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Tutorial 10 Shading
Although not explicitly discussed, the shading model we have used for the previous tutorials was actually Gouraud shading, where reflection calculation is performed on the vertices of a model. In this tutorial, we use Phong shading model (in combination with Phong lighting model). The Phong shading provides more accurate lighting (see the highlight on the floor in Figure B), but it is more computationally involved than Gouraud shading because the lighting model must be evaluated on every fragment.
Figure A Gouraud Shading Figure B
The lighting calculation for Gouraud shading is necessarily done in the vertex shader, because it is place where the per-vertex operations are done. For Phong shading, the lighting calculation must be done in the fragment shader (hence the name of fragment-shading).

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In vertex shader, the vertex coordinates and normals are still pass through via the attribute variables from the WebGL buffer objects.
attribute vec3 aVertexPosition;
attribute vec3 aVertexNormal;
The aVertexPosition is transformed into the camera coordinate system by applying the modelview matrix, uMVMatrix, to get vertexPositionEye4 (in homogeneous coordinates). It is then converted back from the homogeneous coordinate back to the usually coordinate.
vec4 vertexPositionEye4 = uMVMatrix * vec4(aVertexPosition, 1.0); vec3 vertexPositionEye3 = vertexPositionEye4.xyz /
The normal, aVertexNormal, presented in the local coordinate system of the object, is transformed into a vector in the camera coordinate system by applying the inverse of modelview matrix, uNMatrix. During this transformation, the size of the vector has changed once it is expressed in terms of the camera coordinate and is no long a unit vector; therefore it has to be normalised (i.e., making it a unit vector) :
vNormalEye = normalize(uNMatrix * aVertexNormal);

In the fragment shader, the interpolated fragment normal vector, N, is used for calculating the unit vectors that represent the directions of the incident and reflective rays, L and R, which vary from fragment to fragment.
Calculate the vector (L) to the light source (How had we do this last week?):
vec3 vectorToLightSource = normalize(uLightPosition –
Calculate N dot L for diffuse lighting
float diffuseLightWeighting = max(dot(vNormalEye,
vectorToLightSource), 0.0);
Calculate the reflection vector (R) that is needed for specular light vec3 reflectionVector = normalize(reflect(
-vectorToLightSource, vNormalEye));
Calculate the view vector (V) in eye coordinates as (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) – vPositionEye3
vec3 viewVectorEye = -normalize(vPositionEye3);
float rdotv = max(dot(reflectionVector, viewVectorEye), 0.0); float specularLightWeighting = pow(rdotv, shininess);
The Phong reflection model is evaluated afterwards and the resulted fragment colour are used to modulate (multiply) the texel colour for the fragment:
vec3 lightWeighting =
uAmbientLightColor +
uDiffuseLightColor * diffuseLightWeighting + uSpecularLightColor * specularLightWeighting;
vec4 texelColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoordinates);
gl_FragColor = vec4(lightWeighting.rgb * texelColor.rgb, texelColor.a);

Exercise: Amend the shaders in the last week’s tutorial so that they implement the Phong shading model. If you have not finished the last week’s exercise yet, start your work from the unfinished program.

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[SOLVED] 代写代考 Tutorial 10 Shading
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