[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm html Java javascript database graph MASY1-GC3540 Fall 2019

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MASY1-GC3540 Fall 2019
Group Project – Create a Hotel Reservation Website
Final Submission Due by:Friday, November 22nd at 23:59pm
Points: 20 points
Upload the following files to NYUClasses.
•A ZIP file of the project folder in htdocs
•A PDF of your Entity Relationship Diagram
•A Data Export of your database (as you did in Assignment 2)
•Team Evaluation Word document (optional)
Filenames should be GroupNameProj.zip, pdf and .sql.For example, GroupA’s deliverable would be GroupAProj.zip.
See also section below for Project Milestone Deliverables.
Overall Requirements
In this project, you will create a website and database to support a hotel’s reservation system.This is a small hotel rather than one of the huge chains so it must be special, and the website needs to reflect this specialty.For example, you might think that burger restaurants are all the same, but Hard Rock Café became special with its emphasis on music, decorating its outlets with paraphernalia from rock bands and having live bands playing. Your hotel will be in Manhattan and it only has 20 rooms.Think of what type of people you would want to attract.Maybe, people that love baseball or people that are into trains.Whatever your specialty, the name and logo of your hotel must reflect it.The website’s welcome page must have graphics that support it and there must be text on the welcome page that will speak to your target customers.
Hotel reservation systems are large and complex.They take into account all kinds of preferences that customers have and match them to the available rooms every day.They distinguish between what’s reserved, what’s paid for and what they expect to happen.They have complex pricing algorithms based upon demand and they take into account, things like renovations that might be going on.For your website, we are going to make things a little easier.There will be fixed rates for different types of rooms.Customers will be able to state a few of their preferences and if a room matches their needs, then it will be reserved.
For this project, the following are the most important elements:
•A database that reflects the business case.
•The general design of the website reflects the specialty
•A reservation form that captures the necessary customer data.
•The information that customers enter is validated.
•Successful reservations are reflected in the database.
•Customers are given complete information about problems or successful reservations.
•An admin page that shows upcoming availability.

Business Description
Overall Description of Hotel
The hotel is located on 41st Street in midtown Manhattan in an older 5-story building.It has 20 guest rooms spread over the four upper floors.On the ground floor, there are two meeting rooms and a small restaurant.Half of the guest rooms have a single king-sized bed and the others have 2 queens.On each of the four upper floors, there is one suite.Suites on the top two floors have king beds and on the lower two floors they have queen beds. Guests may smoke in all of the top floor rooms but none of the others.
Current pricing
Nightly rates are based upon room (not person):
•rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floor are $250 per night (Superior)
•rooms on the 4th and 5th floor have better views and are $350 per night (Deluxe)
•all the suites are $500 per night as they are larger.
Reservation Rules
Because the hotel is in high demand, reservations are only taken for the current and subsequent quarter.Customers have to select the dates for their reservation, the type of room they want, their bed type and smoking preferences.
When customers make a reservation they must provide, their name, address, loyalty card number (if they have one) and the number of people who will be staying in the room.There is a maximum of 2 people in the King and Double rooms and a maximum of 4 people in a suite.When making a reservation, the customer can indicate if they want breakfast to be included.The cost of breakfast is $20 per person, except if a loyalty number is provided in which case it is free.
It is not possible to make a partial reservation.If the same room matching the reservation criteria is not available for all of the nights requested, the reservation should not be made.
If it is possible to fulfill a reservation, a specific room should be reserved.
Specific Requirements
Website Design Requirements
You must decide on the specific specialty of the hotel and then, based on that, come up with:
•The name of the hotel
•The logo for the hotel
•Graphics that reflect the specialty
•Colors and fonts that complete the design.
Website Functionality Requirements
The website must have the following pages
•Welcome Page.
•Reservations Page.
•Confirmation Page.
•About Us page.
•Administration Page.
General Requirements
•Every page on the site must contain a header and footer.
•The header will show:
•the hotel name (which will link to the welcome page)
•logo (which will link to the welcome page),
•the hotel phone number
•an “About Us” page link.
•The footer will show:
•Copyright info
•the hotel address
•a Directions link (that should link to Google Maps).
Welcome Page Requirements
•Welcome Page must include
•one or two images
•text that describes what is special about the hotel
•a link to the reservations page
Reservation Page Requirements
•Reservation page must include a form to be completed by the user with their reservation preferences and customer details.If you choose, you can make this into a couple of forms, but for the purposes of these requirements, they are treated as one.
•Validation for the form is not done on the reservation page.When the user clicks on the submit button it will always take them to the confirmation page.
•If there is a validation failure, the user will be returned to the reservation page and all of their entries should still be displayed (i.e. if most of the data they entered was correct, but there were one or two problems, when they come back to the reservation page, everything that they had entered, good or not, should still be visible and editable)
•The form must be well laid out with all of the labels and entry boxes aligned.
•The form must:
•Include each of the customer’s preferences, such as type of bed and smoking.
•have each part of the name (first name and last name) broken out.
•have each part of the address (address1, address2, City, State, ZIP) broken out.You can assume the customer has a US address.
•have the State in the address be selected from a dropdown box that is populated with data retrieved from the database.
Confirmation Page Requirements
•The confirmation page must validate the reservation form based upon
•The Number of Guests must meet the hotel rules for different room types
•The Check In and Check Out dates must be after today and before the end of the next quarter.Note that this does not simply mean 3 months from now.
•The Check Out Date must be after the Check In Date.
•Name and Address fields cannot be left blank (except for the Address2 field)
•Zip Code must be 5 numeric characters
•An entered loyalty card must match a record in the database (it is OK for the loyalty card number field to be left blank).
•Messages for all multiple validation failures should be displayed at one time, rather than just displaying the first problem, forcing the user to fix it before displaying others.
•Messages explaining validation failures must be easy for a user to understand.
•If there are validation errors displayed, there should also be a button to take the user back to the reservation screen.
•Details of a successful reservation must be comprehensive and include:
•The room cost for each night of their stay
•The total cost for their stay
•Their preferences.
•The type of room that has been reserved for them.
•Whether they are having breakfast.
•The cost for breakfast per person
•The total breakfast cast
•The total cost for the reservation
•The reservation number (should be the value of the database reservationId)
•Details of a successful reservation should be well laid out, making it easy for a user to understand.
About Us Page Requirements
The About Us page must contain information about you.This is not a creative part of the project, even though the page should be well laid out and reflect the design of the site.The page must show for each team member:
•Picture (this should be an actual picture)
•Bio (Doesn’t have to be real)
•What you did on the project (this should be what you actually did)
Administration Page Requirements
•The Administration Page should not be accessible from any of the other pages.
•It should show the number of available rooms by type (reflecting bed type and smoking rules).
•Information should be laid out in tabular form for each day for the following week (i.e. from Monday to Sunday of next week, regardless of what day it is today).
Database Requirements
•An Entity Relationship Diagram should be provided in a PDF
•The database should be optimized for transactions.
•The database needs to reflect all of the information contained in the Business Description, even if it is not needed to implement the website.
•The database must keep track of availability/reservations not just by room type (Superior, Deluxe and Suite), but also based upon bed type and whether smoking is permitted.
Other Technical Requirements
•PHP code must include at least two user defined functions.
•The Header and Footer code must only exist in one place even though every page must have the same Header and Footer.
•A customer record should be inserted for a successful reservation if the loyalty code was blank (even if the customer name is already in the database).
•No Javascript should be used for this project.
•HTML validation should not be used for the form data.
•Class and element names should be simple, content-relevant, and readable.
•All names should be camel case – except for files which should be lower case with words separated by an underscore).
•Your HTML code should be properly formatted (with indentations showing nested elements).
•Your CSS code should be properly formatted (with each rule on a separate line, with rule sets clearly grouped).
•There should be no unused code (i.e. no commented out code or CSS rules that do not refer to anything).
•There should be no CSS in the HTML pages, either as part of the head section or as attributes for specific elements.
•There should be no code errors (signified by red “crinkly” underlines or yellow highlights).

