[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm socket software We are developing an application, named GogoMart as the prototyped listing below, and we are evaluating 3 alternative options (in-house, packaged, outsource) for development. And our decision will be to purchase existing shopping app, for example, packaged e-commerce, then we will develop the algorithms and recommendation/ranking system in-house because feasibility and financials indicate that in-house+packaged is the most effective way. Ultimately this will win us the funding we have competed against other alternatives as well as other teams within the organization.

30 $

File Name: 代写_algorithm_socket_software_We_are_developing_an_application,_named_GogoMart_as_the_prototyped_listing_below,_and_we_are_evaluating_3_alternative_options_(in-house,_packaged,_outsource)_for_development._And_our_decision_will_be_to_purchase_existing_shopping_app,_for_example,_packaged_e-commerce,_then_we_will_develop_the_algorithms_and_recommendation/ranking_system_in-house_because_feasibility_and_financials_indicate_that_in-house+packaged_is_the_most_effective_way._Ultimately_this_will_win_us_the_funding_we_have_competed_against_other_alternatives_as_well_as_other_teams_within_the_organization..zip
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We are developing an application, named GogoMart as the prototyped listing below, and we are evaluating 3 alternative options (in-house, packaged, outsource) for development. And our decision will be to purchase existing shopping app, for example, packaged e-commerce, then we will develop the algorithms and recommendation/ranking system in-house because feasibility and financials indicate that in-house+packaged is the most effective way. Ultimately this will win us the funding we have competed against other alternatives as well as other teams within the organization.

Step 1: user downloads our app
Step 2: user  does sign up ( later on it is sign in)
Step 3: user search for an item in our app
Step 4: the app does comparisons and lets the user select the best item according to his choice( according to price high or low, categories etc)

Step 5: once the user clicks on his choice of item, he gets a pop up screen from the best choice he made( ex: user searches for shoe and after comparison he finds best one is in amazon. So he  gets a pop up screen fromamazon.com.The next item he search in our app is for cellphone. Which has best deal in best buy. So he gets pop up screen frombest buy.com)

Step6: the user adds item to cart. That cart belongs to our website.
Step 7: the user goes through billing system.
Step 8: he logs out.
Step 9: the next time he logs in, he gets recommendations according to the previous purchases.

有个作业需要做几页PPT和一页word对于PPT内容的概括/补充。内容是对一个公司的新开发软件GOGO Market APP的展开分析。做table比较一下三种实施计划的方法,分别是①外包outsoursing,②买软件purchase package 和 ③自主研发 customize development在方方面面的评分和比较,然后汇总成一个表格。最后根据最后得分(分数都可以自己编),选择用③自主研发为主, 加上结合一些买软件。打分方面,就在自主研发方面分数打的高一点 然后买软件是第二,外包就第三这样。最后PPT讨论一下为什么我们最后选择自主研发方案。以上的那个GOGO MARKET APP就是自主研发的application。

比较表格大概是这样的模式,1-2 page PPT, 表格最左边一栏的characterics呢,我会列出来(如果有其他方面觉得需要加上的话,也可以加进来)

Software and Tools needed
Regulations and Standards
Servers and Workstations
Secure socket
data processing
data storage
safety testing
Account Access
App access authentication compatibility
transaction control optimization

然后需要一个表格PPT来做三个candidate的评分比较,比重方面可以是operational, technicial feasibility, schedule feasibility, economic feasibility。差不多像这张图里显示的。然后我们最终的选定方案是 packaged + in-house, 自主研发+一点点的软件购买。所以In -house的比重要大一点,买软件也略高。

预计PPT在4-5 slides + 1 page Word description & explaination.


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm socket software We are developing an application, named GogoMart as the prototyped listing below, and we are evaluating 3 alternative options (in-house, packaged, outsource) for development. And our decision will be to purchase existing shopping app, for example, packaged e-commerce, then we will develop the algorithms and recommendation/ranking system in-house because feasibility and financials indicate that in-house+packaged is the most effective way. Ultimately this will win us the funding we have competed against other alternatives as well as other teams within the organization.
30 $