[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Scheme Java math ITE3101 Introduction to Programming Assignment

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ITE3101 Introduction to Programming Assignment
DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TSING YI HD in TN IT114103 and HD in DSA IT114116 ITE3101 Introduction to ProgrammingAssignment
Due Date for Submission: 26 Nov 2019 Tuesday 4:30pm through Moodle
Notice to Students
1. This assignment should be written by individual student. All downloaded materials are not allowed.
2. Plagiarism will be treated seriously. All assignments that have been found involved wholly or partly in plagiarism no matter these assignments are from the original authors or from the plagiarists will score ZERO marks.
3. Your program must use Java JDK8 or above to develop.
4. Your program must be structured and well commented.
The first few lines in the source file must be comments stating the name of the source file, student name, student ID, course name, course code, and brief description of your program.

Name of Source File:
Student Name ID:
Course Name Code:
Chan Tai Man 191414141
HD in TN IT114103
Program Description:
This program is . . . . . . . …. .

Marks will be deducted if such comments are not included.
5. Write down your test cases and the reasons for conducting each test case. Test your program by using your test cases.
6. You are required to hand in a zip file under your name and classe.g. TN1AChanTaiMan.zip containing the following 2 items via the assignment link in Moodle. Late submission may score ZERO mark.
a. Your java files for program codes, including detailed comments
b. MS word document for your testing including the screen dumps as evidence of
7. Weight of this assignment is 20 of the module total assessment.
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ITE3101 Introduction to Programming Assignment
Mathematics Quiz Problem Specification
You are asked to design and develop a Java Program that randomly generates Mathematics questions and computes the percentage of correct answers.
Step 1: Main Menu
When the program starts, a Main Menu will be shown as follow:
You have to handle the following user input:
User Input
Questions generated in Step 3 will be questions on Addition of 2 numbers. The 2 numbers are randomly selected from the numbers input in the command line when the program runs that is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 in the above sample run.
Proceed to Step 2
Questions generated in Step 3 will be questions on Subtraction of 2 numbers. The 2 numbers are randomly selected from the numbers input in the command line when the program runs that is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 in the above sample run. An additional requirement is the first number should not be less than the second number under any circumstances.
Proceed to Step 2
Questions generated in Step 3 will be questions on Multiplication of 2 numbers. The 2 numbers are randomly selected from the numbers input in the command line when the program runs that is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 in the above sample run.
Proceed to Step 2
Questions generated in Step 3 will be questions on Factorial of a number. The number is randomly selected from the numbers input in the command line when the program runs that is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 in the above sample run.
Proceed to Step 2
Proceed to Step 4
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ITE3101 Introduction to Programming Assignment
Step 2: Specify the number of questions
After selecting the type of question successfully in Step 1, we specify the number of questions
as follow:
For example, if the user input is 5, then 5 questions of the chosen type questions on addition in this example will be asked in Step 3.
Step 3: Generate Random Questions, let the user answer the questions and show the result
n questions will be generated, where n is specified in Step 2. The math operator used is based on the input in Step 1. : If we input 1 in Step 1 i.e. Addition and input 5 in Step 2, then on addition.
Note that each questions should have a question number. For example, Q1 for the first question and Q5 for the fifth question.
Step 3 will ask 5 questions
For example
The result to be shown should contain 1 how many questions have been asked, 2 how many questions are answered correctly and 3 the percentage of correct answers. Lastly it shows a message Good Bye! and the program ends.
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ITE3101 Introduction to Programming Assignment
Step 4: Good Bye message
If 9 is entered in Step 1, a message Good Bye! is shown and the program ends.
The following sample runs help you to understand more about the functions of the Mathematics Quiz System apart from Addition shown above :
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ITE3101 Introduction to Programming Assignment
You may assume the all user inputs are valid and no exception handling is required.
All the input numbers in the command line of the MathQuiz program are positive
Other Requirements:
You are required to design and implement a method to handle each of the following tasks:Addition of 2 numbers
Subtraction of 2 numbers
Multiplication of 2 numbers
Factorial of a number
Get a number randomly from the list of numbers input in the command line when the
program runs
Calculate the number of questions answered correctly and show the result in command
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ITE3101 Introduction to Programming Assignment
Assessment scheme
Design and Implementation of the SIX methods specified in Other Requirements in the
previous page.
Algorithms for solving the problem the whole programs skeleton.
Correctness of the outputs.
Programming style : naming, comments and indentation.
Test Plan with test cases and test results.
30 marks 20 marks 30 marks
9 marks 11 marks
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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Scheme Java math ITE3101 Introduction to Programming Assignment
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