[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Scheme concurrency operating system network security Teaching material based on Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design, Edition 4, Addison-Wesley 2005

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Teaching material based on Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design, Edition 4, Addison-Wesley 2005
Distributed Systems Course
Copyright © George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg 2001
email: [email protected] This material is made available for private study and for direct use by individual teachers.
It may not be included in any product or employed in any service without the written permission of the authors.
Viewing: These slides must be viewed in slide show mode.
Taught at
Tianjin University of Technology
Benoit Jean Fugère
December 2019


Organization of the book and the course
[See page vi of the book]
Distributed algorithms
1 Characterization of DS
2 System Models
3 Networking and Internetworking 4 Interprocess Communication
11 Time and Global States
12 Coordination and Agreement
5 Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation
7 Security
19 Web services
9 Name Services
20 CORBA Case Study
System infrastructure
Shared data
12 Transactions and Concurrency Control 13 Distributed Transactions
14 Replication
New paradigms
3 16 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing 10 Peer to Peer Systems
6 Operating System Support
8 Distributed File Systems
15 Distributed Multimedia Systems 17 Distributed Multimedia Systems 18 Distributed shared memory

A tentative of a schedule
❚Week 1.
❚Monday: Chapters 1 and 2.
❚Tuesday: Chapter 2 and 3 : Lab/Exercises Wednesday: Lab/Exercises and Chapter 4
Thursday: Friday: Saturday:
Chapter 5 and problems Chapters 6 and Lab/Exercises
Exam 1 ( 3hours)

A tentative of a schedule …
❚Wednesday: ❚Thursday:
❚Week 2.
Chapter 8 and 9. Chapter 13 and Lab
Chapter 14 and lab Chapters 19 and 20
Review, and lab Final exam

Evaluation scheme
❚Exercise 1 : 15 ❚Exercise 2 : 15 ❚Exam1: 30 ❚Exam2: 30 ❚Presence in class: 10

❚This is a very interesting course.
❚A lot of material to cover in a short period of time.
❚You should try to get as much practice as possible possibly after the course.
❚The exams are based on the problems in the book and the exercises.

Introduction to the course


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm Scheme concurrency operating system network security Teaching material based on Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design, Edition 4, Addison-Wesley 2005
30 $