[SOLVED] 代写 android Java database security Detailed Specification

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Detailed Specification

Please read the entire coursework specification before starting work.

You are to create a mobile app to be used as Rental Apartments Finder. The app will allow the user to find, add and edit rental listings. The app will be called RentalZ. The features the app should support are given below

Features a to e are to be implemented as a hybrid app coded using PhoneGap
Features a and b are to be implemented as a native Android app coded in Java.
Feature f can be implemented as either or both additions to the native android app or PhoneGap app.

1.1Description of the application

a Design app screensBasic details input screen

Note that users must be able to enter all of the following fields:

Property type e.g. flat, house, bungalowrequired field
Bedrooms e.g. studio, one, two, etc.required field
Date and time of adding the Propertywhen the property have been addedrequired field
Monthly rent pricerequired field
Furniture types e.g. Furnished, Unfurnished, Part Furnishedoptional field
Notesoptional field
Name of the reporterrequired fields

b Implement forms validation

Required field means that the user must enter something in this field otherwise they will get an error message.Optional field means that the user can enter something if they wish but they will not get an error message if they dont enter anything.
The app will check the input and if the user doesnt enter anything in one of the required fields the app should display an error message to the user.
Once the details have been accepted by the app e.g. no required fields were missing it should display the details back to the user for confirmation and allow them to go back and change any details that they wish.

c Store, view and delete the basic details and check for duplicate events

All the details entered by the user should be stored on the device in a Web database.
The user should be able to list all the details for all Properties entered in the app.
The user should be able to delete all the details from the database.

d Search

The user should be able to search for a property.At its simplest this could mean entering or selecting a property type and displaying the details of all information about that type. Ideally the user should be able to enter more details and search for a property that matches.

e Add a note input screen

The user may select one of the properties that they have entered and use this screen to enter information about something that is related to this property e.g. condition, how close to schools, shops and public transportation.It is up to you how complex or simple you want to make this.At its most simple form the user can just enter a textual description of the property.
The app should store all details entered on the device in a Web database.
It should be possible for a user to select a property and display the report for that property.

f Features a and b are to be implemented as a native Android app coded in Java

g Add additional features to either or both the Android or PhoneGap version of the app

Features a to e are the core requirements for the app. If you have implemented these and want to add some additional features, then you may.Any enhancements should be implemented in addition to NOT instead of the core requirements.The idea is that these features stretch your skills so be prepared to do your own research and feel free to show off!You can think of your own enhancements.Here are some possible examples:
Allow photos taken by the camera to be added to the property data stored
Send social media messages e.g. twitter each time a report is added
SaveShow the locations where the property located

Section 1.A concise table containing a checklist of the features you have been able to implement.Please refer to the features list given above in the specification.For example, you might write:

Fully implemented
Fully implemented
Implemented but sometimes it gives an exception.I havent been able to debug this
Implemented but the app can only do a simple search by property type
I have created the user interface for report entry but the data is not being stored
I have create a native prototype of feature a but not feature b
No additional features implemented

Section 2. A concise list of any bugs andor weaknesses in your appsIf you dont think there are any bugs or weaknesses then say so though this is quite unlikely.Bugs that are declared in this list will lose you fewer marks than ones that you dont declare!

Section 3. A brief less than half a page description of any special strengths of your apps that you think should be considered when awarding a mark.Please be very specific and realistic in this: vague statements such as it is easy to use or it is well designed will not gain you marks.

Section 4. Screen shots demonstrating each of the features that you have implemented. Give captions or annotations to explain which features are being demonstrated.

Section 5. An evaluation of your apps.Write between 300 and 500 words evaluating the apps that you have produced. Be specific and justify any statements you make.Just saying things like my app is well designed without justifying the statement will not gain you any marks. Also explain how your app could be improved.Again, you need to try to be specific e.g. saying something like It needs to be made more secure by adding security features will not gain marks. Your evaluation should include, but need not be limited to, the following aspects of your app:

Human computer interaction you will have a lecture on this
Changes that would need to be made for the apps to be deployed for live use

This sort of discussion will form an important part of your final year project report so use this opportunity as a way of practicing your skills in writing an evaluation.


A brief demonstration approximately 10 of what you have achieved.You need to demonstrate your App running on a machine in the labs or on your own laptop.
You will be asked questions about your implementation and be expected to show an understanding of the functionality you have implemented and the design decisions that you have made.
The date, time and place of the demonstrations will be announced on the Moodle page of the course.

A zip file containing all the files required to run your apps. Please try to structure your work so that it is easy for the person marking your work to compile and run your apps if they need to. Any compilation, installation or running instructions should be included in a readme file.

If you have borrowed code or ideas from anywhere other than the lecture notes and tutorial examples e.g. from a book, somewhere on the web or another student then include a reference showing where the code or ideas came from and comment your code very carefully to show which bits are yours and which bits are borrowed.This will protect you against accusations of plagiarism. Be aware that the marker will look for similarities between your code and that submitted by other students so please do not share your code with any other students as this is considered to be plagiarism.Note that the upload of this zip file is a mandatory interim submission.It must be uploaded by the specified interim submission date or you will lose marks and are likely to fail the coursework.
A report consisting of all the sections described in section 1.2 of the detailed specification.This is the final deliverable.


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[SOLVED] 代写 android Java database security Detailed Specification
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