix C where C[i,j] = cij for all i,j ¡Ê V. The code for (c) and (b) could assume the target flow is from vertex 1 to vertex n (note that n = nrow(C)). For (d) you will need to look up (online probably) a method to perform the tricky part of identifying the lines (and the 0-solution), which we only did by eye.
DO NOT dive straight in and attempt to write the function immediately, have a look at my advice below. Perhaps your last step (if you get that far) will be to put together the bits of code you¡¯ve written into a nice function.
Let me also remind you that I want to just see evidence of you working productively and commenting effectively for at least an hour on the method you select. I doubt many of you will have a working prototype by this point, I am not expecting you to have one. But I would like you to reflect on the skills you¡¯ve (hopefully) learnt during the term!
Whichever problem you choose these are are the sorts of things you should do, and comment on:
1. Identify what variables you¡¯re going to use (and say what their names will be in the comments).
2. PerforminitialworkonthematrixCtocreateadditionalvariableswhichmight be useful (things like: variable n, the set V , an adjacency matrix, or a list of edges that exist in the graph). #Where do you plan to use them?
3. Identify the initial values of the variables you¡¯ve chosen. #Tell me what they are and why!
4. Write code that performs the first iteration of the algorithm. #Remember to comment what your code is trying to do.
5. Where it gets tricky is then trying to create a loop in your code which after an iteration, will prepare the variables to begin the second iteration again using the code already written.


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[SOLVED] 代写 C algorithm graph (Exercise 11) As a rough guide to what your submission will look like, I¡¯m expecting something roughly like this:
30 $