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INFS5700 Introduction to Business Analytics
Week 3: Data Visualization & Communication 2

• Recap on Week 2 topic

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

• Continue with discussion on “A simple approach to build a Good Chart”
• Walkthrough – Designing Report with SAS VA

Recap: Anscombe’s Quartet example (1)

Recap: Anscombe’s Quartet example (2)

An simple approach to build a Good Chart
Present Create Refine and

Understand the Science of How We See
1. We don’t go in order
2. We see first what stands out
3. We see only a few things at once
4. We seek meaning and make connections 5. We rely on conventions and metaphors

What are the two questions we should consider before create visualization…

A Typology for Chart Making

An simple approach to build a Good Chart
Present Create Refine and

The “Feeling Behind Our Eyes”

The “Feeling Behind Our Eyes”

The “Feeling Behind Our Eyes”

How to Create the “Good Feeling Behind Our Eyes”
• Refine to Impress
• Refine to Persuade

Refine to Impress
1. To make charts feel neat or clean, focus on design structure and hierarchy
2. For charts that just make sense or feel instantly understood, focus on design clarity
3. To make charts that look elegant or beautiful, focus on design simplicity

Achieve Neatness (1): Use Consistent Structure
• Subtitle
• Visual field (visuals, axes, labels, captions, legend)
• Source line

Achieve Neatness (1): Use Consistent Structure

Use Consistent Structure: Examples

Achieve Neatness (2): Keep Elements Aligned

Achieve Clarity

Achieve Clarity (1):
Each element is unique and supports the visual

Achieve Clarity (2): Remove ambiguity
• Each element in your visualization has a single purpose that can’t be misinterpreted

Achieve Simplicity
• Clarity concerns effective communication: Does the idea come through?
• Simplicity focuses on effective presentation: Are you showing only what’s necessary for the idea to come through?

Achieve Simplicity (1): Minimize the number of color use

Achieve Simplicity (2): Limits eye travel

Refine to Persuade

Refine to Persuade
1. Hone the main idea
2. Make it stand out
3. Adjust what’s around it

Hone the main idea

Make it stand out: Emphasize

Make it stand out: Isolate

Make it stand out: Isolate

Adjust what’s around it: Remove reference points

Adjust what’s around it: Remove reference points

Adjust what’s around it: Add reference points

Adjust what’s around it: Add reference points

Adjust what’s around it: Shift reference points

Adjust what’s around it: Shift reference points

Persuasion or Manipulation

The Truncated Y-axis

The Double Y-axis

Persuasion or Manipulation ?
• Does my chart make it easier to see the idea, or is it actively changing the idea?
• Ifit’schangingtheidea,doesthenewidea contradict or fight with the one in the less persuasive chart?
• Doeseliminatinginformationhidesomethingthat would rightfully challenge the idea I’m showing?
• Would I feel duped if someone else presented me with a chart like this?

An simple approach to build a Good Chart
Present Create Refine and

Presentation tips (1): Show the chart and stop talking

Presentation tips (2): When it’s time to talk, don’t read the picture

Presentation tips (3): Use reference charts

Presentation tips (3): Use reference charts

Engagement tips (1): Create tension
[Wait 5 beats] There’s not a college major charted here in which women earn fewer than 40% of the degrees given out. This shows great progress. But we haven’t yet added computer science and engineering to the chart. [Pause]

Engagement tips (1): Create tension
[Wait 5 beats] There’s not a college major charted here in which women earn fewer than 40% of the degrees given out. This shows great progress. But we haven’t yet added computer science and engineering to the chart. [Pause]

Engagement tips (2): Tell Stories • Setup: Here is some reality
• Conflict: Here is new information that complicates or changes reality
• Resolution: Here is the new reality

Engagement tips (2): Tell Stories

Putting it all Together

Walkthrough – Designing Report with SAS VA


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[SOLVED] 代写代考 INFS5700 Introduction to Business Analytics
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