[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm html Monash University

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Monash University
FIT9130 – Systems Analysis and Design
Research Paper Presentation (10%) Group Assignment (Groups of 2)
An Overview:
Due in week 4 in your allocated tutorials
For this assessment, you need to select one paper from a list of papers that will be provided to you by your tutor. These papers are related to the lecture topics. In your groups you are required to read, understand, critically analyse and summarise the key points of the paper. Then you are required to provide a brief description of the proposed solution/approach, results of the paper, in-depth analysis as well as any open issues and directions for future work.
All these points should be summarised and presented in a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation (a maximum of 5 – 8 slides. If required, can include 1 additional slide for references.). The marking guide is provided at the end of this document. The assessment will consider the quality of contents and analysis as well the quality of the presentation in terms of preparedness, confidence, clarity, and capturing audience attention.
In each tutorial, the papers will be selected by groups on a first-come first-served basis to avoid presenting the same paper more than once. You can form a group and select your paper from Week 2 onwards and inform your tutor about it.
This is a group assignment and both members should be from the same tutorial.
Guidelines for slides:
1. The title slide (your first slide): your names and IDs, unit code, semester and year, the selected paper’s title, as well as authors and other publication details (APA style).
2. Introduction/Background: a very brief description of the research area and the problem/s that the paper aims to address.
3. Proposed Approach/solution: a very brief description of the approach (it can be a framework/architecture/platform/an algorithm/etc) with avoiding discussing details and only mentioning the key components and key innovation.
4. Evaluation: a very brief description of evaluation method and results without going into details.
5. Analysis and Discussion (Conclusion): Your in-depth analysis results and judgement on the paper (ask yourself these questions: What was the key contributions? has the paper fully addressed the problem? What are the remaining open issues? What are the

limitations and weaknesses? How can this work be improved further? What was the most interesting or the most important part in your opinion? (these are just some examples to guide you how to write a good conclusion)
Other points:
• Try to follow the 6X6 rule1 as much as possible
• Try to use related and interesting pictures/images and diagrams in each slide that
helps to understand your points better (do not overdo it, select them judiciously)
Submission Requirements (Week 4)
As a group of 2, you will present in person (5 minutes each) in your Week 4 tutorial. Your tutor will decide on the order but you all MUST attend the 2 hours tutorial (from the beginning to the end) and ask questions from other groups during the question time. All mobile phones should be on silent mode.
One of the group members should submit:
1) Your PowerPoint file (ppt file) to Moodle before Sunday 18th August 11.55 PM.
Any late submission will incur a late penalty (5% per day).
Because of the nature of the assessment, it is not possible to grant any extension unless the student provides a medical or very convincing document along with a special consideration form. Please refer to the policy: http:// www.monash.edu/policy-bank/academic/education/learning-and-teaching/special- consideration-procedures
Before submitting your PowerPoint, make sure that you haven’t breached the University plagiarism and cheating policy. It is the student’s responsibility to make themselves familiar with the contents of these documents.
Please also note the following from the Plagiarism Procedures of Monash, available at
http://www.policy.monash.edu/policy-bank/academic/education/conduct/plagiarism- procedures.html
Plagiarism occurs when students fail to acknowledge that the ideas of others are being used. Specifically, it occurs when:
• other people’s work and/or ideas are paraphrased and presented without a
• another students’ work is copied or partly copied;
• other people’s designs, codes or images are presented as the student’s own
• phrases and passages are used verbatim without quotation marks and/or without a reference to the author or a web page;
• lecture notes are reproduced without due acknowledgement.
1 6×6 rule: 6 bullets or less per slide, 6 words or less per bullet.

Marking Guide
Not satisfactory
Very Good
Introduction (good opening to capture audience attention): a brief description of the research area and challenges/problems avoiding details (10%)
Approach/solution is briefly described focusing on key points and innovation, avoiding details (15%)
Content: Division of themes, Conclusion avoiding details (10%)
Analysis and Discussion (effective conclusion) showing in-depth analysis and critical thinking of students and providing original and meaningful judgement, example questions are answered well and showing students’ deep understanding (15%)
Oral Presentation skills
clarity, confidence, preparedness, eye contact with audience, engaging (20%)
The contents
Materials are properly summarized and follows 6X6 as much as possible Diagrams and pictures judiciously selected Right to the point instead of side-tracking (30%)
Additional points (deductions): Late for presentation, reading from notes or slides, not looking at the audience, exceeding Time
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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm html Monash University
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