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Module Outline:
Module 3: High Performance Techniques— Tomasulo Algorithm
• Improved Dynamic Instruction Scheduling: Tomasulo Algorithm

Recall: Compiler Techniques for Parallelism
• Loop unrolling => multiple iterations of loop in software:
– amortizes loop overhead over several iterations
– gives more opportunity for scheduling around stalls
• Software Pipelining => take one instruction from each of several iterations of the loop
– software overlapping of loop iterations
• Very Long Instruction Word machines (VLIW) => multiple operations coded in single, long instruction
– requires sophisticated compiler to decide which operations can be done in parallel
– trace scheduling => find common path and schedule code as if branches didn’t exist
(add “fixup code”)
• ALL OF THE ABOVE require additional registers

Recall: How are WAR and WAW hazards handled in scoreboard?
• WAR hazards handled by stalling in WriteBack stage • WAW hazards handled by stalling in Issue stage
• Are either of these real hazards???
– consider the following WAR hazard:
ADD $1, $2, $3 SUB $3, $5, $4 ADD $2, $3, $5
– why not do renaming like this:
ADD $1, $2, $3 SUB $7, $5, $4 ADD $2, $7, $5
– now, WAR hazard has disappeared!!

A Famous Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm: Tomasulo Algorithm
• For IBM 360/91 about 3 years after CDC6600 (1966)
• Goal: high performance without special compilers
• Difference between IBM 360 and CDC6600 ISA
– IBM has only 2 register specifiers per instruction vs. 3 in CDC6600 – IBM has 4 FP registers vs. 8 in CDC6600
– IBM has memory-register ops
• Why study this algorithm?
BECAUSE: it leads to DEC Alpha 21264, HP 8000, MIPS 10000, Pentium II, PowerPC 604, …etc.

Tomasulo Algorithm vs. Scoreboard
• Control and buffers distributed with Function Units (FU) vs. centralized in scoreboard:
– FU buffers called “reservation stations”; have pending operands
• Registers in instructions replaced by values or pointers to reservation stations (RS);
called Register Renaming
– avoids WAR, WAW hazards
– more reservation stations than registers, so can do optimizations that compilers can’t do
• Results to FU from RS, not through registers, over Common Data Bus that broadcasts results to all FUs
• Load and Store treated as FUs with RSs as well
• Integer instructions can go past branches, allowing FP ops beyond basic block in FP queue

Tomasulo Organization

Reservation Station Components
• Op: operation to perform in the unit (e.g., add or sub)
• Vj, Vk, Value of source operands
– store buffers has V field, result to be stored
• Qj, Qk: reservation stations producing source registers (value to be written)
– note: no ready flags as in scoreboard; Qj, Qk = 0 ==> ready – store buffers only have Qi for RS producing result
• Busy: indicates reservation station or FU is busy
• Register result status—indicates which functional unit will write each register, if one exists; blank when no pending instructions that will write that register

1. Issue:
Three Stages of Tomasulo Algorithm
• Get instruction from FP Op Queue
– if reservation station free (no structural hazard), control issues instructions and sends operands (renames registers);
2. Execution:
• Operate on operands (EX)
– when both operands ready then execute; if not ready, watch Common Data Bus for result
3. Write Result:
• Finish execution (WB)
– write on Common Data Bus to all awaiting units; mark reservation station available
• Normal data bus: data + destination (“go to” bus)
• Common Data Bus: data + source (“come from” bus)
– 64 bits of data + 4 bits of Functional Unit source address
– write if matches expected Functional Unit (produces result); does the broadcast

Tomasulo Example

Tomasulo Example Cycle 1

Tomasulo Example Cycle 2

Tomasulo Example Cycle 3
• Note: registers names are removed (“renamed”) in Reservation Stations; MULT issued vs. scoredboard
• Load1 completing; what is waiting for Load1??

Tomasulo Example Cycle 4

Tomasulo Example Cycle 5

• Issue ADDD here vs. scoreboard?
Tomasulo Example Cycle 6

Tomasulo Example Cycle 7

Tomasulo Example Cycle 8

Tomasulo Example Cycle 9

Tomasulo Example Cycle 10

Tomasulo Example Cycle 11
• All quick instructions complete in this cycle!

Tomasulo Example Cycle 12

Tomasulo Example Cycle 13

Tomasulo Example Cycle 14

Tomasulo Example Cycle 15

Tomasulo Example Cycle 16

Let’s skip some cycles: Tomasulo Example Cycle 55

Tomasulo Example Cycle 56

Tomasulo Example Cycle 57

Compare to Scoreboard Cycle 62

Tomasulo vs. Scoreboard (IBM 360/91 vs. CDC6600)
pipelined functional units
6 load, 3 store, 3 add, 2 mult/division window size: ~14 instructions
no issue on structural hazard
WAR: renaming avoids
WAW: renaming avoids
broadcast results from FU
control: reservation stations
multiple functional units
1 load/store, 1 add, 2 mult, 1 division ~5 instructions
WAR: stall completion
stall issue
write/read registers
central scoreboard

• Complexity
– delays of 360/91, MIPS 10000, IBM 620?
• Many associative stores (CDB) at high speed • Performance limited by Common Data Bus
Tomasulo Drawbacks
– multiple CDBs ==> more FU logic for parallel associative stores


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm MIPS parallel compiler software Module Outline:
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