Project Milestones
There will be three project milestone deliverables.These are intended to make sure that progress is being made on the project during the semester and allow for interaction with the instructor regarding requirements, design and implementation.
Milestone deliverables will not be graded.It is expected that the project content will change during the course of the semester.Hopefully, with guidance from the instructor, this process will help to make the final project submission a better solution.
Project Milestone 1 due on Friday, October 4th
Database ERD (PDF) should show all tables and relationships
Project Milestone 2 due on Friday, October 18th
Welcome Page (ZIP file) including all images and logo (links do not have to work).
Project Milestone 3 due to Friday, November 1st
Static Reservation, Confirmation and Administration Pages (ZIP file). Confirmation page should show messages for a successful reservation. Administration page should show any numbers for one week.
The specified files should be emailed to the instructor by one member of each group.
Milestone deliverables will not be graded.However not submitting the deliverable by the deadline will result in a 2 point penalty for the project.
Instructor feedback will be provided for all milestone deliverables.Hopefully, this will improve the end result and reduce the uncertainty about what is “good enough”.

Each team will be expected to give a 5-10 minute presentation of their project.The presentation should include:
•An explanation of how the team went about doing the project
•An explanation of the structure of the website/database and code.
•The most challenging part of the project
•The most enjoyable part of the project.
•The most interesting part of the project.
•A demonstration of the site functionality – this should be an actual demonstration rather than powerpoint.The demo should show what happens when some validation fails and when a successful reservation is made.

Team Evaluation
The individual contribution for each student will represent 50% of his/her overall project grade, where each student will be assessed on his or her individual contributions (the assessment will be made based on evidence of contribution to group work, contribution to the project during class lab times, role in group presentation and website About Us page).
The Team Evaluation document can be submitted by any student if they choose.A single student’s comments will not affect another student’s grade.To emphasize: students are not required to submit a team evaluation document.However, if they choose to, they can send the assessment report confidentially to my email: [email protected].

Grading Rubric
All of the grading rubrics from your homework assignments will apply.In addition, points will be lost if the website functionality does not work as indicated in the requirements
Students may be given extra points for delivering outstanding work that goes beyond the stated requirements.


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm html Java javascript database graph MASY1-GC3540 Fall 2019
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